Steemit support path has been a learning experience for me, turns out to be amazing/维护Steemit 资源,人人有责,真心感谢我的朋友们

in cn •  7 years ago 


我和老公在今年6 月份加入Steemit 这个社区。和所有新手一样,我们阅读借鉴了很多关于Steemit 方面的经验和建议,并追随很多鲸鱼和海豚级人物。同时我们还积极与大家互动,试图建立好人脉。两周多前 @minnowsupport 一直都是我们主要的支持者。我们每天努力在网上耕耘,希望能够有更多的人来欣赏我们的文章,可是每天文章的阅读量也不过就四,五个人。 如果不是@minnowsupport的话,假设以每篇文章的收入来评估好坏的话,我们的文章大概就是垃圾级了,因为也就值十几美分。虽然我们没被打败,可是心里或多或少还是不舒服的。

My husband and I joined Steemit community in June of the year. As newbies, we tried to read as many articles and suggestions to start with and also followed many whales and dolphins. At the same time, we have been trying to join some live chats and interact with people and be friends with. However, the result wasn’t promising. @minnowsupport used to be the only biggest supporter for us. We spent so much time in Steemit and tried to put up good contents every day, hoping people will start to like our articles. But unfortunately, the daily views were only 4 to 5. It was really frustrating. If it wasn’t for @minnowsupport, dollar figure of each article was only few cents. Even though we were not defeated, we continued to stay focus, it was still quite disappointing and frustrating to be honest.

非常感谢@rivalhw,他创立的Steem, YoYow 文学写作爱好群和 @htliao 的中文区加密货币研究社,让我结交了很多新朋友。他们的支持让我感恩,同时更有干劲去继续创作。

Many thanks to @rivalhw's Steem YoYow Writing Group and Chinese Cryptocurrency Study Group by @htliao, I started to make some friends. All I can do is to work harder and put up more good contents as my appreciation to my supporters and followers.

当我慢慢有这些支持我的朋友后,刚开始的时候,我还习惯性地把我的文章发给@minnowsupport, 可是我老公立刻制止我了,他很严肃地说“@minnowsupport 是给真正小鱼的支持,你现在不需要他们,你得把资源留给真正需要它的人”。说实在,我开始并没有想这么多,深入想想后觉得确实有道理。如果大家都浪费资源的话,那么让那些还在低阶位的朋友们的日子就更难过。 好比职场,如果老人不让贤的话,新人可能永远都没有上升的空间。现实中很多站着茅坑不拉屎,或者自私抢占资源的实例比比皆是。如果社会中每个人都懂得礼让,资源共享的话,估计我们这个社会会更加美好,单从这点觉悟上,老公在我心目的形象马上高大了不少。

When I started to get some attraction and supports from my followers, out of habit, I continued to send my post to @minnowsupport at the beginning. But my hubby stopped me right away, he told me very seriously that “ @minnowsupport is for minnows, you don’t really needing them now. You should have left the resources and support to whomever really needs them”. To be honest, I never thought about it that way. But his words made me think deeper. He’s absolutely right. If everybody occupies the resources, the life of those who really needs upvotes would be even harder. It’s like at work, newbies can bearly get chance to climb up the career ladder if the higher positions were not vacant. There are many type of cases in life like this. If everybody understands the logic and supports it, our life will be much better and the community would be more harmonize for sure. Simply from this perspective, my husband wins me over more.

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小鱼们可以一起成长的,互相关注我们的文章,看见喜欢的或者用心的就点赞,慢慢的成长。自由的游 也很快乐!

  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago 

非常感谢你,其实应该是我老公@davidmendel 的教导有方 :)

  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago 

过奖了 谢谢 祝你们玩得愉快

All the best going forward!

  ·  7 years ago 

Thank you! Same to you.


  ·  7 years ago 



  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago 

呵呵,在很多人眼里你已经早不是小鱼了。看看那些文章没人看没人赞的朋友们。我们都已经是幸运的 :)

  ·  7 years ago 

