My thoughts on “self-branding” / Punk rock in the suburbs

in community •  7 years ago 

Since my last post was kind of just taking a shit on the blockchain, let me explain my thoughts on branding a little better and share a little bit about my past.

You may be a freelance artist, but if you talk about branding yourself, you are more influenced by corporate culture than you think. This isn’t inherently a bad thing, but if corporate culture is something you want to stray away from, you may have some reassessment to do.

Do you ever ask yourself “Would I be acting this way if there wasn’t some potential benefit or gain?”. If so, keep reading.

Being Cool

I grew up learning to care what people thought of me. I wanted to be liked. And then one day I was liked. I was liked because I had tried hard to be liked. I tried to be what others wanted me to be, so far as I could stomach it. I had no objection with being good at sports so I tried out a few until I found one where I wouldn’t stumble over myself. I had no objection to being attractive, so I combed my hair. I like talking to people so i talked to whoever was willing (as long as they weren’t a nerd because nerds weren’t cool). I wasn’t liked because of who I was, unless who I was was simply combed hair, ok at sports and not a nerd.

I liked Die Hard. I had no idea why I liked Die Hard, just as most people had no idea why they liked Titanic. I realize now that I probably picked up on how other people responded to me when I made a reference to the movie, or when I emulated that John McClain attitude, yippie kay yay motherfucker. So that’s why I liked Die Hard, I guess.

Still in the back of my mind were thoughts like “what are we doing here?”, “what if life is just a dream?”, “How can we be sure that rocks and trees don’t have consciousness?” I kept these thoughts inside, but they didn’t go away, so sometimes I tried to share them with friends...

...the response was never as favorable as when I quoted lines from the Simpsons or South Park. This hurt a bit. I tried to keep up the image of a “cool kid” but it became more and more of a struggle, because i started to realize that it didn’t reflect who I really was. I still didn’t totally understand who I was, but I knew I didn’t really care much about combing my hair, sports and reciting quotes from tv shows.

It was around this time that I discovered my love of punk rock. I had always loved music but I just listened to whatever I came across that didn’t sound too “uncool”. My tastes quickly gravitated towards the 2 or 3 punk bands I knew. I have to admit that a lot of it was pop punk by many standards (nothing as cool as the Dead Kennedies or whatever), but I felt liberated when I first heard the Offspirng sing “Don’t give a fuck if it’s good enough for you!” You can probably sense the same sentiments in my post yesterday.

Call it juvenile, I call it real.

So from then on being understood became a goal that I felt much more passionately about then being liked. I was quickly dispelled from the cool kids and went back to being ridiculed by my peers but I didn’t care much.

I connected with the punk/emo/ska scene throughout my state. I made friends all over the place, most of which my parents needed to drive me to go visit, but with these friends I could talk how I truly felt. I wore band shirts, and adopted a bit to “punk fashion” not really to be cool but in honor of these bands that I loved and in hopes of finding others who felt the same. It worked. The people I met were generally open to you, so long as they felt that you were real.

But as time went by, lots more punk bands made their way into the mainstream. Suddenly punk was the new “cool”. The “cool kids” wanted me again, this time not because my combed hair and being ok at sports but because my honest expression and free spirit....except not really. I quickly realized that the mainstream culture was acting the way it always had. It was all about what’s hot this week. As the “cool kids” infested the scene, I found more and more people in the being judgemental about which bands you listened to, how you dressed....are you a REAL punk?

thats what I call a punk, hah..image link

To some this meant dressing like a punk, to some it meant embodying the culture, but either way, it was no longer about just being yourself. It became a status symbol, a status symbol in the mainstream because you were up to date with what was “cool”, and a status symbol in the underground because you were the “REAL DEAL” (make sure to grease up your Mohawk). It had all lost its authenticity, along with most of the bands who had jumped into the mainstream.

“Not giving a fuck” (and dressing like everyone else to prove it) became the new cool. It got you attention and praise.

Can you see how this relates with branding?

Branding is a method of selling a product. We do it to get what we want, in most cases, money or attention. That’s all fine and dandy, but the when the product is YOU, you no longer have the freedom to be who you actually are. The product is a “cool” and socially acceptable version of who you are. You may try to convince yourself that it’s exactly who you are, you might even make part of your image that “you don’t give a fuck”, that you are “just being real” but it’s all a part of the image that you are selling.

Being real and being “presentable” are often at odds with each other. Most of us hide it when you fart in public. We don’t say everything you want to say, especially when we are trying to “market” ourselves as this or that. That’s ok. But it’s not real.

To a certain extent it’s always been this way but in the age of social media it’s become harder and harder to know what’s real. Our image is more important to us than its ever been although we have gained more flexibility to have Mohawk students and tattoos if we want. We think that our financial success depends on creating a presentable image and so we box in the raw human spirit. Grown adults aren’t any different from high school kids.

“Real” has become the new “punk rock”. A hollow shell of its former self, part of the image.

If you want to package yourself into a product to be sold, so people like you and buy you, that’s fine, but maybe you belong in the marketing department off large corporation rather than out creating “art” or offering “help”...

...Or maybe you do belong out in the wild as an independent artist and you just need to take off the chains slowly as you realize that it’s ok, that you can find a path to your dreams, just being you.

It’s ok to test the waters.

I can totally empathize with those who make a decent living “being their own brand” and are afraid to lose that security and everything they have built. But you may be just as well off just being yourself. Take it one step at a time.

I, for one, will support the fuck out of you and there are many others who will as well. We may not all be in a place to help you financial, but that is changing thanks to new innovations on the internet, crypto and steemit included, and we can find other ways to help.

Do you want to be your own brand? Or do you want to be yourself?

The only way to be truly real is to break the image sometimes when it feels right. You’ll come know it feels right when you feel a sense of liberation. Take a shit on the blockchain or tell your client “sorry, I had diarrhea” instead of coming up with some lame excuse for why you were late for a meeting.

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When you finally have to truly look into your soul do you think you will find peace with who you are? My son was heavy metal in the 1980's- yes there was a time without social media. He has stayed true to his art and music even after everyone else grew up. I am still searching for my own identity and believe that when I find it I will transform into a load of positive energy. This physical form is what we use to reach eternal inspiration and karma. Check out his video @pebsoulIMG_4546.JPG

and his youtube videos at ughc

I can vaguely remember a time without social media haha. I’m glad your son is staying true to himself. As for yourself, just keep going where excitement takes you :-)

try one tv with no remote and just 3 stations ah simpler times-I wonder if all the education of using tech has warped a person's sense of being....Wait until the time when people no longer reproduce and just clone themselves back into being. The future is yours use it wisely. -p-IMG_0791.JPG

Making choices because they are the opposite of what others would make still means being dictated by social sentiment. You are right, a counterculture that just exist to be the counter is no more satisfying to the soul as going with the crowd (it is though, more satisfying to the ego, as people doing it will look down on others as sheep, even though they are still just dancing with the herd themselves). I've been a dj on and off for 18 years, in many ways I have cool cred because I started djing playing jungle on vinyl and love hard bass/trap/hip hop and other times I find music I like that is more "popular", and I rock it just as hard because its good . I even named my first mix after 8 years "Wait... Am I not Being Cool" because I knew certain songs would be seen by fellow hardcorists as played out or whatever. But I got into djing because I looove music, and I love dancing and I love going through ALL of the emotions I have , not just my anger or ADHD. I think I was lucky because I was not 'cool' or accepted by 'cool kids' from when I moved to my new school in 3rd grade until maybe freshman year when I started meeting older kids and ones outside of HS. I got to just do what I enjoyed because I was so hyperactive I couldn't even pretend to be cool if I tried haha, and when I pretended it failed and was very painful. I've definitely had to catch myself more than a few times in my life from trying instead of being, and the joyless, flat feeling you get when you are aren't being authentic was an excruciating punishment that probably did more work than I did in keeping me honest sometimes haha. Now, in a society where we always seem to be selling ourselves, its nice to remind each other and ourselves that if we are not enjoying our existence then its a waste of time. Even a punk pineapple can see that ;)

Oh, and I loved Titanic because it resonates with the idea that we choose our life for love over financial stability, or social acceptance. It is actually pretty pertinent to your post, so subconsciously you picked a perfect example lol

Punk wasn’t all about “being different” at first, it was about being yourself despite pressure to be what everyone else was and saying no to authority. The style was originally Moreno of a way of identifying each other at first. Only later did it become “fashion” because of the markets tendency to eat anything and everything, and because many people want to fit in to something.

I’m ok with popular, the problem is that many people change in order to stay popular once they get there. Some don’t even do it intentionally, it just kind of happens when Beyoncé asks them to write a song or something.

Staying true to yourself is hard because of our mode of interacting with each other and the economics of society, once you get outsid of that, it’s pretty easy. But getting outside of that can be tricky! I still find myself back in it from time to time, steemit has been that for me too, as much as I like it.

Anyways, it sounds like you are doing s good job. I love that you admit to loving titanic, that’s so uncool but who cares, just own it!

Totally second this. Man, our life story is similar on so many levels.
All that 'blending in', 'being the cool kid', 'starting to question self', 'breaking apart' to finally being comfortable in my skin!

Do you want to be your own brand? Or do you want to be yourself?

That's a lit quote right there.

That shit in the end with diarrhea was hilarious lmao

Smile and smile smile at your comment dude.

Haha awesome!
And, I just had this thought:
We can have a 'visual' brand even while being ourselves, which people will identify through our avatar and name!
What are your thoughts on this?

I’d rather stay away from the concept of a brand though because when you think in these terms, you will act according to them. But I totally see if someone wants to call the pineapple a brand. I don’t want to think that way though.

Got it, it's about our preferences I guess. And yeah, the pineapple is a good example!

I could write a whole piece on being "cool." Cool is a whole entire THING you know what I'm saying? I finally looked it up on Wikipedia, and was very satisfied.

Ok, have you seen this movie with Nick Cage Valley Girl? Oh my Goddddddd I love it so much it's everything. Nick Cage is so punk rock 80s.

Waiting for your article on being cool now.

I haven’t seen valley girl hahah Ive seen clueless and can’t hardly wait. nick cage like Nicolas cage in a Nicolas cage?

You need to see it. It is nothing like Clueless.

Highly rEsteemed!


Thanks! Followed you too. You ar an enigma!

More like a Conundrum...

I just love this! It’s not about Sex Pistols or Ramones... Punk is an immortal ideal.

I agree! A movement is based upon a way of being, not a style of music. Punk is alive though it’s no longer easily identifiable

but the when the product is YOU, you no longer have the freedom to be who you actually are.

I guess to me a personal brand is based off of who you completely to some degree, like you might share a lot of your life and what you're doing and how you're feeling.

Then there's the other side where you're trying to sell something, and presentation is a much bigger part of it.

I still think you can be yourself, being authentic is the way most of the people succeeding succeed if you ask me. So I kind of equate the two, being yourself and having a personal brand go hand in hand for me.

Of course I haven't made huge strides yet, so I'll keep this in mind for sure

I just find the concept to be distracting. I don’t neccisarily see anything wrong with it, I just find it so much easier to get lost unless who you are is the perfect marketable personality, and honestly...ew to that hahha, I don’t think that describes you or anyone I know.

It’s fine to try and look for ways to make yourself more understandable to others. If you want to call that marketing or branding, that’s just a choice of words, but it’s one I find to be rather narrow and constrictive.

Hey @whatamidoing, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)