Dopp (EL) gangers

in conspiracy •  5 years ago  (edited)

The Lost Books Of Adam And Eve describe some of the earliest use of this spiritual trope. It describes the inability of A+E to discern the difference between Satan and God (Christ and Anti-Christ in Christian mythology). They also describe how Satan was banished to India but that's another blog! 

I I (eleven)...The Twin Towers. @ 8.47 flight 11 slams into WTC 1...Chauvin had his neck on Floyd for 8.47 sec. 

Shakespeare had to be the beginning of acting used as public staged events by departments of Royal (UN) Intelligence. Is it really that hard to believe that Hollywood (a branch of military intelligence) now has large groups of paid crisis actors on their payroll? I'd say it's not hard to believe at all. 

At any rate: you be the judge! There is all kinds of room for shenanigans here...


The actor Ben Bailey:


George Floyd:


Stephen Jackson (a friend of Floyd's):


My thoughts on the MSM who now have proved social distancing was a farce as the real issue facing humanity is racism...YAH...right.

Some thoughts on that:

The 'common cold virus' was the pretext for the largest heist in human history (the transference of more wealth from the commons into elite wallets) and the MSM now says the primary issue is race or genetics. Reducing spirituality, metaphysics, and theology to 'genes' has only made the pathological elites the most powerful people on earth. Ask Christendom how this reductionism has worked out for them...They are for the most part imprisoned unless they belong to the 'carnival barker grift show' that is Israeli funded American Christianity...

I try not to do this kind of blogging but the level of ridiculousness now is unprecedented so I have to bite on this one:)

I'd say we are not dealing with RAcism but RAscalism!

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Just the matter of fact fuck you look on Chauvin's face had me sitting on the fence as far as staged events go. My feeling is that Floyd is actually dead. The staged aspect seemed even more reinforced when in Mexico, which hadn't been paying much attention to any of the virus crap, a fellow was beaten to death by the notorously corrupt police for not wearing a medical mask. The consequential violence which erupted has since gone so far as to have had a policeman set afire.

The chaos in both the US and Mexico was manufactured by police. Some believe there are no such things as coincidences.

Yup...I'd suggest that Miles Mathis is mandatory reading today.

On taking a knee: the fascist corporate usurious nation-states of the world are at 5-trillion and counting in their wars of empire since the bs of 911 and the bodycount of colored people is in the tens of millions.
All these people taking a knee have ZERO consciences and are the most shameless liars and manipulators in the story of HIstory...