Restrictions Of Thought | How The Government Hinders Free ThinkingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in conspiracy •  8 years ago 

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Our right to exercise free thought is perhaps one of our greatest gifts. Our thought process has a lot to do with what makes us human. There is an infinite amount of information to be processed, and today we have access to far more information than ever before. What if society keeps us thinking inside the box like crabs in a bucket? We're like herd animals in the sense that we like to feel secure by blending in with others and following the herd. There are very powerful people that run the world behind the scenes and they don't want common people to know everything. Therefore, they restrict our thoughts.

Missing History

I can only imagine how much is left out of our history. The past may be riddled with clues to our future. Our present may is only being seen through the filters of the powers that be. There is an elite group of people who are controlling vital information and keeping it from the masses. They don't want us knowing about our true powers and potential. To keep us away from our powers, they wish to keep anything that has to do with our powers out of our awareness. These missing pieces can be associated with anything from our health to our origins. A good example of something that was probably purposely left out of our history was the work of Viktor Schauberger. Like Nikola Tesla, Schauberger was a brilliant scientist who died broke and doesn't get the recognition he deserves today.

The reason why only a small amount of people have heard of some of the most brilliant inventors is because of what these inventors were discovering. In the case of Schauberger, he believed in implosion technology, as oppose to explosion. Implosion is a cleaner, sustainable way of absorbing energy from the cosmos, while explosion requires commodities to burn in order to create energy. Using implosion, people can create their own energy devices, if they know how to. The powers that be have no interest in that. It's far more profitable for them to control the resources needed to create energy.

By keeping this story away from us we're kept on a tighter leash by restricting our thoughts of what free energy could mean for humanity. Energy is one of the biggest ways to control the masses because we need energy to produce, transport, and even use much of what we rely on in the modern world. If energy were free, a world of opportunities would present itself. They don't want us thinking about that.

The Media Monopoly

In the original 1983 edition of style="text-decoration: underline;">The Media Monopoly Ben Bagdikian warned us saying “When 50 men and women, chiefs of their corporations, control more than half the information and ideas that reach 220 million Americans, it is time for Americans to examine the institutions from which they receive their daily picture of the world.” Today, most of the media we use to shape our version of reality is controlled by just 6 corporations. This consolidation of power in the media is a threat to having free press, which is very important in a free society. You can learn more about it by reading the updated version, The New Media Monopoly.

The War On Drugs Prohibits Free Thought

The war on drugs is another way they restrict our thoughts. There are drugs, many of which are plants or are derived from plants, that expand consciousness. However, all of those mind-expanding drugs are illegal here in the so-called "Land of the Free." None of the legal drugs expand consciousness either, and I don't believe this is a coincidence. This is not an endorsement to use drugs. Instead, it's another example of how they attempt to restrict our thoughts down to what they want us to think about.

Drugs give you an altered state of consciousness. That's why people take them. While talking about drugs is taboo, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting some drugs have interesting benefits. Ayahuasca has been used for thousands of years ceremonially for spiritual purposes. A recent study by The University of South Florida found psilocybin in magic mushrooms can repair brain damage. Many people believe psychedelics expand consciousness. Two notable books theorize magic mushrooms may have had a great impact on the evolution of human beings, making us the advanced beings we are in our modern form. Those books are Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna and Supernatural by Graham Hancock. If certain drugs have the ability to free the mind, the War on Drugs certainly limits it.

Occupied Minds Have No Time For Independent Thought Development

There are plenty of movies, games, commercials, and so on, to keep our minds occupied, while the subjects needing the most attention are left out of the mainstream news and media. Our minds are like a glass that can only hold so much water. When our minds are not operating at full capacity processing information we seek other forms of stimulation, which could include free thought. Like our minds, when a glass is already full and you try to add water to it, the excess water just spills over the top and is wasted. With a debt-based financial system that stretches our means so thin we're required to work full-time just to get by. After working hard, most people just want to spend their free time leisurely with friends and family. And in their free time there is far more than enough entertainment to keep them busy. We have enough movies, TV shows, video games, and other forms of entertainment to keep people that don't work busy. So not only do they keep information from us to restrict our thoughts, and attempt to prevent us from exploring our own minds with safe, medicinal plants, they also fill any voids with entertainment, often laced with propaganda.

Luckily, we all have the opportunity to choose our own path and that's what The Awareness Revolution is about. Seeking truth for ourselves, and searching within ourselves, are powerful practices. The internet has provided us with alternative news stations and alternative media for us to gather information that is out of the control system. There is an overwhelming amount of information available to us right at our fingertips. Unfortunately, a lot of the best information is still hidden from the masses. But that is changing. By reading this right now you are a part of the wave of people that are changing the world by increasing your awareness on these important topics. We are here to help you in the process by point out things we've found along the way.

Think outside of the box. Use technology to free your mind instead of enslaving it. Instead of being slaves to our technology we must be masters to it. We have to use the internet to empower ourselves instead of just following the latest trends in pop culture. Watch documentaries like Food Matters

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Great article! My whole life the last few months has been working toward trying to free my time and my mind from the constant struggles of daily life. As you say, those who are always caught up in worrying and working have no time to think higher than themselves and enjoy the things they like.

Drugs are another thing that you touched on and something I have a lot of feelings on. I'm not a person who does tons of drugs and is always down to trip all the time. I've had my experiences with psychedelics and I think, for now, I've gotten what I need to out of them. That said, I think everyone who wants to should be able to have those spiritual experiences and it's ridiculous that the war on drugs categorizes natural substances that have been used for thousands of years on the same level as heroine and meth.

Thanks! Yea, the war on drugs has been a disaster. I still struggle to have free time, and I've been working on it for so long. It seems like the work is never done. I can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel. But at least I plan to be free, so I know one day I will be. Thanks for reading.

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Sounds good! Thanks!

Awesome. I'll nominate you within the next days. You'll see if you win

You won dude. You can check it out right here:

Awesome! Thanks!

"Instead of being slaves to our technology we must be masters to it."

I totally agree man. I'm seeing a lot of kids following the latest trend in pop culture because they want to look "cool" or be accepted. We need to change this. The media is fucked up. We have to seek truth for ourselves indeed. :))

This is a great post. I hope to read a lot more from you in the future! Welcome to Steem