A Look Into Asia's Massively Lucrative Infant Formula Scams

in conspiracy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Throughout Asia infant milk formula is incessantly pushed on young families without mention of negative side effects. This is not to say that infant formula does not have a valuable place at times rather this is the account of how large corporations are pushing their products for profit on an unsuspecting population. In this scenario we see yet again the process of emotive advertising while misrepresenting potential negative health benefits.

Indonesia is the largest consumer by volume. This is a reflection of both the changing demographics in Indonesia and the slick emotive marketing campaigns that fill Indonesian television advertising. I recently sat in an Indonesian warung watching a local soap opera. In one advertising break I counted 3 out of 5 adverts were for infant formula. This is very profitable for the few major players in the market.

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Infant Milk Formula Positives

There are clearly some women who have physical reasons why they cannot breast feed and in these instances it may be appropriate to use formula.

It is also my understanding that in times of natural disasters breast feeding women may experience problems producing enough to feed effectively. I have memories of sending milk formula to disaster areas in Indonesia for precisely this reason. I suppose it is logical from an evolutionary perspective. A mother can loose one child yet live to produce another.

There are clearly times when infant milk formula is important and can play a vital role in a child's welfare!

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Health Risks With Infant Milk Formula

There are acknowledged risks in using infant formula. Even in developed countries the acknowledged risks include increased incidences of gastroenteritis, pneumonia, as well as elevated risks of childhood obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, leukaemia, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Mothers are also at risk by not breast feeding, risking incidence of premenopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer, retained gestational weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome. 1

Mothers and infants in developing countries face additional risks using infant formula. Families who do not have adequate sanitation can further risk their child's life by using unsterile water and bottles. In this case breast milk would surely be better. Furthermore even though the cost of these products are significantly lower than in the West they still represent a significant cost for a poor family. The desire to give their children the best start in life can be a crippling financial expense for families in developing countries.

Indonesia's high infant mortality rate in 2012 lead the Indonesian government to push for all babies to be breast fed for the first six months of their lives. Yet the impact of the campaign was disappointing as it is estimated that only 40% of infants under six months old are exclusively breast fed in Indonesia. 3

The Indonesian market is estimated to be worth a whopping $1.1 billion! 2

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Selling Milk Formula To The Asian Market

The way that infant formula is sold to the Asian market is quite insidious. Like all people Asians love their families and their children. The family unit in Asia is extremely strong and as communities become more prosperous the first expenditure they often spend is to make the lives of their families more comfortable and healthy.

Infant formula sales campaigns in Asia are very slick and highly emotive. They always depict a caring mother and her young child and often feature a grandparent or two. There is always a hug and the implication that the child will grow up healthy and the mother will be proud. If you watch these advertisements its easy to see they are saying everything will be perfect and you will live a happy life, if only you feed your baby our formula.

Danone is a big culprit with this kind of advertising. Here is a Malaysian example of this kind of advertising that I found on Youtube:

Counterfeiting, Corruption and The Wider Impacts

There are numerous problems associated with infant formula in Asia. The large marketplace and big profits have given rise to a formula counterfeiting problem in China. Chinese counterfeiters have been caught mislabelling products with premium and misleading labels. Adult milk formula and dangerous adulterants have been found in tins of infant formula resulting in a crackdown by Chinese authorities.

A more insidious problem is that of corporations corrupting the system. The primary focus has been through the corrupt influencing of midwives and paediatric clinics. Although this is illegal and goes against WHO standards it is clear that this practice is widespread and mirrors the broader corruption of our medical industries. Midwives and clinics were given cash incentives to sell infant formula and although it is illegal young mothers were given free samples. Although there was a backlash it appears that all that has changed is that the corporations are now giving gifts rather than money. The people are meant to believe that these global corporations are behaving benevolently by donating these gifts.

As we see throughout the world this corruption runs right up the chain and includes the doctors and agencies!

All of this to push infant formula on young families without acknowledgement of the potential negative impacts seems like a conspiracy to lie for profit at the detriment of the children. In this huge industry there seems to be little or no:

  • Discussion of the potential negative health effects from using infant formula
  • Honesty about the corruption in the chains of distribution
  • Consideration about the relevance of expensive milk formula for families with low incomes that lack sterile water

Sadly this seems like just another industry that cares only for profit and not for the welfare of the children it so emotionally depicts in it's advertising campaigns! If only this was a topic that was more widely discussed amongst families in Asia!

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Image sources 1, 2, 3,4, 5. Sources 1, 2, 3.

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Wow! The ad was pretty straightforward. If you care about your baby, you'll use formula. Yikes. Mother's milk has more immunity boosting properties than formula ever will. Thanks for pointing out in your article that sterile water is also necessary for formula and may lower income families are not able to supply that. Here in Panama, formula is crazy expensive. I have noticed it at the Costco-equivalent and it is something like $50 for a can. Imported from the States, same price as the Ensure formulas (targeting the retired population here). Breast milk is the best - I just wish they would promote that but it's free and this is a money making industry.

Too right mate! I always appreciate your insightful comments! UPvoted with pleasure! 😉

Mother's milk for two years is really healthful for baby and the mother itself :)

Sounds fair enough to me! UPvoted! =)

Yep very fair, thanks :)

Followed and UPvoted again! =)

Cool, you welcome :)


Mothers milk is good for you.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes! Nothing better! UPvoted! =)

Everything on this planet become under influence of money. No matter what is the subject, money is on first place. That is so sad. Thank you for this article. Resteemed.

You are very welcome! I have just finished a series called Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie which looked into the corruption of our education, monetary, agricultural, medical, media, political, and legal systems. I should be completing the final conclusion post today! I think you will enjoy them but they are long! Great name and tag line you have! UPvoted and followed! 😃

The marketing is horrible. Regarding breastfeeding women having difficulty breastfeeding during disasters and crisis, this is another myth probably started by formula companies. Although stress can slow letdown eventually with enough stimulation from baby it will happen, this is of course considering the mother was breastfeeding well before the crisis happened. Luckily now there is a great organization that is sending qualified volunteers to assist breastfeeding mothers and prevent them from being targeted with unecessary and risky formula during these times. https://nurtureprojectinternational.org/

What an excellent comment! I will be passing this information on! Love your tagline! Great to have someone with your skill set. If you want someone great to follow on Steemit who I think you will really appreciate have a look @canadia-coconut 's feed. I think you will enjoy it! She rocks! UPvoted and followed with pleasure! Thank you! =) 😃

Thanks found her!

Woo Amazing

Please Follow Upvote and stay connected together

Gerber was massively fined by the WHO back in the day for the same BS. This needs to be stopped!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Excellent comment! Thank you I did not know that and I will look into it! Cheers! Followed and UPvoted! If you are interested I highly suggest following the feed of @canadian-coconut who has lots of excellent information like this! =)