My official stance on the recent controversy

in controversy •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Great sense of humour, thanks. My face muscles had a bit of a workout so early in the morning due to the laughter. What a way to start your day. Thank you gents

You're welcome! Great way to start the day!


Ha ha ha ha

When on holiday at the coast there is a Pizza place my daughter always begs me to take her to, which offers a dessert pizza she absolutely adores. I am not sure how they prepare the actual base because it is a bit different from the normal pizza base. They cover the base with Nutella chocolate spread, add slices of bananas, and top it off with fresh cream. Totally to die for, I must say myself.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sounds like something everyone should try at least once in their life.

Ok, this post just made me order a pineapple pizza!

Pizza is always a good idea, but thinking about the recent controversy I prefer to eat my favorite pizza: without tomatoes, but full of mascarpone (an italian soft cheese) and chocolate! Really delicious, believe me! :D

Haha I love Seinfeld! I literally only started watching it last month, finished the whole thing already!

What the heck, this is really not what I was expecting, my first steemit post as well.

Nicely played OP, like a pizza version of Rick Astley. :P

Welcome to Steem! :)

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

I'm sure this one is delicious.

Pizza! Too much yellow in one meal for me. :) I have become a bit of a Pizza nazi I admit in my older age and my job tends me to set an example of health. The pizza has to be home made for me to enjoy it and I feel is always better as a quality pizza is better than the $5 version. Give me real food on it and I am happy. :)

I'm trying to wrap my brain around the cocoa crispies part... Do they stay crispy? I can see them going well with the strawberries, and I can even see the strawberries going OK with the pepperoni, but trying to imagine them all together. Not sure about the honey roasted peanuts... I do like walnuts on pizza, so maybe it's similar...? Interesting.

I ate a ganja pizza once and it gave me the munchies.

Sounds like a recipe for an inter-dimensional paradox.

pizza=munchies=pizza=munchies=pizza ad infinitum.



  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Strawberries on pizza?! This is madness.

And I like it.


If there were anchovies as a topping and a dash of papaya in the sauce the pizza would have been more acceptable

I love pizza but it has to be done by myself. Handmade by me

Handmade pizzas 💖

as much as I love strawberries and pizza but this

illuminati confirmed.

and to imagine, strawberries aren't berries at all!

but bananas are...whoa!!!

what the hell is going on??!!?!


That's news to me...and I don't like it!

The original solution!

I appreciate bold experiments!

This needs to have a #pizzagate tag in order to qualify for the clickbait trifecta :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hah I thought about it. But I bet all this media nonsense is to reframe that 'word' into something else. I won't be their pawn!!! :P

strawberries?? lol now there is certainly a first!

No grapes? WTF!?

Fruit? On a pizza??!! Good god, man! You need therapy!

Yea. I'll make that a top priority at my next session.

Oh and scientifically speaking, tomato is a fruit.

You're insane. I put tomatoes in my salads. Are you saying I'm putting fruit in my salad?


Fruit salad! Great stuff!

Check mate!

You did not ready that thing with strawberries... No!!!

Baked potato on the other hand in a pizza is awesome!!

I might have to report this for being a punch of pepperoni!

it looks like an hardforked pizza ^^

pizza.. wow.. nyam... nyam...

how about birds eye peppers

You've done the unimaginable and this is sure to cause a tsunami throughout Southern Italy, you've turned pizza into a legit breakfast choice!!! Grazie @pfunk.

This is nonsense! I can't believe you would post such trash! It's blasphemy!

Just leave the real pizza alone!

/s ?

"DEAL WITH IT!" GIF is hilarious


I am a pizza terminator.

Pizza with any kind of topping makes my tummy bloated :) but I got your point and actually agree with you! Just deal with IT! Stuff it down and enjoy those strawberries

I won't lie, this sounds delicious.

The only thing I would have changed would be no peanuts. Too much peanut flavor

I enjoy peanuts on things, but there is a line that gets crossed when too many peanuts are applied. Haha

courtesy of @bitcoinparadise

Never thought of trying cocoa krispies. Now that's innovative. Just about anything is game if it's on a pizza. The dinner of choice most days.

Where'd all these pizza nazis come from?


not really. ;)

Pizza is good!


And my friend tried this pizza at home with fish and tomatoes. It was great though.

Ha Ha Ha

You forget grasshopper.... The more toppings you put on stops becoming a pizza and therefore no longer is the truth you were seeking.

A pizza is never about the toppings, it's about the crust -Buddah

Sounds very dualistic for a buddha :P

This is 🔥.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Meh, it's just a dude exchanging words with some other dudes and a few dudettes.

It's life! Let the dudes and the dudettes live it, yo!

@jamesbrown I think you are right, but I must have hit a nerve. My comment sounded worse when I reread it, than I meant it when I typed it. Ha, but when it got flagged it just made me chuckle. Not that big of a deal either way.

No nerves hit here :)

My comment was mostly just playing around with you, but, really, that's how I view most things when it comes to people interacting with other people. As long as no crimes against human rights are committed and people are enjoying themselves, I support it.

Ha, but when it got flagged it just made me chuckle. Not that big of a deal either way.

That's the right attitude, bro.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment