Day 7 - Steemit helps me out

in community •  7 years ago 

Lazy day today, I woke up at 5:30 am for work and I only had 3 hours sleep; so I was tired the whole day. Spoke to my rugby manager and he was ok with me not to training today,allowing my toenail to heal.Lack of sleep really mess up my plans; I feel lazy and tired. This is where I make bad decisions on my diet and training. But today I did well; throughout the day I ate clean food and did cardio for 40 mins on a bike. In the past when I felt lazy and tired, the keyword was f*ck it, I will do it tomorrow or start again tomorrow. I am really focused on achieving my small goals whether am feeling good or down. And posting daily helps me reflect on my day and see what I can do to improve myself on the goals I haven't achieved. It's easy to write what you want to do for the day but life gets in the way and you have to react, the Steemit platform helps look back on my day and ask yourself the question how can I do the same tasks better tomorrow.

**Food intake **

Oats - peanut butter, chia seeds and sugar

pasta- tomatoes sauce and mushroom

sadza - vegetables


Bike - 40 mins

Foam rolling - 10 mins

Stretch - 10 mins

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