Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 07 |《文化讀癮.一週譯報》第7期:憤怒女神的愛情故事

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)

Culture Vulture (#culturevulture) is a Steemit writing challenge initiated by @eroche. You may read here for more details and the latest update.

Culture Vulture for CNers is a cross-culture translation project in collaboration with @eroche and carried out by @deanliu and @ygern. We'll pick at least one article every week and translate it into Chinese, aiming to bring cultural diversity to the #CN community. All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.

《文化讀癮.一週譯報》是一個翻譯行動,我們每週將至少精選一篇來自 #culturevulture 的文章,經原作者同意後翻譯成中文,以 #cn-culturevulture 標籤刊出,希望把這些有趣、多元的內容透過我們認真的篩選與精細的翻譯,帶到cn社區人面前呈現,拓展視野、豐富生活。




本文作者 @harshameghadri寫的,只是這個神話系統裡的一段小小插曲,倒是不難理解。然而,文中的神名、人名、地名卻得花不少時間在網路上查找資料。而且,現代印度是一個沒有統一語言的國家,同一個概念由不同語言轉譯成英文資料上的羅馬拼音,總有出入,因此查找資料時又增加了些許難度。不過,在這翻譯過程中,卻也讀到了許多有趣的故事!


Original title: Indian Mythology: Story of Angalamman Mayana kollai
Authored by @harshameghadri, translated by @ygern

印都教的各種節日與節慶活動,背後是個極其複雜的象徵符號與敘事體系。無論是廣為人知的節慶如侯麗節(Holi)、達薩拉節(Dussehra)、排燈節(Diwali),或是較少人知曉的「盜墓節」(Mayana Kollai),述說的都是代代相傳的神話故事。





梵天跟濕婆一樣,都有五個頭,雪山神女(即濕婆之妻)才會認錯人,誤以為梵天是她的丈夫,因此跪在他腳下,以示服從。(註2)濕婆見狀勃然大怒,隨即化身為樓陀羅(Rudra),毅然決然砍下梵天的第五顆頭,但也因此遭受詛咒——這顆頭顱將永遠附著在他的右手上,而且不讓他進食。從此,每一次濕婆肚子餓想吃東西的時候,得來的食物必定先被梵天的頭吃下去。 濕婆只好餓著肚子,走遍大地乞討食物,晚上則睡在墓地裡。

此時,雪山神女只好向他的兄長,即保護之神毗濕奴(Vishnu)尋求幫助。毗濕奴最終想到一個方法來擺脫梵天的頭,他跟雪山神女說:「親愛的妹妹,帶著你的丈夫,一起到Thandakarunyam墓地去吧。你在那裡挖一口池塘,將之取名為『Agni kula theertham』。準備好以Agathi keerai(蜂鳥樹的葉子)烹煮的美食,以及雞血,然後給頭顱喂食,並且將這些食物四處撒在墓地上。頭顱將會離開濕婆的手,去吃下那些食物。這時候,帶著你的丈夫到池溏邊,用池裡的水潔淨身體;這樣,頭顱就不會再附著在他的手上了。(來源:wikipedia

雪山神女遵循哥哥的指導,為丈夫解除了詛咒。濕婆經過了池水的淨化,頭顱無法再靠近他,於是詛咒就落到了雪山神女身上。雪山神女開始起舞,聚集了女神夏克提的宇宙初元創造力量,狂暴且徹底地毀滅了這個詛咒,狠狠將頭顱踩在右腳下。雪山神女顯現憤怒相的這個化身,就是Angara Rubam,而她後來也就被稱為安噶拉曼女神(Angalaamman)。印度卡韋里帕蒂納姆(Kaveripattinam)的宇宙,供奉的即是雪山神女的這個化身——「真摯虔誠的神明之妻,猛力擊退一個侵占另一個神明頭顱的惡魔」,最終把丈夫從詛咒中解救出來。


與安噶拉曼女神相關的節日,就是每年在坦米爾(Tamil)曆Maasi月份(大約在西曆二月或三月)慶祝的「盜墓節」(Mayana Kollai)。動物獻祭是慶典的一部分,信眾為女神供奉山羊與雞。盜墓節的日期落在Maasi月的新月日,而新月日的前一天就是敬奉濕婆神的節日——濕婆節(Maha Shivaratri)。在印度南部坦米爾納杜邦(Tamil Nadu)的Malaiyanoor,居民一連十天慶祝盜墓節,期間信眾把女神神像裝飾成各種化身,在街上繞境遊行。



年輕女孩換上服飾,並且化妝成女神的憤怒相Angara rubam





註1:(譯註)即西藏普蘭縣境內的岡仁波齊峰(藏語拼音:Kangrinboqê),梵語稱此山為吉羅娑山(梵語拼音:Kailāsa Parvata)。西藏人相信這裡是苯教的發源地;印度教認為這裡是濕婆的居所,也是世界的中心;耆那教視此地為祖師瑞斯哈巴那剎得道之處;藏傳佛教相信勝樂金剛住在這座山裡,而且也是密勒日巴戰勝苯教徒的地方。


  • All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.
  • Author's liquid reward (SBD) from this series will be used for supporting the Culture Vulture Challenge project (60%) and the selected participating original author (40%). The remaining author's reward (SP) will be shared among two project collaborators.
  • Article selection for this translation series is independent of, and hence has no impact on the Culture Vulture Challenge winner selection.
  • Articles pertinent to the Chinese culture would only be considered under special circumstances, as our primary purpose is to enable people from the cn community to see beyond their usual surroundings and connect with the versatile cultures around the globe.
  • 文章發布皆已取得原作者同意。
  • 這系列文章的作者收益,SBD部分60%將資助Culture Vulture Callenge項目,40%則回饋給原作者;SP部分則由兩位合作者共享。翻譯工作主要是由 @ygern負責。
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Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck

i same talking
keep up the good work.
best of luck @deanliu

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


辛苦 @ygern啦!這篇的內容真的超級困難啊!


你真的辛苦了!! 因為連我看中文都上上下下的一直看來看去 XD

你真的辛苦了!! 因為連我看中文都上上下下的一直看來看去 XD

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

辛苦刘老师 and MR Ygern啦 :)

This post has followed and Follow me and up vote this comment for future steemit your post. Thanks.

@deanliu and @ygren; Thank you, both for the translation of the article. I wish I knew a bit of chinese to understand the translation.


great job.thanks for share with us.resteemed

great job.thanks for share with us.resteemed


You got my vote and a resteem :]

check the original post here; thanks for supporting @culturevulture.

excellent post

Thank you @tylerdourden

Really very cool post and knowledgeable love it

Thank you @marissa1, Check out my blog for more.

I Have Upvoted You,

Please upvote follow and resteem my post each time ,
I will do the same...

"be happy and allow me to be happy."



nice photos

wow..what an amazing cross culture, love it

thank you @dilimunanzar .

Wow, the photos are amazing! Awesome article to cover! Upped and resteemed!

Hello again @sweetpea,

check the original post here. Your comments on a new-post would be much appreciated.

Thanks for upping and resteeming the #culturevulture post.

Off to go and leave a reply :)

the second picture of the last is horrible, very spooky...

Well I kind of disagree, It is the amount of human endurance both in the name of devotion and just to marvel at what our bodies are capable of. I just wanted to convey this.

terima kasih sudah menjelaskannya..