Neironix Gets Three Investment Proposals in Zurich

in crypto •  7 years ago 


The show was very interesting and gathered many investors and funds ready to invest in projects with fresh ideas. Neironix aroused so much interest among investors that we were even slightly taken aback. We had a lot of questions about our product, our distinctive features, even technical aspects of our product and our soon-starting ICO.

We were happy to talk with the audience about our project and joined them after the show to discuss things in a more private environment. We also had three particular proposals on investment in Neironix from three investors with whom we discussed the details at a private dinner party.

We now feel thrilled and enheartened by the sensational results of the first show in the series of events on the European World Blockchain Roadshow and by the prospects it brings. We are now looking forward to the subsequent ones on the list with excitement and thrill!

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That's right. You have a good product, it is in demand by a large number of consumers. Today, the first three appeared, and soon there will be many new investors. There will be many users. I am waiting for the official opening of Neironix in 1 September

Neironix perspective project with strong team! I liked the idea, the team and how this project is implemented.

The fact that Neironix took part in such an event as European World Blockchain Roadshow, already says a lot! But do not stop! Forward, gentlemen, only forward!

After the first round of performances in Zurich, Neironix caused a lot of interest among investors. We also had three particular proposals on investment in Neironix from three investors.
A great start!

The project is promising, and also is the first analytical service. Very good news, in my opinion. The team felt at the exhibition European World Blockchain Roadshow, and this is another huge step for the Neuronix project. I'm sure that investors will be happy with the fact that they began to cooperate with neironix.

It is a really good start to the work that soon will have a lot of new succesful projects what we will be able to share.

Tell me, who's on the team is a technical adviser?

Ico attracts more and more investors. And this is not surprising, because #Neironix presents a unique idea, which has not been similar to it. Very nice! #blockchain #ICO

The news is very encouraging, for a short period of time the Neironix campaign has grown several times. Investors are interested in the current of a good product. I want to congratulate the campaign of Neironix with another victory.

At the recent show on the European World Blockchain Roadshow to Neironix showed great interest to the investor, and they received three investment proposals. This event positively affected the popularity of Neironix.

I liked the idea, the team and how this project was implemented. I like how the team works on this platform, they are rapidly developing and have big plans for the future. as well as wide coverage of the public! And I hope that in the near future the platform will start new projects

после такого ошеломительного начала на шоу в European World Blockchain Roadshow,планку держать команде из Neironix придется не просто,но я не сомниваюсь в их компитентнасти,да и сам проект уж очень привлекателен

At the recent show on the European World Blockchain Roadshow to Neironix showed great interest to the investor, and they received three investment proposals. This event positively affected the popularity of Neironix.

One of the few projects that are attractive for long-term investments! Well thought out road map, transparency and predictable growth - all this is not indifferent and does not pass! Definitely worth participating!

Such events as in Zurich are very important for Neironix. This is done to cover a greater number of potential investors. good luck to the team!

Very interesting and unique project, a good team .. Neuronix the project definitely has a future, I believe in it ! I really like the project !

Unprecedented interest was aroused by the project at the event, including investors, as there were detailed stories of the task and further development plans, as well as distinctive features!

Good news! Such a project could not leave indifferent investors. I'm sure that investors will be happy with the fact that they began to cooperate with #Neironix.

Very serious company with an impressive market capitalization. Interesting project with great ambitions and ideas. He has a good start, and the team is very strong.

Yes it is a company you can trust! Together we go to the common success and interests. Here, you become a partner and feel free.


Neironix is one of the best projects for investments.
The idea of the project is really interesting. I advise
everyone to familiarize themselves with the project
in more detail.

A quality product is in demand by a large number of consumers. After the first three, there will soon be many new investors. On the platform Neyronix many useful tools for working

I wonder who these three investors are? And what kind of investments are we talking about. My interest also depends on this. After all, we all look at those who are interested in business and who in nevo and how much they invest.

This company includes the best quality to become a leading in the market! We are witnessing a huge increase! The company is gaining momentum and shows great results! A great opportunity to become an investor of an ambitious team with a unique product!

A strong team and interesting ideas should ensure the successful development of this project.

Switzerland is a country with potential investors. In such rich countries, there are enough investors ready to invest their money in potentially successful projects. I consider project Neironix as one of such projects.

I'm glad that I found on the Internet a very interesting and unique project Neironix. Very promising team and excellent innovations. I wish you success!

Investors from Switzerland is a success. Silicon Valley is already waiting for you!

Unprecedented interest was aroused by the project at the event, including investors, as there were detailed stories of the task and further development plans, as well as distinctive features!

Project is very interesting and i recommend it to all.On the official website all lucidly and good written. Very good team of professionals.
The project has great prospects. This company attracted me with its new innovative ideas, which are modern in our world .

This project will be a success in the near future, so those investors who will not pass by, will have a good income in the near future!!

Innovative ideas that are embodied on the platform of Neironix is the very need of today. It is not surprising that the show was very interesting and gathered many investors and funds ready to invest in projects. Neironix to the MOON !

The idea of this project is very creative. Therefore, it deserves your attention.

Great news, finally followed by success, I'm not even surprised that everyone was so interested in the project. Can you imagine what would happen next? Then it will only project to gain momentum and soon everyone will know about this project

The cryptoproduct, which was provided by Neironix, is now very necessary. The more he learns about both partners and investors, it will be good for everyone.

Success comes to the worthy! The whole team is working on the project, a lot of work has been done! There was an excellent performance and the reaction of the investors was completely understandable to me! There are no analogues, and the idea is in demand !!!

Спасибо. отличный проект!

Cheers, I'm sure was in the draft he will justify itself. Many investors saw the future in the project, and therefore want to invest in a reliable project

A project that is not just worthy of attention and respect, but also investing in it because there is a very strong team and the project itself is gaining momentum!

After this news, I'm thrilled too. The Neironix project team makes me happy and gives me great hopes. Let the boys do big things.

The project is really unique, the creators of Neironix make a system of professional management of risk management in the block economy, this is very important, because at the moment, there are no such expert agencies on the markets.

Neironix offered an innovative approach to the rating system of ICO projects which, in my opinion, is the most accurate and fastest. I think the admiration received from the presentation of the rating agency Neironix is ​​quite deserved!

interesting informative article

Congratulations on having such good results. Excellent work, do not slow down the pace, I'm sure this is just the beginning!

The fact that the Neironix project attracted such interest in Zurich, and immediately received investors, speaks of the demand for the project on the ICO market.

You have a good product, it is in demand by a large number of consumers. At the recent show on the European World Blockchain Roadshow to Neironix showed great interest to the investor, and they received three investment proposals. This event positively affected the popularity of Neironix.

Congratulations! And this is only the beginning of the European World Blockchain Roadshow! Observe the further development of events with excitement and thrill!

This is a powerful project that widely uses all the features of the blockchain at the moment. The rapid development of the project is always good!

Congratulations to the team on the first conference. #Neironix does not cease to amaze. I'm sure investors will be surprised many times #blockchain #ICO

Great Projects!It's a very good project.This project includes a number of best things: great team, great product, great idea, great start!The team behind it is a very good quality and professional team. I would recommend that everyone participate in this project.

I want to know what amounts are ready to invest in this project. Three investors is a good result. Further there will be more people who liked the idea of ​​the Neironix project.

The project is a great success and judging by the news attracts a large number of investors. The project presented itself correctly.

It is an amazing innovation. Thank you for the information ,I will be very careful for what they do not quite clear that they want to achieve this. Well when a team is on guard warns of such people! #Neironix #blockchain #security #ICO

Attracting investors from Neironix shows us the prospect of the project. And the show at the event European World Blockchain showed the audience the scale and individuality of the organizers of the project. Neironix does not cease to amaze with its results.

Reduce, as much as possible, impatient expectations and thrills. Work, gentlemen, as before. Working with investors is very important. Persistently and purposefully go to your goals.

Strong team with a great idea, an innovative project on a platform that seeks to make a better example, one of the best opportunities of the year.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Very nice project!

It's a start. What will happen is hard to imagine a project bomb We are looking forward to start that will definitely be successful!!!

The rating agency Neironix is ​​unique in itself and already has demand from its customer. I believe this event will strengthen the platform's position and expand the range of investors.

The team is confidently moving forward - to recognition at the international level. SUCCESS))

I'm very happy for Neironix. Now the project has become even more famous. Participation in the show and direct contact with investors - increases the status of the project and attracts small and medium-sized investors.

Great news! The project is promising, has good reviews and is the first analytical service based on the methodology of risk-oriented management of investment processes. Therefore, it is not surprising that the project has won a positive reputation and authority among investors.

Nice to see regular feedback system, also good communication with your customers and public generally. Such reports is right sign of your perspectiveness and serious in your plans, highly recommend)!

I support. Transparency, reporting, feedback, all this speaks of the great prospects of the project.

Neironix good project ! A platform is created that performs online monitoring and subsequent analysis of risk factors in ICO implemented projects presented in the form of a final scoring assessment, which increases the safety of ICO.

I sincerely congratulate the Neuronix team on their successful tour. I am confident that they will reach their goal without any complications. With such an idea and a strong team of this can be achieved without problems. More and more people and various large investors learn about the Neuronix project thereby making it recognizable all over the world ...

When will the sale of the token begin and when will the listing be promised to the exchange?

Well designed projects, a good and reliable team, Probably the best investment of the year

Congratulations! Such a project could not leave investors indifferent. I'm sure that Investors will be pleased with the fact that they began to cooperate with #Neironix. We look forward to the start of ico!

The long-awaited Neironix team meeting with investors took place! The report exceeded all expectations, investors received answers to their questions, discussed mutually beneficial cooperation and plans for the future.

In this no one doubted! So the team neironix worked on the full. I'm sure Investors will be pleased with the fact that they began to cooperate with neironix. I will follow further developments.

Congratulations! Investors have already paid attention to #Neironix, we are soon expecting whales and traders, we are waiting for the opportunity to enter the stock exchange


U Neironix khoroshiy produkt, on vostrebovan bol'shim kolichestvom potrebiteley. Neuronix opredelenno imeyet svoyo budushcheye. Nad proyektom rabotayet vsya komanda, prodelana bol'shaya rabota! Mnogiye investory vidyat budushcheye v proyekte, i poetomu khotyat investirovat' v nadezhnyy proyekt.

It is very good that the project develops, embodies ideas in life. And I'm glad that, for this, there is money and opportunities. And investors are super, then there is trust.

An excellent project, thanks to which investors will be able to track ICO project ratings and block technologies. The Neuronix project was created for the analysis and subsequent management of investment risks. And I believe that the project will become a very useful tool!

Pervyye shagi sdelany,pervaya konferentsiya proshla,i kak ya ponyal bylo ochen' zharko!Komanda idet pravl'nym putem,uzhe na podkhode 3 krupnykh investora
The first steps were made, the first conference was over, and as I understood it was very hot! The team is on the right path, already on the way 3 large investors

This is the have a good product, it is in demand by a large number of consumers. And soon there will be many new investors.Creators try hard, and efforts are always rewarded. There will be many users. We wait for the official opening of Neironix in 1 September.

The project has a unique idea and a strong team. The fact that the project has attracted the attention of the audience and major investors, proves the originality and success of the project. Excellent presentation of the project and work with the audience.

Very interesting, promising project, I liked the convenience and accessibility of information

When new investors are involved in the project, it increases the trust of users! Personally, I believe that if people who have sufficient capital to invest in Neironix believe in it, then I have no right to doubt!

I am very pleased that Neironix received interesting offers from investors. The Neironix project is the same as the future prospects that it brings.

Very good news in my opinion. The team neironix worked on the full. New analytical methodology in investments. Neironix attracted interest from investors. The project has an interesting future. Good luck! NEIRONIX - это аналитическая платформа для многокомпонентного подсчета проектов ICO, которая проводит многомерный анализ большого объема данных с использованием новых математических методов. #Neironix #blockchain #security #ICO

Nice blockchain project!
The team is working professionally, wish the project a great success.
One in the potential project in year 2018.

this is very good news for both investors and project employees who promote their product. I follow the development of this project and believe that it will bring super profits to investors

Good evening guys, let's try to make as many shares as possible on various platforms, let's make that Token grow and we'll all go together with it. I believe in this project and we will have good news in the future.

An excellent project with a cool idea for the implementation of which will be interesting to every person.

This excellent project has great potential for development.
The team of professionals inspires confidence. They put a lot of effort to make it successful.

The Neironix project aroused great interest among investors at the European world blockchain road show. That's great news. I wish the team not to stop there.

Nothing surprises, I immediately assumed that the project will find its investors and fans. This is only the beginning, and there will be much more than three. Good luck and success to this project.

The project is very cool, has good reviews and is the first analytical service based on the methodology of risk management of the investment process. Therefore it is not surprising that the project has won a positive reputation and authority among investors. I recommend everyone to cooperate

Amazing project, Brilliant idea, a team of qualified professionals. There is still time to take part in it and receive
a great opportunity to earn!

Amazing project, Brilliant idea, a team of qualified professionals. There is still time to take part in it and receive
a great opportunity to earn!

I read your project is very good to be follow, i hope it will be successful and reach to the moon and we will support you till the End of your project Keep it up!

The project will achieve great victories and a lot of attention! This project is one of the most creative and revolutionary among all other!

I'm glad the first steps Neironix so successful. There were the first investors. We are waiting for further developments.

The good news is the Blockchain-the road show. The audience and potential investors liked the Neironix project very much. I wish the project does not stop there!

Mmm... party. It is always pleasant to discuss business cooperation over a glass of cocktail.

The modern world of digital currency is..Time passes the world is changing..Technology change..I like digital currency.Good project!The interesting future has this project.. Good luck!!

Wow, it turns out Neuronix released a mobile application. Which includes interactive charts kryptovalyut, news for each crypto currency, a calculator. Excellent!

Thank you for the good news! the project is just wonderful.