A Better You #1 - 做一个更好的自己1

in cn •  7 years ago  (edited)

I've always been someone who likes to reflect on life, why people do what they do, and how I can improve as a person. Maybe that is why I ended up studying Psychology and Marketing in university, and maybe why my best subject in university was philosophy. It's probably also the reason I love reading self improvement books and enjoy asking questions.

So in this series, I will be sharing with you guys things I've learnt that I find really interesting and things that have helped me grow as a person.


Do not unhealthily compare - 不要经常和别人比较

As people, whether consciously or unconsciously, we tend to compare with those around us; is he making more money than me? Is she more pretty than me? Are their kids producing better grades than my children?

However, all this negative comparing only leads to negative emotions - 我们越多跟别人比较,我们就有越多负面的情绪

If we perceive others to be better or more well off, we become envious or depressed. And when we perceive ourselves to be better, we tend to become prideful.

Running our own race - 跑自己当跑的路

I really like a quote a friend shared on Facebook today that said the following:

"New York is 3 hours ahead of California,
but it does not make California slow.

Someone graduated at the age of 22,
有人 22 岁就毕业了
but waited 5 years before securing a good job!
Someone became a CEO at 25
有人 25 岁就当上 CEO
and died at 50.
却在 50 岁去世
While another became a CEO at 50
也有人直到50 岁才当上 CEO
and lived to 90 years.
然而活到 90 岁
Someone is still single,
while someone else got married.
Obama retires at 55,
奥巴马 55 岁就退休
but Trump starts at 70.
川普 70 岁才开始当总统

Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone.
People around you might seem to go ahead of you,
some might seem to be behind you.
But everyone is running their own RACE, in their own TIME.
Don’t envy them or mock them.
They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours!
Life is about waiting for the right moment to act.

You’re not LATE.
You’re not EARLY.
You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE Destiny set up for you.

My question to you is, what is the race set out for you? No matter what others are doing, are you running your race?

生活就像个长赛跑,每个人都有各自的跑道,所以我想问的问题是:“不管别人在做什么,你是否在自己的跑道跑你该跑的路 ?”

First make sure you are running the right race, and then once you're sure, run at it with all you've got. You've got my daughter to cheer you on.
你首先要知道你该跑的路是什么,然后你用尽全力来跑你该跑的路。你有我的女儿来为你加油。 :)

Follow me @nextgen622 for more in this series

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This reminds me of the book "how to be miserable, 40 stratetegies that you already use" and the video by CgpGrey.

Reverse psychology.

Thanks for sharing this. I partially agree to this, but:

Do not compare

Why not? Comparing can bring us forward. We can see measured on the examples of others, what is good and what is bad on ourselfes.

But we should do this comparing always without any attitude of envy!

The only way we have to follow is our own one.

Great to hear from you mate. Hope you've been well. Yes, that's a great point you bring up. And my Chinese translation of this article probably brings out the true meaning of what I wanted to say a bit better here. What I meant was a habitual or continuous, unhealthy and negative comparing. This kind of comparing is quite common in Chinese culture, and something I wanted to highlight. Thanks again for your comment.
PS. I've updated the post to reflect this.

I thought as much, I knew the Chinese translation conveys a stronger message. I even tried reading it in Chinese it was an epic fail.

This is an excellent post with excellent advice, I enjoyed reading it.

Loved the poem!

And the overall message is nice, but I worry that taken to extremes, it could do harm as well!

Cos sometimes, comparing ourselves to others is good. We learn by example. We learn when we compare someone's good behavior to our own bad behavior, and the effects each brings.

And sometimes it's good to notice when other people are way better off: cos maybe they don't deserve it. Maybe there's injustice going on. We don't want this 'don't compare yourself to others' injunction to lead to passivity against the injustices of the world. 'Envy' and 'depression' can often be an agent of change.

P.S. For some reason I loved the bilingual aspect of your post, and I don't even know Chinese! :P

P.S.2 : Your daughter looks like she wants to kick my ass!

lol. Yes totally agree with you. like I mentioned in another comment , my Chinese translation of this is probably more accurate. I was referring to am type of unhealthy and negative comparing. I agree some types of comparing for self betterment is necessary.

Thanks for sharing. As they say, comparison is the thief of joy.
Looking forward to subsequent posts.

Nice Post , love reading it

My race is marathon, I don't want exhaust myself and get injured so that I will never cross the finish line. Being patient and knowing what you're capable of so the task is complete and the time you devoted hasn't gone to waste in the end. Cute picture by the way!

This post is a wonderful reminder--thank you! The Lord has special plans for all of us. I recently wrote a blog you might enjoy with a similar message
Your daughter is adorable---love the photo. She looks like she's ready to start running her own race already---before she can even walk!

Awesome photography from a Person with such a nice Sense Of Humor !!

Thank you, very insightful and we can remind ourselves daily that we are running our own race at our own time!

Wonderful article! Comparison is bad everyone is unique and cant be compared to other.

Omg she's adorable! Great post! Very true points. It's not beneficial to compare ourselves to others and bring out envy and jealousy in ourselves. This will only produce negative results. It's better to set our own targets and goals and meet those expectations. That being said I think we should never be satisfied and never be complacent. I think we get more joy out of always reaching for higher accomplishments.

Great post, you might find my blog interesting. Followed!

Good post with valuable tips on self-improvement, I learned early on that it's better to concentrate on my own battle than to be checking on other people's successes :)

This sounds really great i always try impruve myself :)

nice qoute's and messge's,

Very nice Post.
My only competition is me yesterday.

Fantastic photography and marvellous post
Thank You for sharing @nextgen622

yes i am running don't know whe is start but start and changing way never ask me :( but i am running

Great and inspiring article you blog here @nextgen622

We have to understand as human being that there is time for everything under the sun and as far the earth remains seed time and harvest time shall never cease. We just have to prepare for our own golden time and never miss the opportunity to be great and successful.

Great post brother. What makes it even greater is that it's written in two languages! :]


you post is full of energy specially the question you ask. the second thing you translate into english also . lot of people not understand the chinese language. me too.

Thanks for the motivation my friend. I think a lot of people feel behind a lot of the time. It is a good reminder to know that we're all in different places, and that's ok

This post received a 4.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @nextgen622! For more information, click here!