RE: Looking Backwards: Chapter 13

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Looking Backwards: Chapter 13

in communism •  4 years ago 

Is it really possible in the United States to determine whether a person belongs to an economic class by their vocabulary?

Yes, and no.
It will depend on their reading level, some poor people read alot and will have a better vocabulary.

Here we mostly judge people by their looks.
Jack from twitter was on tv and everybody thought he looked homeless, but he is one of the richest men in the country.
He gets all the freedom to look unkempt while living in the greatest luxury.
Most of us have to pitch a tent to get that kind of freedom.

Да, и нет.
Это будет зависеть от их уровня чтения, некоторые бедные люди будут много читать и будут иметь лучший словарный запас.

Здесь мы в основном судим о людях по их внешности.
Джек из твиттера был по телевизору, и все думали, что он выглядит бездомным, но он один из самых богатых людей в стране.
Он получает всю свободу выглядеть неряшливым, живя в величайшей роскоши.
Большинству из нас приходится ставить палатку, чтобы получить такую свободу.

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It's funny about looks. The main thing is to be cleanly dressed. Wash, clothes don't matter. I have a house in the country. Very rich people live in that village, too. They are rarely dressed in expensive clothes. Of course, they have it clean, but not expensive. We have a very disrespectful attitude towards mentally ill people to gays and lesbians. Therefore, to buy expensive clothes, fashionable gay ...
Clothes should be clean and high-quality. It doesn't have to be expensive. It should not be ugly. Now fashionable and expensive things are very ugly.
Will this approach surprise your citizens?

Will this approach surprise your citizens?

The system here is designed to be a disneyland for dummies, ergo, we got lots a dummies.

The powers that shouldn't be have nearly won the war.
Most adults here are high functioning idiots.
The kids are catching on, though.
Freedom isn't dead, but it is highly confined, which is no freedom at all.

Система здесь разработана как Диснейленд для манекенов, эрго, у нас много манекенов.

Силы, которые не должны быть во главе, почти выиграли войну.
Большинство взрослых здесь - высокофункциональные идиоты.
Дети все-таки ловят.

Свобода не мертва, но сильно ограничена, что вовсе не является свободой.