New Platform for Health and Profits

in community •  6 years ago 


I guess by now most users have heard fo which appears to be a fork off of the steemit network or maybe it is an SMT. I am not really sure where it was born from but I see the future it can have for many people like myself.

Suffering from chronic pain, it seems fitting that chronic may be the way to ease that. As I live in a state where medical marijuana was just legalized I am hopeful to get some relief from my constant pain as well as relief from the side effects of being on pain medication for years. This platform I hope opens up more research and knowledge as to the benefits of marijuana.

I know at first it will be filled with stoners posting their herb and I am okay with that as many of them have paved the way for the rest of us who need it for medical reasons.

It should be a great place to exchange recipes and uses as not every person is the same. It will also be nice to have a place as a resource for dispensaries across the world so you can always make sure that you will be provided for when traveling.

If you haven't signed up for like many of us in the Steem community have come on over and join the new family there. You can keep the same name or hide behind a new like many are doing.

You can find me at

That's it for now, I am off to the pain management doctor. I will see you all later tonight.

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Sorry to hear about your pain. Glad you are switching to something more natural. Don't up and disappear from Steemit.

I clicked your link to and it looks like steemit. I don't smoke or I would join you. I am at Weku like tons of other folks. Just finding the time is the thing.

I'd never leave here for another platform. That one has one focus and I just need it for information more than anything.

good to know.. keep us posted here too about how it all goes.

Will do, there are some big users there doing curation which do curation here. I think it is a win win if it's your type of community.

sounds like you are on track for sure.

Hope it Pans out. Unfortunately am still more of a steemity kind of girl

I am a Steemit boy but this platform is not a Steemit replacement. It caters to a specific user base. I will use it to gather knowledge and grab a few coins for curation.

I've got an account over there as well now, but my main focus is still Steem at the present time.

I thought youre doing a santa cosplay, LOL. I was wrong, youre just wearing an ordinary headwear and I thought the smoke was an extra beard....

Ho ho ho!

BTW, Im in smoke too...

So it allowed you to sign up> I tried to sign up the other day to check it out and it asked if I was born in the US and then wouldn't let me. Did you see my post about weku? It is another steemit clone but not listed on any exchanges yet. But expected to be in the next 6 months or so.

I looked into Smoke as I am working on my medical card, it will be a plethora of marijuana uses. I already spend way to much time on Steemit and think it's future is still very bright. Unless things take a turn for the worse/worse I am all interneted out here, lol.

Did you see my review on Charlotte's web? It can be shipped every where except apparently Ohio because they think they are above the supreme court but you know... But many stores are carrying it now. Dude I think I just got a new lease on my life. I have felt great and my pain levels are down and my other treatment is keeping me out of pain most of the day and when it does come back it isn't as intense and I just do my other treatment again. The Stanley Brother are awesome.... And me I kept getting those errors till the other day so I had to get my fix some where.

I may play with each network just to bank a few coins for curation but I have way to much fun on here to ever replace it. I need to get used to writing more again. There is so much to share every day it is silly not to post it. It would help to use these other platforms as practice sites for new and different types of posting.

Okay I tried again and it allowed me to sign up weird and the screen I saw yesterday didn't pop up this time waiting on approval now see you over there

Glad you got it worked out.

I totally agree with you. I have never heard of but it is something that needs to be done. I also cant wait for my state to make the right decision about legalization. I am also just glad that you and people like you are finally getting the real medicine that they need. #whatwereallyneed

It is still a struggle even with it legal. I am working with my doctor now, it shouldn't take much longer now.

I'd never heard of the other 2

Golos I feel has been around for a decent amount of time that Steemit has, functionwise it is a way better website in itself, but GUI alone does not make a good network. You should definitely nab an account just for poops and laughs and to learn Russian.

Weku is all new to me, but I have seen already a couple of names from this site I recognize there. I hope other sites pop up too. At first I thought it would be just one Steemit chain and everyone would build their Busy, or SteepShot, or other apps "on top" of the Steemit chain, but if people want to do it this way that is there forking business.