VDUX Haiku Contest Continues With Beauty -- Conga Optional!

in contest •  7 years ago 

Source: Giphy

Welcome to the VDUX Haiku Conga Line!!!

Party on to win 2 SBD, author rewards, and some free publicity. All you need to do is write a haiku!

Thank @felixgarciap and @four20 for a special RUNNER-UP prize of .75 SBDs. Read the Incredible News!

Also, props to @liverussian for making everybody feel good.

Read below for more about the haiku contest instructions, how to participate, awards, and how I'll select a winner.

Contest Instructions

Write a haiku about beauty. It can be happy, sad, wistful, any tone or mood. Use previous haikus, if you have any!

One rule: it must be a one-stanza, traditional 5-7-5 haiku like the ones described here: http://www.kidzone.ws/poetry/haiku.htm . Here’s an example:

Look at old pictures.

Stars, centerfolds, and models.

Beauty is fleeting.

You may submit multiple haikus, but you need to make each haiku its own reply. Each one will be considered a separate entry.

This theme comes from @giddyupngo, who's getting .005 SBDs from me just for the suggestion. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

How to Participate

  1. Reply below with your haiku. Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, August 2, 2018.
  2. Upvote this post. Deadline: 11:59 pm UTC, August 2, 2018.

That's it! But...

You should also resteem this post to increase the winner's prize and give yourself some free exposure! You can participate without resteeming -- I don't give preference -- but if you do resteem, it only helps you.

Also, post your entry on your own blog! Mention @vdux and I'll give you an upvote and resteem your post.

And, collect a bonus point for each person you tag in your contest entry. More players, more prizes, more fun!


Winner gets:

  • 2 SBD
  • Half of this post's author awards
  • One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)

One runner-up gets:

  • 0.75 SBDs
  • One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse to resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)

How I Will Select the Winner

Within 2 days after the deadline, I will read all entries and choose a winner and runner-up. While I'll take upvotes into consideration, my selection will reflect my personal preference based on the entries you submit.

Feel free to reuse a haiku from the past and write as many as you want!

Also, give congrats to all who've participated in my previous contests:

@tristancarax, @jenel, @giddyupngo, @chrislyr, @mineopoly, @puppetmaster1111, @calluna, @yidneth, @creatr, @acousticsteveo, @blackant, @rlt47, @viking-ventures, @steemotion, @foxfiction, @lologirl, @creyestxsa94, @yahialababidi, @jadams2k18, @doughtaker, @ladyrai, @impending.doom, @andysantics48, @felixgarciap, @godstimetim, @gamsam, @antorchajohnny, @aniketmore1925, @mameh, @tygertyger, @kaelci, @felicitas, @ayyeenn, @dmilliz, @eprolific, @jvanman, @kimberlylane, @phoenixwren, @liverussian, @herbertholmes, @dizzyjay, @emdesan, @markeverlasting, @shawnsporter, @operahoser, @eaglespirit, @tomset, @millennialnow, @preparedwombat, @apeximomen, @melissakellie, @freedomno1, @moneyinfant, @mermaidvampire, @millennialnow, @mysearchisover, @yahialababidi, @givonwayne, @pinkgeek, @boxcarblue, @ablaze, @hope-k, @rexdickson, @crescendoofpeace, @digitokash, @theunlimited, @theodora87, @mysecondself01, @pocketmouse, @jacksondavies, @ohkaaay, @lazarus-wist, @dbooster, @janesmy081316, @dc420la, @redheadpei, @whitelite, @olymar248, @nenad-ristic, @trudeehunter, @bananamemos, @iswaldsmoak, @josoft, @onefatindian, @pedroelec, @offgridlife, @daisyphotography, @chadrona, @hazem91, @celsius100, @emergehealthier, @ralk98, @fromage, @four20, @amayphin, @mother2chicks, @jackofcrows, @trumanity


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My Entry

Beautifully Broken


The simple truth is
there's beauty in broken things
cracks paint a story

Definite beauty. 😎


Wow!!!! The piece and the photo are just beautiful!


Great entry all around. Ok for me to count "there is beauty..." as "there's beauty..." to fit my haiku syllable rule?

for some reason i though it was seven but you are right it's 8 will edit if it lets me

Love should not be based
On outward appearance or
Meaningless beauty.

Great haiku. Welcome to the contest!

beauty is magic
it's shine is everlasting
it lives within you

Lovely haiku. Tremendous. Thank you for joining the contest!

Did you upvote the this post?

I'm sure I did. I will go check x

my entry
Breath ripped from my lungs
Suddenly found with tied tongue
Beauty astounding

Cool. Love the photo -- gorgeous. Did you take the picture? Where was it taken?

Yes I did
It was taken September 2013 in Lucerne Valley, California . We were at the District 37 Dirt Digger Motor Cycle Club Poker Run race dedicated to the memory of my brother-in-law, who lost his battle with cancer weeks prior.
I think he brought us that sunset.


The depths of your eyes
Dark pools shining with your light
Put the stars to shame

You're making me blush!

Can I please join? :-)

Beauty is revealed
Through words, actions, demeanor
Prudence and wisdom.

Yes, join! Thank you for the haiku. Nicely done!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Silent dark corner!?
Dreamer awakes anew.
Much Beauty in 'trash'.

Thanks @vdux 🔆

Thanks for the haiku! Forgive me, what's in the picture?

A fruit fly on a red rose which has lost most of its petals. Just a photo I liked which kinda went with the haiku...but of course it's to be interpreted as the reader/viewer sees fit. Photo taken by me in case you are wondering :)

Beauty You Cannot Hide

Perfect as you are
You outshine your adornments
So take off your clothes

That's one hell of a pickup line!

haha well hopefully someone else has some luck with it

I am who I am.
Inside. Outside. No facade.
I am beautiful.

We all are.

Hey! Did you upvote this post?

Sorry, forgot. Upvoted!

The Beautiful Smile

How joy becomes her
Lighting up her happy face
Til she floods the room

@neenarose - this one reminded me of you joking with everyone at work - you totally need to get in on this!


Yes, @neenarose, come on, get in on this!

Not Worth It

No one could love me
For me, if only I had
A little beauty

You do!!!

Hey there! Beautiful prompt, couldn't resist)

Radiant beauty
Was nothing but camouflage...
An empty vessel.

You don't have this problem. Beautiful inside (where it matters) and out. 😎

I'm deeply touched by this unbeatable double compliment, Steve!

I dig the metaphors. Insightful and concise!

Allurement her strength

Endurance is her power

Working moms are hot


Yes! That's the spirit! Thank you for the haiku!

Thanks for the reply vdux, absolutely made my night 😀

Please would you coverup
Your beauty is blinding me
Sunglasses are on

Dad: "What are you wearing? Are you going to the beach?"

Daughter: "No"

Dad: "Then put some damn clothes on before you go out!"


Look in the mirror
Piece of pottery broken


The potter works on

Pot Source

Are you a potter?

I am the pottery my friend, just a lump of clay.

Cool! Did you upvote the post?

Ha... @vdux

Thanks for reminding me amigo.


Beauty pulls me hard

Drags me down I fall so hard

I'm walking my dog


Nice boots!

Dog needs a mohawk too.


Silly boys don't learn

Men pursue dreams of power

When Beauty Rules You

You can find all 3 of my Haiku's on Beauty @:
Please visit and upvote 😘

I visited and upvoted and resteemed. Love your stuff!

Wash, wash, wash your face
Trying to prevent ugly
It's hopeless she said

I have the same problem!

Me too. 😎


Beauty is my game
Venus is my middle name
I am a Libra


Great, great. Still rockin' I see!

Here is my entry.


Inner beauty,
doesn't wrinkle, it shines and
glows brighter with age!


Beautifully written! And sooooo true!

Thank you!

You mom looks totally chill! I dig the haiku and the picture. Thank you!

Thank you.

Exposing yourself
Beauty becomes diluted
Please cover it up

Wise wise wisdom is hidden here!!! Too short or too tight skirts make it too obvious, there's no mystery anymore)

Literal or metaphorical cover? May we take this in a different, more abstract direction? @liverussian?

Hello @vdux my entry

The road!
by @felixgarciap

The road was narrow ...
I was surprised by the bridge!
Curved its dark beauty ...


Hey that's a great haiku! You're on a roll...

A mi hija
mi princesa.jpg
Bella la vida
desde que tu llegaste
bella princesa

¡Es un haiku muy adorable! Eres una buena hermana.

That's an adorable haiku! You are a good sister.

I saw in those eyes
That were green as leaves on trees
A furtive beauty.

Wow, nice haiku! Great work! Did you upvote the contest post?

I totally thought I did. Now I upvoted it and resteemed it. I really love your contests, this is the first time I decide to participate.

So glad you did!

Floral Sunset

The rose blooms fleeting
Yet her beauty does not fade
Crisp wan of decay

Eloquent and succinct, as always!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hi again, my entry this week,
not sure if this is right..

Trust Mommy
by @amayphin

Face those bad bullies,
Mom said you are beautiful.
So cry, fight then smile!

It's great! Can you change the second line to read "Mom said you are beautiful." -- to make it 7 syllables? Rules!

Here is my Entry!

Your stare impales me

A drop of your blood is life

Roses have withered

Hint: take out all on last line 5/7/5

Yep, thanks....my fingers were off! :)

That happens to me when I use rented fingers

Welcome back! I missed the first iteration, this one hits all the right buttons. Thank you for posting this haiku on your page!

Thanks, I missed the syllables so all good!

Beauty is music
Instruments optional, yet
Music is beauty

Those who don't get this, probably aren't musicians.

Love you all, regardless. ;-)

Thanks, @vdux, for continuing the haiku contests.

I agree! So good to see you back again! You are so good at posting on your page and I was just waiting for you to come back to mine!

You are a fellow musician?

I missed you, @vdux! ;-)

Yes, lifelong singer, and I've been writing songs longer than I've been writing poetry, though most of my early ones have blessedly gone the way of the dodo; at least I'm fairly certain they're gone for good, unless there's an old cassette or two that turns up unexpectedly.

My mom was a classical pianist, and my dad was a jazz pianist, so it's in my blood in a big way. Though my personal favorite genre has always been British progressive rock.

And I'm VERY happy it's currently being revived and moved forward by the likes of Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree, no-man, Blackfield, Storm Corrosion and more), Mariusz Duda (Riverside, Lunatic Soul), the spectacular new albums from King Crimson, and so many more!!! ;-)

Of course, my own music is quieter singer/songwriter stuff, at least so far, though I'd love to get our studio set up so that we can do some serious production and mixing!

What kind of music do you play?

Little anymore. Too much else going on. I play piano, guitar, bass guitar, and trumpet. I listen everything, I enjoy all types of music. Wrote a musical a while back, lots of other songs over the years and performed when I was younger.

Here's a snippet from one of the songs from that show, I envisioned a strong soul singer for the role. People really liked this song, so...one day maybe I'll find the time to get back to it. For now, I have a book that publishes in October for which I'm sending final edits to my publisher this week, plus normal life, so...priorities!

Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at 8.45.56 AM.png

Cool! My father-in-law played trumpet, guitar and clarinet when he was younger, but not to my knowledge piano; my parents were the pianists.

And yeah, I'm with you on listening to everything.

There is still so much good music coming out, all the time, but you have to go out there and look for it . . . all that makes it to the radio is the same old, same old. No imaginations and, evidently, no room for diversity.

Congrats on your book being published in October! I'm excited for you!!!

I have a couple in the works, but the main one will take several months yet, so likely next year some time. Wish me luck.

Wha? I actually find a lot of good new songs on the radio. All genres! Old stuff's good too. Then again, I may have eclectic tastes but that doesn't mean good tastes!

Good luck! Are you querying? Planning to self-publish?

I find some good stuff as well, but it's surrounded by sameness, which considering the massive diversity in music, is inexcusable. Then again, it's nothing new, and musicians have been bitching about it for over fifty years.

And I'm with you in having wide-ranging, very eclectic tastes. I've always tended to gravitate to artists no one has ever heard of, some of whom are outrageously amazing musicians, though I like some more mainstream artists as well.

As for my books, I will likely self-publish, having worked for a book publisher in the past, but I will bring in a professional editor first. And it's most likely to be a friend I met right here on Steemit! ;-)

Behold, in mine eyes
Invisible to the world,
Infinite Beauty...IMG_20150106_091835.jpg

That's a great haiku. Is that you on guitar in the Live Sol session posted on your blog?

Thank you! (^_^) Yes, that's me on guitar. I'm a music producer and audio engineer. Glad you liked it! You just got yourself a new follower. LOL

Sweet! Hop into the conversation with @crescendoofpeace, we're all musicians (but I think you're the only one who actually makes money off your talent...)

Hey there! Did you upvote this post?

Give me your beauty
I promise to give it back
Would I lie to you?

Piercing pools of ice
That's an angry looking stare!
A smile shows beauty

Beauty is my claim
You are a jealous person
Where is my safe space?

Hi! I am a robot. I just upvoted you! Readers might be interested in similar content by the same author:

Thank you! Yes, I'm very interested in similar content by myself. Most people are not, but I am!


Is there a theme this go around?

edit: just saw, beauty, right?


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks! I like your haikus, can you format them to be 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second line, and 5 syllables on the third line when spoken in English?

I hope this is the best I can do. @vdux

Just scrolled through these... there are some excellent haiku here! There are a lot of talented Steemians. :-D