Have finally lost weight.
Guys About 10 years ago I was creeping up on 200 pounds. It was not fun, my clothes were not fitting, and I was one box of cookies away from having to purchase clothes at the ‘larger’ women's store. (I'm not judging anyone when I say ‘larger’ store - I just wanted to make sure I made that clear!)
I made a deal with myself. Something had to change. I had no energy, I was eating anything and everything I wanted, with no regard for my health.
I made a conscious decision to cut my meals in half, eat more veggies, and start working out.
In approx 6 months I lost 50 lbs. At my very smallest I weighed 135 lbs (61.2 kg). I'm 5′7″ (1.74 m) tall, so that was pretty damn tiny for my frame! Now I'm closer to 150 (68 kg), but still healthy.
I cut all my meals in half. No matter what I was eating - I took half away at the beginning. This took away the chance of me continuing to eat even after I was full.
It definitely took time, but slowly I started to lose weight. Then the weight started coming off quickly.
My diet also changed.
I went from eating whatever I wanted (in large portions) to eating healthier meals in smaller portions.
Here is an example of what I eat on a daily basis:
Breakfast: Shredded Wheat cereal with 1% milk, or fruit. Usually either a grapefruit or banana with a little melon.
Lunch: usually soup. I try to make my own soup so I can control the salt and fat that goes in it. I make a lentil soup that is really tasty, low in fat and good for you.
Dinner: I will try to eat a balanced meal with a protein (Fish, Beef or Pork), a veggie (asparagus, corn or whatever is in season) and rice.
Dessert: I still splurge on dessert. (I have a mouth full of sweet teeth!) For dessert I will usually have a tiny bowl of ice cream, or a Skinny Cow ice cream bar. They make the best stuff, and it's all pretty healthy! Skinny Cow - delicious desserts!
I am past the point of having to ‘half’ my meals. In the beginning I would usually get take-away meals and split them in half. I wasn't a very good cook back then, so I wasn't very keen on making my own food. I have learned over the years, which makes it a lot easier!
Another thing I did was exercise at least 3 times a week. I went with a friend to the classes offered at 24 hour fitness (this was about 7 years ago). This was the fittest I've ever been in my life.
Wheat Grass was also a big part of my diet. I would take 2 oz. shots 5 times a week. It's disgusting, but it is one of the healthiest liquids on earth. If you can get past the taste, it is an amazing healthy drink