What will the Price of Steem be? Guess and Get a 100% Upvote

in contest •  6 years ago 

Guess the Price and Get a Free SteemMonsters Card

2019-02-16 (1).png

Contest Standings

The price ~48 hours after the last post was $0.3231. Congratulations @vempromundo , you had the closest guess. You receive 5 points and a 100% upvote. @rupok you get 2nd and receive 4 points and a 50% upvote. @moneyandmoney you get 3rd and receive 3 points and a 50% upvote . @allinbet you get 4th and receive 2 points and a 50% upvote. @msena you get 5th and receive 1 point and a 50% upvote.

Current Leaderboard

1. @msena17
2. @nrr77714
3. @mk99203914
4. @nihar196913
5. @cloudblade12
6. @stnr11
7. @carton9
8. @gbk789
9. @fuentesjo30067
10. @mb002076
11. @rollxp5
12. @praditya5
13. @chaynica20505
14. @daniel30505
15. @vempromundo5
16. @moneyandmoney5
17. @rupok4
18. @urinalysis4
19. @gretna3
20. @steven-patrick3
21. @fastold2
22. @colon20182
23. @allinbet2
24. @yasayanoluler1
25. @the4thmusketeer1
26. @amahovac931

What is Guess the Price

To win, just guess what the price of Steem will be in ~48 hours from the time of this post. The top 5 guesses will receive points 5 for 1st, down to 1 for 5th place. The first person to 30 points will receive a SteemMontsters Card from my collection. You will roll the dice in The General Channel of The-City and that number will match the card you will win from my collection. That's not the only thing you get for playing. On each post, the closest guess will receive 50,000 MoneyBags💰. The next closet guess will receive 25,000 MoneyBags💰 and 3rd place will receive 10,000 MoneyBags💰. All entries will receive an Upvote. You can claim any winnings by commenting in The General Channel of The-City with the message "I won ___ place on guess the price Steem"

What can you buy with MoneyBags💰? You can purchase CryptoGaming Assets for popular Games like Axies for Axie Infinity , ChibiFighters, SteemMontsters, CryptoKitties, Eth.Town Heroes, CryptoHorse and More is added constantly. Just visit the #hall-of-fame to see all the claimed prizes already in The-City

So here is what you do:

  1. Upvote
  2. Comment with your Guess
  3. Resteem OR mention 2 friends that might like to play
  4. (optional)Join SteemMontsters

Entries must be made by 10pm EST on the day of the post.

Here's a sample entry:
@timetraveljesus @steven-patrick

The closest guess gets a 100% upvote. The next 4 get a 50% upvote, and the rest receive a 10% upvote.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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@kutra @passat


@aleks433 @pum


Posted using Partiko Android


@ahlawat @kofie


My Guess= 0.302
Also I would like to drag your kind attention to a really important subject, do spare few minutes on
It will be highly appreciated.



Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface



Posted using Partiko Android

@geme @jramos

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago 



Posted using Partiko iOS