Cov19 was an inside job!

in coronavirus •  4 years ago 

Day 31 of my lockdown diary. The viral threat level is MODERATE. It's not a hoax. It was done TO us. Cov19 was an inside job.

Today was the worst yet in terms of deaths worldwide. How accurate are the numbers, and what might they be telling us is coming?

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Pit of Hell


Canadian government prepares for shortages of food and medicine, power grid and infrastructure breakdown, etc

Canada several weeks away from easing restrictions



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Why do you think Africa and South America have not been targeted?

I'm working on understanding that better. Do you have any insights to share about it?

Not as yet. It does confirm to me that there's a level of manufacturing going on with this virus.

Yes, or at least that it was selected from a number of possible candidates, chosen for its exact specifications, and then unleashed.
But more likely, simply manufactured to be perfect for what they intended.
Many now are pointing the finger at China, which is the obvious answer, but the deep state banker families of the UK, USA, and Israel are also known depopulation advocates.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

9/11 this year will be lit


Great video.... on a fucked up blockchain.

Yeah, these are the last comments for this account on this blockchain.