Microsoft Interview Question – Get the Area of the Triangle 微软面试题:三角形的面积是多少?

in cn •  8 years ago 

 The following seems an easy question, to get the area of the rectangluar triangle with the slope equals to 10 and the height equals to 6. 

 据说是一个印度人杀入微软最后的面试, 面试官给了这么一道小学数学几何题: 

 If your answer is 30 (10×6/2), then you are falling into the trap: Such triangle doesn’t exist at all!

 这哥门也有疑问 可是最后还是坚持 答案 30 (底 X 高 / 2)

不存在 It Doest Not Exist

这是个陷井: 这个直角三角形是不存在的.   If we label the triangle with the following, 

 两个小直角三角形的勾股定理:   What we can get are: 

 两者相加:   If we add these two equations: 

 简化一下:    After simplification, we have: 

 最后我们得到:  Thus 


 如果   并且    把函数     画出来是这样的 

If     and      the function of     is plotted below.

 最大值是 25 也就是说 c 的最大值是 5 所以这样的三角形是不存在的(斜高是6)

The maximum value for function y is 25, which means that the maximum value of c is 5. 

Such triangle does not exist (the height is 6, which exceeds the maximum length)! 

 Typical Microsoft. If something is wrong then it is by design…and you are stuck with it. 

Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts. 

非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。    

根据我的博文这里这里 整理而得.

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你答案如果是不存在这样的三角形 对不起 你 out

  ·  8 years ago 

嗯 你说得很对。

@jubi 貌似进过坑的样子

We can place the longest side of a right triangle on the diameter of a circle, then the other 2 sides must meet at a point on the circumference.

This triangles longest aside is 10, the height cannot be longer than the radius of the circle, so not more than 5. Since this triangle's height is 6, it's area is 30, but it cannot be a right triangle.

  ·  8 years ago 

Thanks.. your explanation is excellent.

  ·  8 years ago 

Thank you!


  ·  8 years ago 



  ·  8 years ago 

对 O哥来说 肯定是小意思。

It's too much intelligence for me

Hi friend, very good !!!!!
You would help me with a vote in my post., Thanks !!! ;)


  ·  8 years ago (edited)


Excellent analysis of this question - thanks

  ·  8 years ago 

You are welcome.


  ·  8 years ago 


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I guess this problem can be interpreted in this way, also:
Denote the two endpoints of the line segment of length 10 by A and B. Now we wanna select a point P outside the line segment which makes the angle APB equal to the right angle. To satisfy this condition, P must lie on the circle of radius 5 centered at the midpoint of A and B. So we can immediately see that the maximum of the perpendicular distance from P to the line segment AB is 5.
Thank you for introducing a nice problem to think about :)

  ·  8 years ago 

Yes, this is more intuitive.


  ·  8 years ago 

对的, 应该有敏锐的洞察力。

put the right angle triangle into a round. The highest height of the triangle is the radius(5).把直接三角形放到圆里,最大高的也就是半径了,是5,不可能比5大。

  ·  8 years ago 
