AOC and Mass Disinformation Campaigns

in conspiracy •  6 years ago 

If you are in the US and you watch or listen to the"news" or the late night talk shows or scroll through facebook or reddit, you are bound to be bombarded with Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, the outspoken and controversial New York congresswoman. The massive PR manipulation that’s gone into focusing so much attention on her and manipulating so many opinions is a sure sign of spook chicanery. The banking-intelligence-media- military octopus must have big plans for her. Even innocuous (by comparison) appearing C-SPAN always make sure to capture "AOC" in one or more pictures every time they pans Congress.

Image result for aoc

Every time somebody in Congress is quoted they make sure to quote her as well. The off-the-wall attention that the media and the average person is giving to her is not dis-similar to the way that Justin Bieber became a rockstar in 10 days, or many other intelligence assets have been propelled into the spotlight overnight - actors, artists, musicians, writers etc. They meme her really idiotic quotes to be shared among the right, to inflate their ire against the continuing and scheduled globalization of America and systematic destruction of its values and people. They then meme the right's planned over-reactions to her to infuriate those on the left and stoke their fears of nazi bigots who want to kill all gays and minorities while deliberately destroying nature.

Image result for aoc meme

There are many examples of these little cascades of distractive arguments, I will only give one example from recent memory, but there a hundreds of others. When she suggested election day be a national holiday it was touted as being so visionary - it was then pointed out that people have been suggesting that for over 100 years - to which one person supposedly said "but it’s the way she suggested it". People just further hardening their entrenched and state-fed positions over basically nothing - just clever use of half truths. Does she really even say any of this stuff? It wouldn't matter -as long as she is useful for the media's circus of obfuscation, they can basically say that anyone said whatever they want, including the supposed dissenting voices.

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Fortunately (or unfortunately), none of this news gets to South Korea. I would say only half of the news actually comes into Korea. The only way for me to get the "news" is that I have to go "fishing" for it online by Googling it. It's not announced at all in South Korea. Especially American politics...

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AOC is not a part of your "spook chicanery." The media is propping her up to become the face of socialism, just like the way they put Al Gore out there as the face of "global warming."

Personalize an issue and you control the issue. Show the people their wonderful hero, pump the person up, then, when the time is right, tear the person down and tear down the issue with the person.

This is exactly what will happen. Guaranteed.


The standard formula is such: ignore, discover, applaud, question, destroy.

Case example: Howard Dean.

When Howard Dean was the most popular internet candidate ever, media was silent. Eventually, to avoid losing credibility, the media discovered Howard Dean, and even complimented his campaign. But this lasted only a few weeks. As the critical primaries neared, Howard Dean was questioned upon his "electability" and chastised for commenting on southern people in pick up trucks. Finally, the infamous "Dean scream" was presented over 700 times on the media to wreck Howard Dean's campaign. To direct people to their chosen candidate, the media began to put John Kerry in our minds as the most "electable," the one with the "momentum."

It is anyone's guess what will be the equivalent of the "Dean scream" for Sandy. But it is certain there will be something.

I clearly remember my father saying if you mix polititions with water, you get instant b. s.

Probably this news or like you said because it is in us but it seems like i like some of her suggestion like that of election day to be make a nation holiday