RE: Trying to Watch the Naked Kate Winslet Scene in Titanic While Your Angry Wife Complains about Her Rough Day Buying a Shirt - Comedy Open Mic Round #32

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Trying to Watch the Naked Kate Winslet Scene in Titanic While Your Angry Wife Complains about Her Rough Day Buying a Shirt - Comedy Open Mic Round #32

in comedyopenmic •  6 years ago 

This happens to me practically nightly and it can be anything from Seinfeld to The Office or a movie I've seen 25 times like Die Hard. It is especially disappointing when you're waiting for that special scene you know is coming and you have to answer pretend as if you hear the never ending unimportant story.

Sometimes for me, it's not even about her. It is about people she knows, which is even worse, because in some cases, I don't even know them. That makes the story even beyond less interesting because I will never meet these people because they are either part of a news story she read about or an old friend that lives in another state that you'd need an airplane ride to visit, and that'll never happen. Ugh. The pains of being a man sometimes. :)

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I loved your response and I am in agreement with you, except for the last sentence. It's not that you said anything wrong. It's just that I said that exact thing once, and my wife kicked me in the face so hard that I bumped into the anesthesiologist and my wife had to deliver the quadruplets naturally. So it was a really rough day for me.

Oh no. Yes if that's true and you're not just being funny, that was badly timed. I've gone through the 20 hours of labor for my first child and 14 hours for the second. I would not want to be the woman in that scenario for sure. :)