Conscious Consumerism

in consciousness •  7 years ago 

For a moment, I would like for you to put any form of labeling, judgement or opinions to the side. If you haven't noticed from scrolling your Facebook page or watching the latest news we are clearly in big trouble here. Amongst all of the beauty that surrounds us everyday not only is there a huge amount of people going through some form of mental illness but our planet that we so luckily get to call home has been feeling ill herself for quite some time now. I’m tired of just sitting here on my phone seeing all of these disastrous videos pop up every day and not knowing what to do. Whether its inspiring or having the latest video make your heart sink, it is truly is amazing that we have the ability to share all of these insights on such a mass scale. But with all of this scrolling and time spent on your phone don't you think it would feel so much better knowing that your actually making a difference in the world? Isn't that we all want? Doesn’t it feel good trying your best? Well I think we can all come to an agreement and understand that we NEED to try a little harder here.... this isn’t about some “New Age” or “Hipster” thing, it’s about coming to together as ONE to make a positive impact here on Earth. The solid fact that I’m scared to bring children into this world is a huge indication that there is some serious work to do. Some of you may think it’s too late, that its too forgone and that we’ve ran out of time. Well I don't know about you but Id way rather die knowing that at least i’ve tried. When it comes down to it, it’s about understanding the importance of consumerism. The average person spends a large majority of their day eating, drinking, shopping, driving, working etc. Now let’s take into consideration that all of these things take up a lot of your precious time, energy and money, correct? I don't know about you but doesn’t it seem like we are always looking for more time, energy and money? Well fancy that.. it’s not about eliminating these amazing things that we can have the pleasure to enjoy. But maybe ask yourself, can you live without it? We can’t live without food, but is your hard earned money being spent towards a company that you feel proud to support? Are you taking the time to be mindful with each bite seeing how lucky you are to eat 3 meals a day? Is your newest purchase coming from a good place or are you shopping for in search of something more? We need to understand that we are complete already, and we always have been.
Being more conscious to what we’re tossing in the garbage is just one step towards a brighter future and having Fernandos and Sturgeon Hall being open to my idea of removing plastic straws is just the beginning. What are you willing to do to save our planet? Stand up for what you believe in, follow your heart and use your voice! Take action with me on making the world a better place to live in one conscious effort at a time. I challenge you today to stop with the use of plastic straws, go buy yourself a nice coffee mug to call yours and be gone with the plastic bags already. Who’s with me?!

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Exactly. Great points here and I share a lot of those same sentiments. We have to be so aware of the own trash literally and figuratively in our economy we're creating! I set a goal this year to only by secondhand for my home and closet and have been writing along the way if you're interested in checking it out on my blog. Thanks for sharing this!