RE: Open Mindedness & Critical Thinking vs. Global Conditioning "Education"

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Open Mindedness & Critical Thinking vs. Global Conditioning "Education"

in conditioning •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Main Problems In Education Are The First Three Dimensions. Dimension Zero, One & Two. These Are Pure Informational Dimensions. Every Point Or Line That You Can See Has Nothing To Do With That. This Is Where Misrepresentation Starts. If You Can Perceive It Than It Has To Have At Least Three Dimensions. Representational Geometrical Mathematics Is Already The First Failure.

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I have often thought that if an object has so many dimensions, we actually perceive one less. Hence, the simplest 3D object is a four-sided pyramid. It actually needs to be 4D to perceive it. 4D objects are there also, but we need to have D5 to actually "see" them....beyond that, I can not describe the theory but have spoken with a few more evolved minds who agree. Eigenstates and String theory seem to agree as far as I can understand. Advanced computational mathematics can also bend time about, and I believe that is where the singularity will occur.

I believe singularity has occurred many times already. This is what makes singularity and the future of mankind 100% predictable. I still believe the greatest philosophers just found out about the cyclic nature of development.
The biggest question in philosophy. What will we do when we made ourselves obsolete? Something like Wall-E or something like Terminator or both again or until the system really fails...?

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That knowledge is buried deeply in the Fellow Craft degree of Freemasonry. This is exactly why when a Brother is asked what the letter "G" stands for, they usually answer "Geometry." Other mystery schools also knew this in antiquity but it seems lost in more modern thought. Also we do not really have any superficies, they are a mathematical construct. A piece of paper, no matter how thin, is still 3D.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Stop... The Freemasonry "G" Has Many Different Perspectives. It Could Stand For "God" "Geometry" "Gravity" "Geology" & For The Sevenths Letter In The Alphabet. If It Represents Just The Number Seven. I Could Show You The Entire Universe Around This Number Only. I will Come To This Numerical Concepts Later.

Pretty sure it's a Hebrew word.....One given in the R.A.C.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A Little Mistake Sorry. It's All Connected To Mysticism.

I Was Wrong "Gematria" Is Hebrew. :D

Gematria is Greek. Those Helenistic Jewish folk sure left a lot of clues.....Pythagoras and his system of 3 degrees, also greatly revered by the Brothers.🎩

Everything Is Encoded In The Number Seven. This "G" Is From The Pythagorean School. Not From The Hebrews.

While that is true, Gimel is not 7 Ayin is isn't it?