Picking up from we left off
Many support democracy, few support dictatorships. Thousands of articles online discussing the switches between one another, how does a country go from the ruling of one dictator to a country ruled by democracy and election the term of which is “democratization”. But what about dictatorization? You must wondering what that means, it is a term I coined. dictatorization Is the switch of country from a democracy to a dictatorship. So, is that possible? Well, we’re here to find out.
Germany is a country that was a democracy, with elections protecting its freedom, constitutions, and laws doing the same. But it turned from a democracy, a strong country, with a illiteracy rate almost 0 to an expansionism dictatorship. All because of one man
Sorry I was researching else
All because of one man
In 1933 , Adolf Hitler started the dictatorization of Germany, cancelling the very same thing that got him to power; elections and democracy. Proving that dictatorship is a talent and a skill, with a bit of luck as we will see. Not anyone can be a dictator, Banfield tried after all and failed.
Here he is after he was done sucking his own dick.
Like we said in the previous post about Hitler and his rise, Hitler made it to power in 1932, the election that saw the Nazi party most votes with a 37% of the votes. Later on Paul Von Hindenburg hired Hitler as a chancellor thinking that Nazi party will be less destructive than communism. However the cute little Hitler as Paul Von saw him had under his hands the SS militias, an almost militarized militia under the control of Ernst Röhm
They were known as “brown shirts” and it wasn’t because they were famous for wearing black jeans and red shoes. Anyway the SS had 400 soldiers, with a job of controlling the streets. Hitler saw that controlling the streets is key to controlling the country, this is the guy Paul Von hired as chancellor. Hitler still didn’t have complete power and control that allows him to achieve his expansionism dreams. Because first of all, he didn’t have majority in the parliament, “But Amir you said that didn’t you say he had 37% of votes”, that is NOT a majority. Hitler wanted to do things easily, plus Hitler A) didn’t have the support of the entirety of the Getman people and B) He didn’t have full support from the German army who was afraid from the threat the brown shirts. How does Hitler react? He has a lot of things that he faces at the time, what would our hero do?
Hitler wasn’t an ordinary person, step by step he managed to take over the control of the country just to have that sweet crispy power. You might be wondering “How xan a power be crispy?” We fry it.
Hitler’s first obstacle was the German parliament or as it’s known, the German twitter or the Reichstag
Sadly, SADLY the Reichstag had a lefty opposition to Hitler and his party. Until he gets a gift from god; on a couldy night (I am assuming) on the 27th of February 1933 when the cummonist Marinus van der Lubbe
Here he is on a very happy day.
Burned down the Reichstag
To protest the expansion of Nazism, my man burned down the Reichstag. Those very same flames play for Hitler’s advantage, so much so that conspiracy theorist doubted that Hitler himself burned down the Reichstag and accused the Dutch guy of doing it. But either way, it was a gift to Hitler who took it as an opportunity to get rid of both parliaments and politica parties forever, the first stab to democracy.
On the next day Hitler makes a decision to put civil freedom on hold as well as political ones in order to face the chaos. The parliament is on fire, there is no time for freedom or so Hitler cried.
On the 5th of March, two weeks after the fire; the government had a new election that Hitler was aiming to win the absolute majority of it. But to Hitler’s disappointment the party won 39 million votes, 44% only, a percentage that might the biggest that a party has ever gotten, but it wasn’t enough for Hitler to take absolute power; Hitler was probably considering burning down the parliament once again. But instead Hitler decided instead of taking control he would convince the current parliament to do what he wants. Hitler went on to convince the parliament to vote yes to its dumbest law ever and Hitler’s best.
On the 23rd of March the parliament agrees to the enabling act; an act that would give Hitler the right to make laws without going back to the parliament, basically it was the vacation act for parliament members. Imagine a parliament giving the government the right to implement laws without going back to the parliament. How did he do that? Well it is kind of a cute story, the communists in the parliament were jailed and beaten and were banned from entering the parliament, and the parties on the right tried to take advantage of the Nazi party youths, thinking that the party was inexperienced and can be fooled easily; thus agreed to the enabling act. They didn’t that Hitler, the one they are trying to take advantage off to face the communism that is threatening their capitalist interest, is the one taking advantage of them to achieve HIS dreams.
The enabling act put both the legislative branch and the executive branch under Hitler’s control. Hitler’s first step was making a law to dispand all political parties except for one party, the Nazi party; no one disbands their own party, that is just rude. Thus the first step in acheiving his dictatorship dream. I say first step because there is still a long way to go; there is still one more obstacle in Hitler’s way, the German army.
In 1934, the SS forces reaches having 2 million soldiers, 20 times more than the German army that was downsized to 100,000 soldiers. You might be thinking, it is easy for Hitler now to take over since he has more soldiers than the army; except there was one problem, Ernst Röhm, the leader of the SS arm forces. Ernst was leaning toward socialism, and was demanding Hitler of starting the next step of his revolution which is turning the country into a socialist one. If you read the previous part then you probably remember that the Nazi party was called “The National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party“, but Hitler couldn’t go through with that as he needed the support of businessmen; so much like the last U.S election, socialism has to wait.
Ernst Went to Hitler and demanded Hitler to put the SS forces and the German army under the control of Ernst so he does the second revolution to turn the country into socialism. The decision is relatively stupid, I mean the dude already had 2 millions under his command, what more could 100,000 soldiers add? The army generals didn’t like that, the aristocratic-lead army would never join the army of comminers. Hitler had two choices at the time, either A) The army thay could betray him or B) His party militia lead by his bestie; obviously Hitler with A, you see it wasn’t just the army that didn’t like Ernst but also the veteran leaders of the party didn’t either. The party leaders Hermann Göring
Here he is looking like the type who anyone’s wife wouldn’t mind sleeping with and the husband would gladly consent and watch them
And Henirich Himmler
Most likely the husband who would watch
Himmler sent a secret report to Hitler stating that Ernst’s forces were planning a major coup saying “Ernst is trying to fuck you over, pumpkin”, so naturally Hitler got upset, he doesn’t like being called pumpkin, he is the fucking Chancellor for God sake. Hitler took that report and doesn’t deny it, and on the 27th of June 1934, began what later became known as the “Night of the Long Knives”, Hitler gives the orders to kill Ernst Röhm and the SS biggest leaders without a trial.
Hitler executed more than 800 people, “But the newspaper says 500”, alright then let the fucking newspaper tell you what happened, that’s what I thought, all of that is done to please the German army which was pretty glad that the crawling of the SS was stopped. Not only the Army was pleased, the German president, who I honestly thought he died already, Paul Von Hindenburg. Side note; I know we have been seeing a lot of burgs lately but this one is the president and most important. Paul Von was so pleased that sent Hitler a telegram (Not the app probably) telling him “You have saved the German nation”.
No one complains about the spilling of blood if it was for their advantage, thus everyone was pleased; except some of the military officers. Some of the military officers saw what Hitler has done as a warning sign and that Hitler is an Austrian blood-thirsty lord who showed his true colors. So Hitler ordered Joseph Goebbels, the Reich minister
Insert a not so funny comment
To spread the propaganda and the news about the coup that Himmler told Hitler about, Hitler wanted people to know that he saved them from a coup to justify his actions. Hitler also gave a lot of money in retribution to the victims families to show himself as the kindhearted man in the scenario.
Thus now, Hitler has the support of the Army, the Parliament, the President, and what is left of the party. The army paid Hitler back within two months later when Paul Von Hindenburg died and agreed to merging the chancellor position and the president’s making Hitler the leader of Germany, after all Hitler was everyone’s guy, no need for the election and its mess. And in August 1934 a poll shows the German people voting Hitler to become the Führer, the greatest commander, for a percentage of 90% turning the support that Hitler got within what is relatively few years from 3% to 90% and the rest is as they say: will be in on Amir’s next post
In summery
Hitler’s dictatorization of Germany is something to ponder upon, it teaches that fear, lies, and opportunism are key to building a dictatorship or even worse, making it one after a democracy.
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