Cryptassist Multi-Coin Block Explorer

in cryptassist •  7 years ago 

Een deel van de Cryptassist-filosofie om crypto gebruiksvriendelijk te maken voor iedereen, is de Multi-Coin Block Explorer. Omdat er zoveel verschillende munten en tokens beschikbaar zijn en veel handelaars en crypto-enthousiasten over verschillende portfolio's beschikken, moeten ze meerdere explorers gebruiken om de transactiegeschiedenis van elke crypto munt in hun portfolio doorzoeken, waardoor ze kostbare tijd en onnodig extra inspanningen verspillen.

Cryptassist lost dat probleem op
De Cryptassist Multi-Coin Block Explorer stelt gebruikers van Cryptassist in staat om op één eenvoudig te gebruiken interface toegang te krijgen tot alle verkenners die relevant zijn voor de zoekopdracht van de gebruiker.
Met de Cryptassist Multi-Coin Block Explorer kunnen gebruikers het openbare adres of de hash van een van de deelnemende munten of tokens invoeren in de verkenner, waar ze vervolgens de transactiegeschiedenis kunnen bekijken van het adres dat aan die munt of token is gekoppeld.

Eenvoud is de sleutel
Ga voor meer informatie over de Multi-Coin Block Explorer of het Cryptassist-platform naar onze website of download onze whitepaper op

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I have no doubts that Cryptassist will be an awesome tool that every crypto enthusiast will use in a daily basis.
Keep the good works and continue to bring great features.

The Cryptassit's Multi-Coin Block Explorer will make cryptocurrency usable for everybody even with a lot of cryptocurrencies out there.
good concept

Multi-Coin Block Explorer solves it all! Good!

It great news! Explorer solves it all! Good! Wish success! #cryptassist

Great news, the team's success in many other road shows in the next few weeks.

i strongly believes in this project #cryptassist

Good news guys!

Innovative project with great management team. Can't wait for the success of this project.

really needed solutions for crypto people

i had to copy and paste this article to google translate to understand it. yeah, this feature makes the crypto world a lot simpler than it is now.

goed nieuws, goed om aan te sluiten bij je project, het zal veel tijd besparen

a very good project good luck in the ICO program that is being done

Echt handig en noodzakelijk hulpmiddel voor de handelaar. Bedankt voor je werk!

Cryptassist is one of the few companies that have won my trust! I'm glad I invested in this company. I see its future and I believe that my investments will bring their profit. So good luck to you, who also invested!

The more I study the project, the more I like it. Apparently this project is waiting for success, team is worthy, I think they are implementing the plan.

I cant understand the language. but, the @cryptassist project is the great and innovative project. Well done team

I believe that Cryptassist offers a really great solution for many people who work on cryptology. I do not have time to track information about different coins and tokens and spend a lot of time on different services. And Cryptassist is a platform where everything will be needed in one place and imagine what it will be the saving of time. And as Cryptassist spends right now his ico and invites everyone to participate.

Really exciting and promising project. Will keep an eye on it.

Really exciting
And promising project. Will
Keep an eye on it.

                 - martiniblanco

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

An other language, the team really had worked hard.

Really keeping eyes on this great project because u know the team really which to take this project to the moon

A promising project

Glad this is on the road to many languages

Cryptassist is great project due to its team members.

this is gonna be huge

I am predicting a good future to this project. The Team really think on what the final user need.

Cryptassist will benefit everyone by providing them with all of their crypto tools on one easy to use platform, saving them valuable time and unnecessary extra effort. This variety of tools and services will send personalized notifications to users who have unique profiles, objectives or investment strategies. Users will be able to use their CTA to access these tools and notifications.

Good luck guys! You really can make innovations in crypto world!

An interesting project and I would be taking some time off from other activities to get more information about it

I think this will be the best platform that will unite all the necessary functions so that any person could use the cryptocurrency.

Cryptassist solves the problem of complexity by supplying all of the necessary resources in one easy to access location.

It is a very interesting model,a multifunctional platform that expands opportunities for creativity.

Let's keep up the good work guys!

Good idea to bring more people into the cryptosphere!

Cryptassist solves the problem of complexity by supplying all of the necessary resources in one easy to access location.

Experienced team and promising product. A very good project for investment

It would be really great to just have one coin or token explorer. That would eliminate the need for having multiple block explorers.

You can save a lot of time and it's great!

Cryptosists have a great future. After all, this system makes cryptomir more simple and its transparency will attract many participants.

Great Platform, simple and easy to use !..

New opportunities are always of interest. Do not miss the chance to join a promising project.

i like this project

This project includes a number of best things: great team, great product, great idea, great start! We need products and ideas! I'm sure the company will occupy a leading place in this world!

Really looking forward to this project, I hope the team will continue good job!

Multi block explorer is a very useful and perspective feature! Amazing!

Excellent company! I advise everyone to join, this company will definitely bring profit in the future. Good luck to You!

Users can use #CTA and FIFTY main crypt currencies in a prepaid debit card, which can be used at every point of the planet, like Visa or MasterCard are paid for online and offline purchases. Unsold will take advantage of the idea! #CryptAssist

The Explorer is an interesting element, as it is easy to use. It will be interesting to look at your implementation

it's a kind of a start goal to reach the main goal, keep going forward, we will always support this great project

the project done just fine,I advise everyone to take part in it,the scale of the company it's just something I would like to add that there will be quite a bit!

Block Explorer remarkable decision. We will monitor further development

Very competent and interesting project which could and should invest to increase your income!

interesting projects good luck with ICO program

New means for management of your cryptoassets a useful thing

It would be extremely awesome to simply have one coin or token voyager. That would wipe out the requirement for having different square wayfarers.

Truly keeping the eyes stuck from this surprising undertaking since you know group truly to take this task to the moon

The more I think about the task, the more I like it. Evidently, this undertaking sits tight for progress, the group is commendable, I imagine that they do the arrangement.

promising project. The innovative idea in combination with experienced and creative.

It is interesting to note that Cryptassist philosophy is to make crypto easy to use on an everyday basis for everyone. It is great news!

Het lijkt mij dat de Cryptassist Multi-Coin Block Explorer een zeer nuttig en noodzakelijk hulpmiddel is. Als we willen dat cryptocurrencies een massale acceptatie krijgen, is het noodzakelijk om crypto voor iedereen op een dagelijkse basis gebruiksvriendelijk te maken. En deze tool is een grote stap in de goede richting.

The fascinating venture and i would take some leisure time from different activities to acquire more data on it

I believe that it will be the best stage which will join every single vital capacity with the goal that any individual could utilize cryptographic money.

I see great potential of project .

This is a revolutionary idea, I hope this is successful! I really like the basic concept of this ICO!

The more the day goes by the more the project becomes more interesting.

Using a direct graph based algorithm (DAG), proposed as the next generation of blockchain technology, Cryptassist will be able to handle up to 3,500 transactions per second. An incredible number

Great idea and great project! The more people learn about what you are doing, the more they will like it. Best of luck!