The Breaking Dawn (Clarion Call)

in crypto •  7 years ago 

So something

Dawn, looking southeast over Loutraki

awoke me early this morning!

Dawn, looking southwest across to Corinth

A guilty conscience?


No! (not this time, haha)


Perturbations from the book I'm reading:


awoke me early enough


to catch these photos


of dawn breaking


over the Gulf of Corinth


The Breaking Dawn Paperback – 2016
by Paul Rosenberg (Author)

The Breaking Dawn begins with an attack that crashes the investment markets, brings down economic systems and divides the world. One part is dominated by mass surveillance and massive data systems: clean cities and empty minds... where everything is assured and everything is ordered. The other part is abandoned, without services, with limited communications, and shoved fifty years behind the times... but where human minds are left to find their own bearings. And from there it goes to places you've never imagined. Like the author's groundbreaking A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, this is a transformative book - it is economics, technology, theology, philosophy, social activism and derring-do, cloaked in characters whose lives you will care about; whose heart-breaks and successes you'll feel with them. While ripping the mask off power structures that struggle to control our lives, Rosenberg never takes hope from us. As hard as the journey is into true freedom and liberty, he never takes our focus off The Breaking Dawn.



Those of you new to this shifting paradigm

that the crypto revolution
is bringing to our consciousness

Lodging Book51zo7azgFYL._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

would do well to digest Rosenburg's earlier clarion call:

A Lodging of Wayfaring Men

Instantly named Freedom Book of The Month and a major influence in the Cyber-underground, A Lodging of Wayfaring Men is the story of freedom-seekers who create an alternative society on the Internet - a virtual society, with no possibility of oversight or control. It grows so fast that governments and "leaders" are terrified, and fight to co-opt this cyber-society before it undermines the power of the governing elite.

The main body of the book is followed by a set of essays and a supplemental narrative that were composed as the book was being written.

For those of you who may not have read the marvelous A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, I strongly encourage you to do so.
-- Capital Reward Blog

The novel leads us through a clever plot where the principles of freedom and individuality lead to a free market, one not controlled by governments or by tax men. The narrative is gripping. The reader cannot lay the book down.
-- Dr. Thomas Dorman

Of the twenty five or so people I worked with last fall, all of them revered A Lodging of Wayfaring Men as a bible. They referred to the house and their community effort as a Lodge. We all felt it was modeled on the Free Souls.
-- HW, underground programmer


ouzo and out,

It's beginning to dawn on us all :-)

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Loutraki is wonderful as well as the daily shades of the sky and the sea!!!
Ouzo;; Cheeers!!! 'stin ygia mas' as we said here in Greece!!!

Thank you very much @onceuponatime !!! Whooo !! You remember this post of me;;
I was gone there last month and stay for 3 days but the only picture I take is that:

I've got a mind like a steel trap - or, maybe it's I'm trapped by a steel mind, I forget which :-)

Yes sure you have !!!! If you say so...:) Must go to work!!

thanks for upvote and resteem.

Wow, this books sound fantastic and rather à propos for our times of tribulations at the convergence of murky waters in our history. Great and inspiring description of the books, thanks a lot for sharing, including the magnificent sunrise!

Namaste :)

thanks for a lot of post i like it and sharing.

"ouzo and out,"

I hate you because I didn't think this first to conclude my posts.

Well, don't hate me. Save your hate for the guy who said it in his comment to one of my posts. (I did ask his permission to steal it for myself though)

OK I still hate you, just a bit a less :/

Careful. Hate destroys the hater.

Wrong, hate turns you into a super saiyan.

great shots so early in the morning :)

This should be every one life's goal. To live in a place like this where you wake up looking this view and sleep looking the view.

wow awesome photography of nature looking beautiful .

I've been hearing the name *Paul Rosenberg for awhile now. Looks like it's time I read something by him. Both titles sound compelling, but if I bought both books they'd probably site forever, but only 1 and I have a very good chance of finishing. I'm not a fast reader.

If you haven't got time right now for books, he does an almost daily short blog called "The Freeman's Perspective" which I think you would enjoy. Here's a sample:

I'm intrigued. I'm really curious to try them out.
Currently reading Honore de Balzac, his realistic way of writing is something.

You will be even more intrigued if you download them and read!

I am shifting in Tirol :) sending some cold mountain air your way!

Those of you new to this shifting paradigm
that the crypto revolution is bringing to our consciousness

Very refreshing!

Hahaha , I rather sit by the sea with you, right after those Austrian mountains :) to chat about 2018. I hope to see you again once day somewhere on this planet you seem to conquer just like me ! Happy New Year! I asked all my followers about their 2 wishes they have and was wondering and curious what you would reply.

Wish number one: See crypto act as a catalyst in kickstarting the Greek economy and people back to prosperity.

Wish number two: See it spread out from Greece to the rest of the world!

p.s. Not a good idea to want to sit by the sea with me. I am famous for my bad attitude and nasty disposition :-)

Wonderful wishes!
Happy new year to all of us!
I am used to "nasty" and a miracle " girl" to make people laugh or smile again but sometimes I forget myself in the process lol

Remembering is everything!

Thank you to remind me:)

@onceuponatime - Sir you choose the correct place to live the life... I have never thought Greece is soo beautiful... but now I believe it Sir...


Such an artistic post. You know @onceuponatime, I have visited too many countries (due to sport competitions), but nowhere else have I found the Hellenic Sun. I think we live in the most beautiful country of the world 😊

Ah, you have inspired me now! I'm now contemplating writing the epic novel: "Under the Hellenic Sun"

It will star me as gorgeous and heroic hunk of a man doing battle against the forces of evil all the while winning the hearts of countless lithesome Delphic priestesses and a bevy of the Temple courtesans of Old Corinth!

Won't it be such a grand addition to my "Delusions of Grandeur" posts!

@unceuponatime OH YEAH ! You will be great as a "Hero in a shining armour" 😛 Looking forward to your novel my dear. And by the way, I want to receive it with an autograph 🙂 "WITH LOVE TO ANNA".

I'm shocked!!!! I had no idea that you aspired to be a temple courtesan! There I was assuming that you were a good Orthodox Christian lady with morals of stainless steel and ivory! An example to the very angels in Heaven above. I'm shocked!

It's me who is in shock now!!!! You just called me "a temple courtesan" ! I am a very good Orthodox Christian girl and I don't understand why you misunderstood me 😞 Made me sad @onceuponatime . I'm an angel 😛 and if you had the chance to get to know me better, you would have understood that yourself. LOL

Be careful with ouzo!under the sun drinking ouzo can be a bad combination!!!

Yes, dear.


Heard a lot about this book of Paul Rosenberg. What's so special about it? Would you put light on it?

For those of you who may not have read the marvelous A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, I strongly encourage you to do so.
-- Capital Reward Blog

I will try to grab it too.

Nothing can be better exercise to brain than reading some fine books and that too in such a beautiful environment. @onceuponatime, You're lucky and blessed man. I wish you more in coming years.

Steem On!

The Amazon links I provided will give you reviews of the books.

Yeah, I'm on it. Thanks again.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are a real dreamer, thanks to your dreaminess you can find the road in total darkness, and then see the dawn earlier than the rest of humanity.Very beautiful sunrise. Thanks.

The magniloquent magnanimity of your ostentatious verbiage motivates mirrored marvels of reciprocal admiration.

Nice pics uploaded by you here @onceuponatime and I am sure thes e pics are very likely to come in my dream.

Thank you and Have a great day.

This seems like an invitation, of sorts... my short list of things I want to do in 2018 includes "read more" (and not just stuff on the Internet) and you seem to have offered up an appealing starting point here.

Nice view. Something you'll (hopefully) never get tired of waking up to.

The author, Paul Rosenberg, never gives up on the Vision of free men in a free world.
I suspect that he was around crypto from very near the beginning.

time to read them thanks for amazon link

oooo laa laaa what a post the beginning of a new dawn

So it has finally dawned on you too?

Pretty amazing post nice photographs too nicely written thanks for sharing

the bright awakening so beautiful :)

Nice of you to say so. Thank you for your upvote.

thanks for sharing the links of that :)
and some amazing shots too

Thanks for your kind comment.

haha seems like your mornings are always refreshing with such shots :)

Nope. My mornings are refreshing because I gargle with Listerine :-)

Your words aroused my interest in reading this work that you read. This subject is of great interest.
But what amazes and pleases my eyes, these are the photos that you share, this is a handsome beautiful. Dawn can be interpreted as the beginning of a new life, and each person starts a new day, and a new day is a new chance to change everything, fight for a dream and go forward - all this can be compared to a new life, thank you.

All pics are awesome , thanks for sharing these pics. Thanks u, and have a nice day friend

Well, thank you for coming by and having a look. And thank you for your upvote!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

interesting story... i guess we are all moving towards the "Breaking Dawn Scenario . World is in the process of moving towards the grand division- "elite and the rest of the world" !! ... and great pic of real breaking dawn

I don't give up so easily!

That I can see, @onceuponatime . You are Orca Whale !! 😊💕
Nor do I ! 😎😊...
Got to be resilient ! 😎
"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" ... 😊.
I wish you all the very best in everything 😊

Stunning, this books sound incredible and rather à propos for our seasons of tribulations at the meeting of dim waters in our history. The awesome and moving depiction of the books, you're the best to share, imminent the eminent dawn.

Upvoted and resteemed

I think you have picked up the most magical hour to take these photographs. The most romantic, relaxing and beautiful hour my dear @onceuponatime . How is your holiday going in Lutraki????

Holiday? I'm a native.

Really? That's wonderful to hear 😊😉
Ouzo time then 😀 @onceuponatime

Ouzo, like absence, makes the heart grow fonder :-)

😉 @onceuponatime I think absence works against my friend 🙄

Oh, maybe it was Absinthe then that makes the heart grow fonder :-)

They sound so much alike that I get confused.

hahahaha hilarious as always @onceuponatime . Καλημερα :-)

Hey @onceuponatime !!!

How are you...good to see you once again with this article.

I am so curious...can you tell me from where to download it...

Excellent one dear...thank you..steem on and stay blissful..

I gave the amazon links to buy the books online (or read reviews) in the article. Just click on them.

I am feeling like I have wake up and standing on my balcony and enjoying this beautiful @onceuponatime and you are back once again with another beautiful article.

I am expecting from you "just more than once".

Thank you.

You might be thinking of my ater-ego, @twiceuponatime :-)

Ouzo and out,.... :-) Indeed sure light will go out before dawn ,...
But what a nice pictures, when having this view; its nt that bad to be awake early in the morning.

Happy New Year, my friend @onceuponatime!

haha loved the sense of humour again lol :D

Oh? There was humour? Must have gone over my head :-)

is theere anyone who can stop the progress of crypto???????//

All those with apathy will stop it (for themselves only, thankfully).

WOW! Nice photos, with magic colours. I think that it was worth to get up in the morning. The sightseeing is beautiful. Thanks for transferring these great photos to steemit.

A nuce day for some food and chat by the sea.

a nuce day indeed :-)

Sorry I am on a tablet. sleepy thanks for pointing out.

You lives near to Olympus that's why we could see the heaven from your photography! But I want to say, you are a library! Yeah, those book descriptions brought my memories to few months back!
Small story - Nelly movie! Once I wrote a comment on your post and you re-questioned me. That was Nelly Movie! So, I had to watch that movie to answer your question - lol! At that day I understood you also loves books :D
Steemit and you gave me that kind of nice memories and it helps me to learn a lot about the world also!
Have a great day ahead!


The theme is unique and the pictures are great and excellent
It's good to have people with us in the steemit community
These topics are very important

The view of the dawn from your window is priceless. He is fascinating. For the sake of this dawn is already worth waking up early in the morning. Good luck to you and good.

Вид на рассвет с Вашего окна бесценен. Он завораживает. Ради такого рассвета уже стоит просыпаться рано утром. Удачи Вам и добра.

What a nice pictures again.. and I guess you have these almost every day when you look outside.. The only thing you need to do to see it is to wake up early....

I need to drive to airport... wait to checkin- checkin---boarding-flying-pasport control.......... taxi... say hi to @onceuponatime..... wait for the next morning...

So you are a lucky guy, ;-)

Download the books to read while you are at the airports of your life.

I will check if I can see a dutch version.. native English will be hard I guess. But indeed airports are a good place to read... If you have seen them once it's enough..

Just checked the weather, but this will do if you are living in winter in Holland..

this is a beautiful day view :)

I always try to wake up early on my trips and savour and capture the sunrise. Magical moment trust me

I can't bring myself to trust. I've been hurt before :(

wow you living here ?great photo

You use morning by your own way. The rising sun and the nature looks perfect!! I loved it.. Thanks dear for falling me love with the nature again..

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Why doesn't cheetah like you?

Hey dear @onceuponatime I must appreciate your astonishing photography. These are so lovely scenes indeed. And you're blessed that you can get freshness at anytime.
Regarding the books you shred. I will 1st download and after reading will comment my feedback. Thanks a lot for your beautiful work. keep it up and stay blessed!

Beautiful photos and the book "Breaking Dawn" as I understood from your brief explanation is also very entertaining, as it is just right for our time and events! Thank you @onceuponatime and keep us informed of what's happening!

Interesting that you upvote your comment, but not my post which you call "entertaining". :-)

I supported your post, but my login is not visible in the list and your post I meant "interesting" :)

The blockchain doesn't agree with you :-)

onceuponatime replied to @serkagan/re-onceuponatime-the-breaking-da…
15 minutes ago
virtualSerkagan serkagan author reward: 0.084 SBD, 0 STEEM and 0.026 SP for @serkagan/re-adamt-cityscape-photography-s… 18 minutes ago
35001245Serkagan serkagan upvote @serkagan/re-onceuponatime-the-breaking-dawn-clari… 22 minutes ago
serkagan replied to @onceuponatime/the-breaking-dawn-clarion-c…
22 minutes ago
afb166a6Magnata magnata upvote @serkagan/winter-river

I just shared my opinion on your post and raised it to how much I have the power of voice, I do not understand what offended you?

over the Gulf of Corinth
I like this pic

Amazing..Great photograpHy
Thanks for sharing it...

Upvoted and Resteemed

full of excitement in the morning, must start with a cup of coffee.☕😁😁. cool if any time allowed to see my blog

under the sun drinking ouzo can be a bad combination!!!

Are you speaking from experience?

Nice pictures. I'm an early raiser everyday and I love the view of both sunrise and sunset... watching sunrise everyday is so refreshing... Specially when it's from the sea!!!

wow this is the perfect time of the day as i believe..i love to see how the colours have blend together to form new hues of colours in the is like a heaven on the earth..beautiful captures..may be thatis why they say "early to bed early rise make man man healthy wealhty and wise..because when you see this beauty of nature you will forget all your troubles and can start the day with a fresh mood :)

nice post thanks for you,,,
nice all photo..

look all good pictures, you've done a good job,
not everyone can take pictures before the sun rises.
thank you for sharing and interesting post.

This is very beautiful photography. great job sir
Thanks @onceuponatime
Have a nice day

You can totally win with these pictures the contest organized by @juliank, Sunday's challenge- Golden Hour Photography
just beautiful @onceuponatime, so sorry I did not catch a sunrise in Greece!

You awaken early and captures beautiful shots, have a nice day

Interesting and with awesome photography ! Nice shots my friend !! 👍

i love this post go ahead dear brother @onceuponatime

looking good there great atmosphere great warm vibes

Kind of you to say so! Thanks for the upvote.

a view like that and everything is gonna be the best

nice photoes and i will definitely try to read those books

Fantastic photography

Wow such an breath taking view. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos :)

Thank you.

Hello @onceuponatime,

First of all i am falling in love the way you always put caption with beautiful scenes of Sun setting or Sun rising with heart catching view of Ocean down there.
It seems you are trying to write a book on the virtual society which would really make the mass aware of those hurdles which can come in there path while moving to success.

You are very experienced person and it would be great opportunity for the minnow like me to understand the things fully under your guidance.

Keep sharing such motivational content.

Best wishes and prayers are always with you
Stay Blessed :)

lol why my mornings are worse always look at you man feeling sad in cold

Aww so awesome views
As a friend upvoted it and resteemed it
Have a great year ahead @onceuponatime

Excellent sunset camera shots. nice photography
100% like and resteem

nature photography!

Great post there, keep up good work !

This replay was created using STEEMER.NET Alpha ( support STEEMER.NET Transactor / Wallet / Exchange Project here: )

Since you are sending this exact same message as a comment on numerous posts, how does this differ from what is being called "comment spam"? I know, you think you have good intentions and a worthy project, right? Well, doesn't everybody else who spams comment think their project/blog/life is worthy of getting everyone's attention no matter the means?

I will not downvote you this time, BUT STOP.

Beautiful scenery! I'd be up early every morning if I were surrounded by that!

Also, I'm definitely going to look into A Lodging Of Wayfaring Men. Sounds like a good read. Thank you!

just ah perfect click!! Nice photography!!

Nice look to this location.wonderful photography
Upvote Resteem

Beautiful. I love sun and sky

@onceuponatime I take inspiration from you sir you make me so much indulge in your article a big fan of your writing sir keep steeming!!

This need to be every one existence's purpose. To stay in an area like this wherein you awaken searching this view and sleep looking the view.

nice pics!great view!