文憑試 中文卷三 dse Chinese paper 3

in cn •  6 years ago 

每一天對我來說都是漫長的一天,而今天我終於完成了所有中文科的卷目,我知道不少人都打開了收音機跟我們一齊聽錄音,不知道你是不是其中一人呢。明天是通識科,連續兩份卷都是寫到手殘的科目。。。 不過還是會盡力的,畢竟是人生中的最後一次。。。吧。

everyday is a long day for me, and today I finally finished all the paper of Chinese. Tmr I will be doing liberal study, both paper requires a lot of hard writing and I feel my arm gonna broke, but I’ll still try my best to finish it as it’s my last time of doing this..... maybe.


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