Outlaws for Justice (Comic Page 3)

in comic •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hello everyone! Above the comic, as with my last post, you'll find links to previous and future comics - while beneath it will be a summary of any dialogue or internal thoughts (including the occasional sound effect, as you might note).


First comic
Previous comic
Next comic: Coming soon!


Panel 1:
Nikster: Just go on, Mr. Guard...

Panel 2:
(Mr.) Guard: Don't even think of sneaking away from the group, because we WILL find out. We have our ways.

Panel 3:
Nikster (internal): No snarky comment this time, huh?
Eringar (internal): Um wat
[Ragnar shuffles somewhat closer to Groff]
Guard: And, uh...

Panel 4:
Guard: And MAKE FRIENDS! You'll be working together a while!

Panel 5:
Nikster: Alright...

Panel 6:

Panel 7:
Ragnar: I'M RAGNAR!
Guard: Oh boy.
Nikster (internal): You're not even an elf.

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For anyone reading through and wanting a link to the next comic, please click here. It was posted late, and I wasn't able to edit the link in here in time.