The Communities of the Month Support Program - Applications for September

in communities-202109 •  3 years ago 

The first Communities of the Month program for August is now well underway.

We hope the six Communities selected are enjoying the extra support they are receiving.

The emphasis for the program, for the six main communities and those receiving @booming support, is very much to build community strength with a view to achieving increasing self-sufficiency.

We are now starting the application process for September.

The format will be much the same. Six communities will be selected for the full @steemcurator01 support package, and another 30 will be chosen to receive the @booming votes.

We look forward to reading your applications.

How To Apply

Applications are invited from Community Leaders (Admin / Owner / Founder) who would like their Communities to be considered for selection as a ‘Community of the Month’.

Please refer to last month’s post for full details but applications should cover as many of these elements as possible...

  • Community Purpose

  • Community Team

  • Community Curation Account

  • Plagiarism & Abuse
  • Engagement & Commenting
  • Plans & Updates

  • Promotion

  • Anything Else

Among the most important of these is Community Purpose.

We really want to see Communities that have a unique and well defined focus.

They should have a strong USP (Unique Selling Point).

For Country / Regional Communities that will be about the country or region.

For Subject Communities make sure the subject(s) you intend to cover are clear and specific, and ideally unique on Steem.

The key question to ask is…

  • Does your community have a strong enough message to attract people to Steem?

A second factor we are giving increasing importance to is Community Retention.

This is most obviously measured by the percentage of Active Posters out of Total Subscribers.

If a community has 10,000 Subscribers but only 100 Active Posters that is not so good.

It would be better to have 1000 Subscribers and 300 Active Posters.

Community age is of course an important factor, but particularly for communities formed in the last 12 months 10% should be a target minimum.

For reference, Country Rep @toufiq777 has recently added the percentage to his list of communities…

@papi.mati also includes the Subscriber and Active Poster figures in his Communities list…

A community may not be able to remove inactive Subscribers, but it should do all it can to keep its current members engaged and active in the community.

The third factor that we are particularly looking at is External Promotion.

We see Communities as an important route for recruitment to Steem.

If people with a particular interest - be it knitting, electrical repairs, or vegetarian cookery - could be attracted to Steem by a strong, vibrant and focused community covering their area of interest that would be ideal.

We are keen therefore to hear about your plans to promote your community to the outside world.

Application posts can be in any language.

Applications should be made by 11.59pm UTC on Saturday, August 21st.

All communities are welcome to apply - including those already selected for August.

Please drop a link to your application post in the comments below and include the tag #communities-202109 (in the first five tags).

The communities selected as the ‘Communities of the Month’ for September will be announced before the end of August.

For more information about the Communities of the Month Support Program please read the previous posts…

This ‘Communities of the Month’ program will be evolving month by month.

We are keen to monitor its effectiveness, so we would suggest the communities selected monitor and report on their progress.

The key data would be Subscribers, Active Posters, Community Account Steem Power (own and delegated) and ideally some indication of external recruitment.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

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Мы самое лучшее сообщество Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA)!

Не помешало бы попасть опять в 6 лидеров. Надо чтоб малыш рос и набирался сил

Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) ето почти как родня, мы самые самые

I think if we could receive one more month of support, we'd beat the 60 000 SP for curator account 💪

the main thing is that the work is joint

Yes that the point and we deserve it too. One of the best communities here

We love our BRU community, we really wish it was strong!

Steam-BRUTE (BY-RU-UA) is a friendly community, it deserves support from our curators

We showed our hard work, good growth, quality content, solidarity and enthusiasm! Therefore, our community is worthy of support for September!

Очень уютное и веселое сообщество с уникальным контентом и талантливыми авторами!

I think our community is worthy of re-support!

I agree. The content is on the community as well as the people , we surely do deserve the re support

Я тоже была бы рада повторной поддержки нашего сообщества))

Да, сообщество STEEMBRU активно!

Мы делаем автоматизацию рейтинга для отслеживания активных участников.

Этот скрипт на nodejs будет открыт для всех и каждое сообщество по желанию сможет также организовать рейтинг у себя.

будем расти и дальше!

развитие сообщества заметно и мне кажется, что было бы справедливо со стороны стимит команды оказать поддержку)) здесь каждый автор старается и пытается делать что-то во благо сообщества.

сообщество STEEM-BRU с уютной дружественной атмосферой и интересным уникальным контентом, практически семья, очень хочется, чтобы росло дальше!

I think we are using the community support program with dignity and showing great results! Hope we get support in September too!;)

Хотелось бы действительно поддержки, а не вот это все. Как это работает непонятно. Вроде вошли в шестерку, а не чувствуется совсем.

Роста и только роста! The suport
Сообщество STEEM-BRU заслуживает поддержки и развития. Тут много новеньких людей, много интересных постов и уважение к платформе

Steam-BRUTE (BY-RU-UA)!!!

This community offers many things to its members, with all the dedication of the Steem SEA management layer, we feel very comfortable and helped in developing ourselves in Steemit.
Thank you Mr @anroja.

Things like?

Maybe such as equality between members and administrators, family relationships so that new comers don't feel alone and isolated, also through contests to develop themselves on this platform, and of course more fun is offered in the Steem SEA community.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Steem SEA is the home for all Steemians, I believe with the creativity and dedication of the management team and members, Steem SEA will become a more advanced and independent community, with various plans and also the results of real work in developing this platform, Steem SEA is very worthy of get all the support from the Steemit team.


Dedication is really important for all.

Yap.. Thanks my bro

Sebelumnya saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh tim manajemen dari komunitas Steem SEA, sebagai Steemian saya juga telah mengamati beberapa perkembangan dan kemajuan pada platform ini, dengan kepedulian dan juga kebersamaan yang dibangun dalam komunitas Steem SEA menjadikan komunitas ini garda terdepan dalam memajukan Steem khususnya di wilayah Indonesia dan juga wilayah Asia Tenggara, saya merasa bangga bisa bergabung dengan orang-orang hebat di komunitas ini dan saya berharap Steem SEA bisa berkembang dan lebih maju kedepannya berkat dukungannya dari tim Steemit.

Steem SEA luar biasa, komunitas yang sangat kental rasa kekeluargaan dan selalu mendukung setiap anggotanya untuk tumbuh berkembang.

Lest goo Steemsea

Very good for better and more advanced community stability

Ini suatu yang luar biasa dan mungkin akan menjadi penguatan bagi setiap anggota steem.sea

steemsea will be the best community, active and a reference for other communities on this platform

Steem SEA salah satu komunitas yang sangat royal kepada member dan delegator, apalagi newcomer sangat bagus berada di komunitas ini, kontes di sini sangat menarik dan mudah untuk di pahami. 👍👍

Good job Steem SEA

Luar biasa.. Semoga bisa memberikan beragam manfaat demi kemajuan kemunitas.. Amiiinn

Steem SEA memang tak ada duanya, kekompakan, saling perhatian serta saling mengajarkan satu sama lain sehingga semuanya mendapatkan kemajuan dari hari ke hari terhadap steemian sendiri. Inilah yang saya rasakan selama hampir setahun bersamanya.


Ini merupakan sebuah komunitas yang tingkat kekompakanya sangat bagus, bukan cuma di sini saja namu di dunia nyata juga begitu, semoga komunitas steam SEA ini makin maju kedepanya.

Aamiin, terima kasih bang

Good luck to Steem SkillShare. Fingers crossed 🤞

Thank you so much 🍀

You are the best Community. You deserve to be chosen!

Thank you 🙏🏻 good luck Steem skillshare🍀

Forza Steem Skillshare!

This is the best in my opinion!

Hello @steemitblog This is our application post for the September Communities Support Program :


Best Regards

Great Proposal for support program on September. Hopefully we can get support in September from the Steemit Team.

Thank you for the support and success for the steem promo at entrepreneurs in the city of lhokseumawe. Good luck "SteemEntrepreneurs Coffee"

Regards - Wish U have wonderful day

Respected @steemitblog Team

We are submitting application for September support program for SIZ Community.

Steem Infinity Zone

Un saludo fraterno. La comunidad #Scouts se hace presente en la presente postulación.

Postulación para el programa de apoyo del mes de septiembre 2021 - #Scouts



Scouts, construyendo un mundo mejor 1.png

Nuestra comunidad le abre las puertas a todos los que son, han sido o quisieran ser Scouts.
Una invitación abierta a todos para que compartan sus experiencias en Valores, Liderazgo, Trabajo en equipo, amor por la naturaleza, los ODS, y todos aquellos que deseen "Construir un mundo mejor"


Banner Bienvenido.jpg

We are the Steemit Azerbaijan Community!

Here is our application for the program.

Steemit Azerbaijan Monthly Support Application.png

Thank you very much for everything, dear Steemit Team! :)

We love Steemit. ❤️ ✌️

We love steemit and steemit family❤

Biz Steemit Azerbaijanın gələcəyinə inanırıq və burdayıq.

Hi everybody. İ'm very happy so much glad. #steemitcomunity and #steemitazerbaijan so much best and so much amazing group. Here I feel myself so happy. I acquire new friends. I have many thinks for that community, but I say few. Because all see that. I invite all to our #steemitazerbaijan unite for friendship. Please join us. Again I'm so much happy in that unite and I wish lucky times, good friends to all AMEEN🤲

Bro, are you have some historical roots with "Dede Qorqud"? ;) Thank you for being here, Bro. Seviliyorsunuz həpiniz :)

Yes Bro..He is our "AGSAQQAL"(WHITE BEARD)))

White Beard e özdə hahahahahaha. Gönül söylemek istiyor, dil çaresiz ;) :D

Boş vaxtın olanda Orxan yazanları tərcümə elə mənə))

I danışmaq engliş vell)))

  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment

The most helpful community is the "Steemit Azerbaijan"

I have been a part of this platform for more than 4 years. Steemit has never put hard and quality work on the ground. NEVER! I have always tried to do my best and I have been appreciated.

As we mentioned in our application form above, we even have big plans ahead.

If we earn a monthly support program, we will spend all the proceeds to further grow our community.

Good luck to everyone! :)

@revan746 Founder of SteemitAzerbaijan

@revan746 , usta bu platformada nə günlərimiz keçib)) Hətta səni belə burda tanımışam . What a long road we passed :)

Hələ görəcəyimiz günlər qarşıdadır.

Güzel günler göreceğiz inşallah 🙏


Qaynana filmində yadınızdadı, diş həkiminin qəbulunda hamı qışqırıq səsinə qaçır, bu da qarışıb qaçır. İndi mən də az qala azıb başqa topluluğa getmişdim ee🤭

😂😂😂😂 indi steemiti sahibi gələcək ki, gedin başqa yerdə oynayın.

You are a very nice community and you manage your community very well. You are doing your best to improve steemit. I hope you get good support.

İnşallah topluluğa güzel destekler alınır

İnşaAllah. Səbirsizliklə gözləyirik.

Mən də kim hara qaçsa o tərəfə qaçacam.))) Devizim topluluqla bir yerdə olmaqdı)
Yaşasın Steemit Azərbaycan!


Steemit platformasını çox sevirik. Möhtəşəmdir😍

I am new in the Steemit. But From the first day i feel strong support from the steemitazerbaijan. I appreciate.

  ·  3 years ago Reveal Comment

I really love Steemit Platform and It is really a great pleasure to be a part of the Steemit Azerbaijan Family!

I hope at one point Steemit Team will appreciate our hard work and help us to grow further and further on this wonderful journey.

Best of Luck to us, Steemit Azerbaijan Community.

Ümid edirik ki, biz böyük bir topluluq olacayıq. Uğurlar hər kəsə.

Bir toplum olaraq çox gözəl işlər görürsüz, var olun. Uğurlar.

We love Steemit 😊

@nurengizbagirova , Steemit is a Love, It is a heart :)

Steemit learned tons of new things thanks to Steemit such as trading, cryptocurrencies, exchanges, blockchain and many many things

Also I am lucky to be a part of steemit Azerbaijan, thank you for everything, my family here ;)

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Although I newly this profile from my brother and newly getting to know Steemit. Even haven't share any posts, I am really amazed by the friendly and kind environment of Steemit Azerbaijan members. I will try to do my best in a short time)) You are amazing, guys 💙❤️💚👌🥰

Ən səmimi ve en uğurlu topluluq kimi topluluq, Steemit Azerbaijan.

Steemitle ireli,Uğur bizimlədi,Yaşasın steemitazerbaijan, Yaşasın xalq.
Thank you steemit..

Yaşasın Steemit və Steemitazerbaijan!!!

Möhtewemsiz, genceler!!!

  ·  3 years ago (edited)


Hamı səni axtarır, qardaş. Telegrama gələ bilərsiz?

Əhməd haradadır?))

STEEMİT has already bicome my way of lefe. I love steemiti very much. ♥️

You are a very nice community and you manage your community very well. You are doing your best to improve steemit. I hope you get good support.

Forever steemit

Saludos equipo de Steemit!

Muchas gracias por el apoyo a todas las comunidades, aquí está nuestra postulación:


bendiciones para todos los grupo son los mejores.!

[WhereIn Android] (

I don't think your program is working properly.
If you look carefully at the communities that are receiving the support this month, many of the newly created posts have a $0 payout. That is not help, it's creating divisions.

Unless there is a program that can produce and promote quality content, steady progress is unlikely. For example, there are important questions to be asked, 1: first of all, what should be done for a support program that will benefit everyone who is active in steemit? 2: What should be done to get better and stable support for quality and high quality content? e.g;. While me and my wife were thinking about how we can make better content and shoot much higher quality videos with the likes and support we received, and even when we were trying to make clips in different historical places on the streets, we naturally gave up after a few tries when we saw that there was no reward for such hard work. I think that those who produce good content should be liked as a group and of course everyone who participates should be supported to continue and take steps to grow together..

İt's an advise and obviously a suggestion to @steemcurator01 ve steemit team ...

Thank you for sharing this and I agree with you.

Hello @donatello and @anatolianwishdom.
We at Venezolanos Steem Community prefer and insist on quality more than quantity quantity. But if users are not voted for their intellectual or artistic efforts then they move away from the community and steemit. Greetings


It is certainly so, although I understand that it is difficult to cure everyone. I used to receive a weekly cure from the booming accounts, but I have not received a support for two weeks now, and I keep the same frequency and quality of my publications. I guess this happens to other users as well, but I think it is something that should be corrected to maintain constant support.

As you said you are not the only one who is not receiving any support.
Maybe your community leader should support your posts a bit more.
I support members in my community with three accounts as much as I can and my posts apart from #thealliance members are not receiving any support.

I understand, it is the most reasonable thing to do, however it is unfortunate that not all community leaders have that in mind. Therefore many of us depend on the support of the main curator accounts. But we continue to create content in order to grow within the steem community, but without the support it is somewhat complicated to move forward.

Es cierto lo que dices amigo, pero suceden cosas aun peor, tengo aproximadamente 2 meses observando la plataforma, he podido observar increíble irregularidades, por ejemplo ver una de las comunidades donde se le asigno apoyo del curador principal y en momentos, se llego a ausentar por 3 días, luego volvia y solo votaba a 3 o 5 publicaciones recientes y las otras 50 o 70 publicaciones o tal vez más que fueron hechas en esos días pues simplemente se perdierón.

otro punto, es el voto constante a los juegos del diario, es cierto que este es uno de los principales proyectos en steemit, pero y los que invierten en manualidades, o cualquier otro tipo de creaciones, sacan un top donde la personas se esfuerzan creando contenido de calidad, para luego ser elegidos he ignorados por el curador.

y lo peor de todos, es ver a la misma persona votada hasta 3 veces por semana en una comunidad, es como si el curador entrara buscando a esa persona y no sucede una ves, hasta dos veces sucede seguido por semana. La mejor solución es crear o abastecer por lo menos 3 cuentas mas de curaduria con la misma potencia.

Thank you!

Thank you for linking my list of active communities.

Starting from September, I will be including the information about the booming support on the list to make it even more informative.

I am one of the delegator and member of #steemitphilippines, the new community built and started by our generous @loloy2020. The community now is growing quickly and we need the support from the leader in steemit platform and looking forward to onboard newbies and old users who leave. We try to convince everyone to help the blockchain.

I don't know why the @steemit Authority is not looking at our community. But I'm sorry about that. We are trying our best .And I believe that one day our community @amarbanglablog will have a highlight position in the whole @steemit blockchain. Just waiting for the time.

Our work model is very suitable for this platform.

Uniqueness is key. Our community is unique. Hopefully we will be included in the next month curation list. Thanks @rex-sumon vai for the nice application with a lot of explanation.

খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করেছেন আমাদের সকলের পক্ষ থেকে। অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল

Although we can do a lot of trouble to keep our @amarbanglablog community well. But I believe that one day our community will stand out in a very good way and we are looking forward to that day. But if @steemit authority had given us a little grace, this difficult path would have been easier for us.

We hope the Steemit team will accept our application this time. I think "Amar Bangla blog" is the first community of Steemit who is running the community with full power without any support from outside. Such a community must be supported by the Steemit team. I think if they look at our community, they will understand the progress of the community that has been created in a few days.
Thank you.


Commented, voted and resteemed.

আমার বাংলা ব্লগ সত্যিই একটি অসাধারণ প্লাটফর্ম।

Hello respected @steemitblog team, here is our application for this month.
Best regards, @steembaseball team


Imagen1 (3).png

Les deseo los mayores de los éxitos
Vamos #steembaseball ❤️🙏🏻

Hello @steemitblog team, here is our application for this month, please check it out!



Seguimos creciendo gracias al apoyo de todos

Saludos. Estaremos colocando la solicitud de la Comunidad Venezolanos Steem.

Thank you so much for this new opportunity and for always thinking of how to improve communities in here!!
We're glad to be part of this again, you can find our application for September in here!.

With love,
Writing & Reviews team

The Business Activity community makes its application for the month of September.

Application For The Communities of the Month Support Program [September '21]

"Bringing more businesses and entrepreneurs to the Steem blockchain"


Thank you for sharing this wonderful information for community involvements.

Hello there @steemitblog and all Steemit Team. I am pleased to share with you our Steemit Philippines Community | Application for the Communities of the Month Support Program.


Steemit Philippines Community | Application for the Communities of the Month Support Program - For the Month of September (08-20-2021)

To God be the Glory!!!

Our support to our community will be solid. Best of luck to everyone here applying.

Thank you very much for the support.

Goodluck to our community, Steemit Philippines and to the rest of the communities who are applying for support from the Steemit Team!

Thank you ate, let us pray to God. God Bless!!!

my support goes to our very own community Steemit Philippines! Good luck to all applicants!

My 200% support to our community #steemitphilippines

Вы достойны поддержки!


The following is the application form to apply for support from @steemitblog to RECREATIVE STEEM.


@graceleon CR Argentina

great work has been doing steem recreation. excellent dynamics and led by a great team.

For second time in a row the Latino Community will join to it, cause this support is the secret that will put us in the self-sustaining :) Thank you for give us the oportunity, this month is fullfilled of goals achiement, and several new strategies, keep looking!

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

We look forward to applying for our growing community

Amazing, thank you so much @steemitblog for this update. It is another opportunity to prove what we are and what we are doing. Application for steemkids community loading.......


Oh great thanks steemit team

Komunitas Steem Literacy @steem.literacy sepertinya perlu mengajukan proposal. Banyak penulis bermutu yang perlu dukungan.

Setuju. Sang payah ta bahas secara serius lam saboh forum.
Cc: @ayijufridar, @isnorman

Hello @steemitblog @steemcurator01

This is our application post for the September Communities Support Program

I hope you like it and thanks for the opportunity ✌️

Hello again team! Here's the application for Steemit Iron Chef Community, looking forward to some positive feedback and hopefully get to the top 6 this time!

SIC September Communities of the Month Support Program


  ·  3 years ago (edited)

@steemitblog, here is my application for Steemkids community for September community support program
My application


Hello @steemitblog i am join in communities.
Thank you

am looking forward to submit my application soon

I am trying to establish contact with the Steemit team, it is necessary that the team please review this initiative ...


Here I leave the links for you to review and express your concerns.

I would like the great Steemit team to be able to review this proposal and give me the necessary suggestions to be able to implement it, I am ready to follow their guidelines in order to help promote and encourage communities for their development ...

Thankyou for providing another opportunity.

Here is the Link to Application Post

Thanks very much for the updates and your kind support for Communities. @steem-ghana hopes to submit their application too.

it is great opportunity for active communities
steem challenge application

This is a lovely way to encourage communities to do better. Thank you @steemitblog now and always.

Великолепная поддержка и отличная работа!

Nice One

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Nice idea and whatever is the outcome for the application of community come next month, getting the support will be massive but what has your community able to do before the support arrive matters a lot and that is the more reason I stand with community that educate and train their members in case of necessity. God bless @steemitblog

Por acá la postulación de la Comunidad Crypto.Kids

Solicitud Septiembre


Que importante es el apoyo a cada comunidad creo que esto está trayendo un crecimiento grande no sólo a cada comunidad se me terminó toda la plataforma que continúe con el buen trabajo y excelente desempeño amigo y más sinceras felicitaciones!!!!

This is great! Steemit Iron Chef community will be applying again for sure and hopefully get to that top 6 this time. It is simply amazing to see how this special support has been boosting all these communities since it started.
Thanks for all.

Buen Post amigo

This is a lovely way to encourage communities to do better.

This update sounds nice. I think things will go well this way than before...😊😊

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Steemit candı, üreydi.
Thank you steemit...

This is our application post for the September Communities Support Program

here is my application


Grandes oportunidades.


buenas dios los bendiga atodos


como estan todos

This community has to work hard.

Hi! This is our application link, thank you :
Application for The Communities of the Month Support Program

Hello respected @steemitblog team,

Here is our application for this month from Gaming Souls Community.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Application for Communities of the Month ( September 2021 ) - PromoSteem Community


Recreative Steem will be applying for community support this September; we are very grateful and appreciative that new opportunities are opening up to continue to grow and move forward. We are happy about this.

Claro que allí estaremos ✨✨✨

Confirmo desde que me uní a Recreative Steem he sentido una cálida receptividad con de los moderadores para con las personas que allí publican, en verdad se nota la calidad de esta comunidad donde cada dia dan muchas ganas de seguir publicando alli.

That's good news, let's follow up admins immediately.....

SteemSea menjadi salah satu komunitas yang mengedepankan rasa kekeluargaan, suatu kebanggaan bisa tumbuh berkembang melalui komunitas ini. Kesuksesan dan kejayaan untuk SteemSea.

I am grateful to read this guidelines and it gives me an update. Thank you @steemitblog

very very nice.

Application posted two days ago.
application link Steem Cameroon

my hero