Snowmen Comic # 13 - Comedy Open Mic ROUND # 13 - ENTRY # 2

in comedyopenmic •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yet another entry for my @comedyopenmic brethren.

Michael Oshins Snowmen comic # 111.jpg

I nominate @uglysweater and @improv for COM.


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i see a serious series of slushy snowman slittering up soon

It may happen...

these are your drawings?! very nice man. that gave me a good giggle!

Thanks @buttcoins! Yeah, they're like my little side project.


Like, wooow, man!

What a post to wake up to!! :O

Really like this one! The color, the angling, and the drama text -- such a pattern breaker from your usual ones!

I felt more receptive to the punchline, even though after seeing the 2nd speech bubble for the first time, my eyes accidentally jumped ahead to the 4th bubble before the 3rd! :)

The new background shown in the perspective of panel 2 also is refreshing to have comparing with your previous comics :)

No idea if I wanna see such a dramatic staging for every comic -- you could do your regular posts with sprinkles of posts like this comic OR simply go for slight variety in your comics on a regular basis -- either way, it could go very well!

Quite excited to see your future posts, yo! :D

Good job, @mourningnoodles!

Thank you for all the kind words and advice @reconstitution! I think I'll continue with this idea of swapping camera angles at some point. Question? How did you do you mark up in your post where you can quickly move from one comic to the next by pressing the numbers?

Hmmm... How I markup my stuff... I think you'll find "1)" useful, and I'll include "2)", just in case.

1) Formats:

I use these codes:

[Previous]( | [1st Comic]( | ~~[Next Comic]( |
For Previous | 1st Comic | Next Comic | [1]( | [2]( | [3]( | [4]( |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

I have to make sure I change the right links for each new post!

2) URLs:

You can plan your future URLs if you're careful with your post titles. URL is created with the first name you title it with. Editing the title after, doesn't change the URL after. So for me, since I wanna make URLs simple, I publish my post the first time as "Comic#5(etc.)" first, then edit it immediately after. Readers (and the author) can easily jump between URLs using the http bar, if they're tech aware enough.


Hope that helps! :)

Enormous help @reconstitution! Thank you, thank you!

hahahahahahahahaa, you are da man brother!

Winny out...for now ;)