Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 03 |《文化讀癮.一週譯報》第3期:生之喜悅

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)


Culture Vulture (#culturevulture) is a Steemit writing challenge initiated by @eroche. You may read here for more details and the latest update.

Culture Vulture for CNers is a cross-culture translation project in collaboration with @eroche and carried out by @deanliu and @ygern. We'll pick at least onr article every week and translate it into Chinese, aiming to bring cultural diversity to the #CN community. All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.

《文化讀癮.一週譯報》是一個翻譯行動,我們每週將至少精選一篇來自 #culturevulture 的文章,經原作者同意後翻譯成中文,以 #cn-culturevulture 標籤刊出,希望把這些有趣、多元的內容透過我們認真的篩選與精細的翻譯,帶到cn社區人面前呈現,拓展視野、豐富生活。


我們還要繼續在群島之國印尼遊覽。這是一個文化多樣性豐富的國家,位於蘇門答臘島最北端的亞齊省 (Aceh),自古擁有獨特的文化傳統。

第三期《文化讀癮.一週譯報》的選文都是關於迎接新生兒的傳統儀式。 @dilimunanzar寫的「Peucicap」很特別,網路上幾乎沒有相關的英文或中文資料;雖然作者並沒有深入解說這種文化實踐的意涵,但讀來總有一種人生百味的寓意——對新生兒而言,這或許是最貼切的一種「人生預示」?

至於 @steemcarny86寫的剃髮儀式,或許就不是太陌生了。雖然儀式與名詞各有不同,但所有這些與新生嬰兒相關的傳統儀式,無論在哪一個社會,都深深蘊含著對新生命到來的歡喜與讚歎。


Original title: Peucicap (The Tradition Taste a variety of flavors to the baby in Aceh)
authored by @dilimunanzar, translated by @ygern


Peucicap通常在嬰兒出生後的第七天進行,儀式中讓孩子嚐試各種味道。「Cuko Oek」(剃髮)以及孩子的取名儀式也將同時舉行。





Original title: Islamic Teachings and Culture of Baby's Hair Razor
authored by @steemcarny86, translated by @ygern








在亞齊,嬰兒剃髮之前會先進行「peusijuk」儀式,結束後則會有一場社區共同參與的宴會。在爪哇島,剃髮儀式結束後會分發Gudangan(一種爪哇島的米飯料理)給社區裡的小孩。北馬魯古省的德那第(Ternate, North Maluku)也有其獨特的嬰兒剃髮儀式,稱為「saro-saro」;這項習俗象徵著對新生命到來的歡迎。





  • All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.
  • Author's liquid reward (SBD) from this series will be used for supporting the Culture Vulture Challenge project (60%) and the selected participating original author (40%). The remaining author's reward (SP) will be shared among two project collaborators.
  • Article selection for this translation series is independent of, and hence has no impact on the Culture Vulture Challenge winner selection.
  • Articles pertinent to the Chinese culture would only be considered under special circumstances, as our primary purpose is to enable people from the cn community to see beyond their usual surroundings and connect with the versatile cultures around the globe.
  • 文章發布皆已取得原作者同意。
  • 這系列文章的作者收益,SBD部分60%將資助Culture Vulture Callenge項目,40%則回饋給原作者;SP部分則由兩位合作者共享。翻譯工作主要是由 @ygern負責。
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Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck

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Thank you @deanliu for the information, I will support and will post a lot about culture vulture

thank you collecting this informtation and producing it to this post. :)
Follow me @keks
Thank you

@dilimunanzar he is my friend also my brother. Many things we have discussed and discussed for display in steemit, and I am very proud of him for posting about PEUCICAP. It is an aceh culture that has existed from time immemorial. Please all who read this comment, support @dilimunanzar thank you

Congratulations @deanliu, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 173 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $3124.09. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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  ·  7 years ago 


Godd post nice

good translation job , friend.
Yor cn group is a big community.
God Bless You



所以要讓專業的來 XD


咦,我竟然沒有注意到 XD

其實我是巧虎粉濕 XD


有機會可以秀一下啊~ :D

beautifull baby and great culture..😍

Thanks for dropping by. :)

Culture of peoples. Super.

We have this culture in Indonesia... I like your post. @deanliu

The post​ was translated from two posts authored by Indonesian Steemian. This is a small culture bridge project to let more people sharing their culture with the world. :)

Sangat bagus adat budaya masih di pertahankan

It is very good job . Thank you. .😊😊😊


而且都聽說剃了會長得比較茂密 😆



沒禮貌,人家都說了不一定有用!Ooops! 我太大聲了


thanks a lot for your post, it is informative for all us,upvoted and followed



This post recieved an upvote from therichext. If you would like to recieve upvotes from therichext on all your posts, simply FOLLOW and UPVOTE @therichext

  ·  7 years ago 





Hey, my name is Nadine and I am new on steemit. I would be happy if you could check out my post and follow back. Thank you :-)
I love your post. Great!!!

Awesome post

thanks for share your culture of religion.



Thank you very much to @deanliu I'm proud you have to do hardwork to translate my post in china, I proud of your work to intodruce my country culture to the world, so very very very Thank you so much..have a nice day to you are, please send my regard to @eroche and @ygern from Aceh Sumatra

thank you! and most hard work is done by ygern. :)

@ygern thank you so much, have a nice experience for this, my god bless you are and an honnor for me for this post..thank you so much..

Congratulations @deanliu!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 6 with $ 192,47

That is such a great idea!!!! :))
