
in cn •  4 years ago 

I implemented a python library myself, and because I saw that the condenser_api would be deprecated, so in this python library I used other substitution APIs instead of using the condenser_api.

(图源 :pixabay)

My scripts use my python library and the local node, and they work together without any problems.

But when I tried to use https://api.hive.blog, the following API call went wrong:


And the error message:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"error":{"code":-32603,"message":"Internal Error","data":{"error_id":"b39f68b2-729c-4a3d-8c0e-3a55d3ae0559","jussi_request_id":"000136681014195215"}}}

First of all, I thought there was a problem in my script or python library, but when I examined it closely, I found nothing wrong. In addition, I found that using my local node or https://anyx.io, my scripts worked fine.

So what's the difference between https://api.hive.blog and my local node or https://anyx.io? The answer is https://api.hive.blog using JUSSI.

In order to test this problem, I tested some other nodes, and the results are the same: Nodes with JUSSI enabled return "internal error", while others handle it normally.

We can use the following steps to reproduce this problem:

Step 1

Make an API Call to https://api.hive.blog (JUSSI enabled)

curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"network_broadcast_api.broadcast_transaction", "params":{"trx":{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[{"type":"vote_operation","value":{"voter":"hiveio","author":"alice","permlink":"a-post-by-alice","weight":10000}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]},"max_block_age":50}, "id":1}' https://api.hive.blog

Check the response:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"error":{"code":-32603,"message":"Internal Error","data":{"error_id":"b39f68b2-729c-4a3d-8c0e-3a55d3ae0559","jussi_request_id":"000136681014195215"}}}

Step 2

Make API Call to https://api.hive.blog (without JUSSI)

curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"network_broadcast_api.broadcast_transaction", "params":{"trx":{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[{"type":"vote_operation","value":{"voter":"hiveio","author":"alice","permlink":"a-post-by-alice","weight":10000}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]},"max_block_age":50}, "id":1}' https://anyx.io

Check the response:

{"error":{"code":-32000,"data":{"code":3030000,"message":"missing required posting authority" ...


We expect the two nodes to return the same information (step 2 is correct), but step 1 returns:"Internal Error".

In my opinion, for an API call, whether or not the node is JUSSI enabled, the result should be consistent. So, I think this may be a BUG of JUSSI.




不过当我偶然使用https://api.hive.blog, 发现竟然无法处理network_broadcast_api.broadcast_transaction


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