An Unexpected Makeup tutorial and a Not-Weird-at-All Morning Song! (Comedy Open Mic Round #27)

in comedyopenmic •  7 years ago  (edited)

Perhaps you want to look refreshed and undead? I've got your answers! Want a cheery morning song? This ain't it!


Also - just for fun, in case anyone might think this is an acceptable entry into the comedy open mic, I'm going to try that, too! Maybe I'm funny to you! But this is a serious tutorial. I CAN HELP YOU.

My Morning Song

And now I'm gonna sing you a morning song
And I hope it helps you get a long in the day
maybe a little better

Because that hair covered up my shoulder,
Which is looking extraordinarily fat at the moment
and nobody wants to have fat shoulders
nobody wants that
But most people have that
It's just a fact
It's happening again!


For the rest you have to watch the video.
There IS more to the song.


Happy Thursday!

Love you all!


I nominate @bembelmaniac and @eonwarped and ALL the members of @helpie to do a Comedy Open Mic entry!

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Thank you to @matytan for the great banner

Yay!! Thanks so much! :D

lol! Grinning over here. So glad @zipporah sent me this post. I needed a laugh. 💖

ammiriiight?!? This is pure GOLD.<3

Lol! Thanks for watching, Katrina! I'm happy you liked it! ❤️

The goal is to make yourself look FARTHER from the age of death than you really are at.

Such a classic line. May have to steal that sometime.

Also, LOVE the good morning song. That is a super crack up. I can't believe you ad libbed that. Sooo funny!

You actually kind of remind me of @carrieallen a little bit. You guys should be frinzzz.

I just saw this!

We totally are friends. I would venture to say ... she is one of my BEST friends here on Steemit. Met and fell in love (with cookies) together. We like two cute little peas in a pod. LOL! But... her accent is WAY better. 😍

You are very good improvising :D

hahahahahahahaha ! <3<3<3<3... just That...... <3 !


Love you Serena!
Looking damn fine with that makeup, maybe i can learn to put some on and be pretty like you 😍

It's all in the magic powder. That's the only thing that really matters! :D I can only DREAM of looking like you, Amy! As your hunny accurately says about you... HAWT. ♥♥♥♥

Hahaha that was great! You had me at "undead" and "wow look here what just happens to be next to me right now!" Great Serena day-brightening video, highly recommended and it should be a required watching for everyone everwhere.

Oooh... I'll see if I can make something that conforms to comedyopenmic. I'm funny too right?

Thanks Evan!!! H aha! The undead was seriously an accident but then I thought it was funny after the video :D I'm glad somebody liked it! I can't wait to see what you do for your entry! ♥

:) you speak like you sing :D

lol.. thank you?

it just surprised me because I talk totally different then I sing :) your singing voice is also your you voice :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

She speaks super cute...
I think my speaking and singing voice are very different

This is my happy morning song... and make-up tutorial... video

You have a beautiful singing voice!

LOL... when it pops in my head I just say it :D Thanks for watching! ♥

you are so funny... !

And you are the BEST! ♥♥♥ Thanks girl!!

hahahhahahahha i loved this soooo much!!

heheh.. thanks @MenO! ♥ You could do a make-up tutorial too I would upvote it so hard

This is my favorite thing ever!

Serena – you're a flippin' wonderful gem of a human being. I kinda want you to do this every single morning, so I can start my day with big, heart-shakin' laughter.

You's the best kinda medicine, my dear. <3

'cause I know you love this one. ;)


Ha ha ha... thanks Zippy!!! Yes and awww yes I love that picture!! I'm gonna try to do Comedy open mic more often and also vlogs more often.. I'd love to see you do some vlogs!! Or YOUR makeup tutorial. :D



More, More, MORE – perrrty preeeaaase! <3

Hahahaha hilarious.

heheh... Thanks Swoop!! :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lol....loved it... Hahaha
I am most mornings in one point like a half lol like craaaaaaap
Lol, trying to un undead me lol
I have to day you looked perfect to start with hmm
The music stand had me crackling lol that is when I could not keep it quiet lol
I do not like fat shoulders lol
Damn I hate those too loo

Love ya!!!! Do candles work for comedy open mics?

Heheeh.. candles would totally work! Doooo it! Also what do you mean by candles? Lolol.. I just know anything you do will be awesome!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh no just a candle for you to win the challenge. Lol. Not burning the studio or anything. A good wish. By the way we ate tiramisú today lol

I like tiramisu... just sayin...

noommmm cake + coffee what can be wrong with it?
oh yes, it makes us fat
fat shoulders forever

The "Undead" are Zombies.
Zombie makeup tutorial!!! lol
You are adorable and funny.

Fat shoulders are the worst!!!

LOL I love this.

I love you, Serena!

And I identify with your ... shoulder issues. 😏

This was hilarious. I also write little ditties about myself whilst getting ready... about how my arms don't fit in the sleeves of my shirts anymore...


We are soul sisters. 😍

You know what, I agree! I think she reminds me of you a little bit. And she's really funny and has a great singing voice. You guys are a perfect fit. If I do say so myself.

Awe, shucks!

I did create us in the Green Splinter... We are twin singing Goblin scientists. 😎