in cryptocurrencies •  8 years ago  (edited)

by SGT,

This hard-hitting interview about Lynette Zang, ACChain and Bitcoin is a jaw dropper. As the economic-crypto-precious metals truth community continues to bash Zang for daring to mention the new ACChain in China, I continue to point out that the DISCUSSION WILL CONTINUE - and new emerging evidence about ACChain suggests that Zang may be right.

Andy Hoffman and I go head to head in what quickly devolves into a cage match. Why the investigation into ACChain and what the Chinese are up to as they actively seek to make the RMB a world currency, is causing so much disharmony, is troubling.

Timeline for Global Crypto-Currency Acceptance, Digitizing Commodities & Mini Ice Age Crop Losses - by David DuByne

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Great interview Sean. I like to listen to different point of views and then draw my own conclusion. Just to be safe, own both gold and cryptos. Gold has been around and stores value for 5000 years. Cryptos have great technology which makes transactions and investing easy and efficient. So gold for insurance portfolio, and cryptos for growth.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This symbol sym.JPG is "empty amount" in mathematics.

So a interpretation could realy be 1 and 0 out of emty space like with cryptos.
What you also forget is what would even the "good" highest freemasons do. Do you think its easy to change all and all stupid and brainwashed people.

I had to turn off today sorry.
I think Andy is more right. Just nobody will use this shitcoin.

And i just want to add that there is zcash and monero and you get no info from the blockchain.


Andy Hoffman is worth listening to.

Good or bad, what is trusted most, may be most valuable.

I like junk 90% Mercury/Liberty dimes, at near, spot price.

I am going to stay neutral on my Comment and UP Vote Sean for bringing Great Content to STEEMIT. I may buy some more Litecoin tonight just to celebrate Cryptos !! Yes Silver is still my Favorite Metal.................Let's Get Ready to Rumble !!!

Please people, stop the hatred among the alt community ! There's nothing more the Deep State wants than dividing us. We must face the Beast altogether, otherwise it's futile.

Andy, if nobody ''controls'' Bitcoin as you said, how come ''they'' are able to fork it ?

Great interview Sean, its' great to have conversation with people with different views . But I agree with your point, we need to keep an open mind and seek the truth, and adjust our perspective as new evidence presents itself. Name calling and attacks are emotional reactions to a situations that make people uncomfortable.

Andy Hoffman doesn't understand the human component of Bitcoin, and that is the miners, Humans manage the mining machines… These machines are based in geographic locations around the globe, but hashing power is king. Control the majority mining owners, and BTC developers and you have control of Bitcoin via the Human Proxy. Bankers can buy these people out… Did he not see the Consensus convention of 2017? The most influential miners came together to agree on the new BIP 141 and Segwit2x proposals. Powerful people have the influence to make Bitcoin succeed or fail it's just a fact, it's always been that way, and always will be. !

Great point Gary. I fully agree with you. Bitcoin is being controlled through the groups that are most closely involved with its future development. This is done with money and influence just as it's being done with big funds that drive the price of Bitcoin as well as the alt coins. The current market size is chump change for them, and they can easily manipulate it along with the key coins they want to push or repress as they need to. This is clearly being done and no one can honestly tell me that what we see for market moves in the crypto market is simply free market action.

Hi Sean, I appreciate that you see a lot of these other guys like Bix, V, Andy, and Clif as your friends and that you don't want to get into conflict with them, however, unfortunately some people are simply "useful idiots", some are blatant opportunists, and some are even Cointelpro or Freemasons with other agendas behind them. You of course never want to assume these things about a person without clear proof, but you need to be careful with all these other "truthers" in my view based upon how they start to show their true colors over time.

I've pointed out plenty about Clif in the comments of the last interview you had with him so I won't bother to drive that home further here. For those that haven't read my comments, I highly suggest going back to those previous interview comments for a detailed read. Regarding Bix and V, they feel like total opportunists, and you are cutting into their business by even (ever so slightly) contradicting the fantasy stories they sell to their customers on a regular basis to get subscribers. Bix also feels like a "useful idiot" with all of his endless "good guys" banter and no proof whatsoever to back it other than his Road to Roota story which has nothing to do with the cryptos despite him making every effort to try to make it fit. Honestly, he and Jsnip follow Clif around like groupies and show nothing but groupthink when they get together. I find it to be anything but honest and truthful reporting of what is really going on with the cryptos.

The key point in my view is not whether Lynette was right or wrong in her assessment of ACChain, but whether there is a coordinated effort to use cryptocurrencies to drive an agenda. Absolutely there is and for those that haven't read it already, I reference my latest post on how revolutions and movements are seeded and hijacked by the NWO on a regular basis and that cryptos are absolutely no exception. What everyone is missing is the elephant in the room and that it is not just ACChain you need to be looking at but rather much bigger fish like Ethereum and IOTA. You can also check out my previous posts on the symbolism of the cryptos and what the Luciferians that are funding and indirectly running a number of the coins are telling you very clearly about them through their blatant symbolism.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

If the goal of the video from everyone associated and mentioned was to reduce or eliminate "FUD" then the exact opposite may have been just accomplished covering all forms of alternative investments. I have listened to many of your/andy/bix/chris/zang videos and have noticed that the very system you are fighting against is now slowly dividing your once powerful united harmonious voices. Don't fall into this "charlottesvile" type devised separation trap.

As always, Sean, great video and your love for all men and the truth shines through in how you civilly conduct yourself yet remain firm and hold Hoffman's feet up to the fire. At this rate I suspect it's just pride that's just speaking through Andy. Give him time, he'll come around. If he doesn't, we'll all be glad you exposed him as a limited hangout guy. Great video!

Great interview, only in the sense that I was very impressed with your reserve, intelligence, and class in the face of such an arrogant dismissal of differing opinions and perspectives. Keep up the great work!
P.S. There are many recent instances where mineral resources were found by state geologists, especially one geologist in particular in Wyoming, that were shown to the public on BLM land and were subsequently closed to the public after the feds realized the loss of future corporate profits or for use as international debt monetization. One instance he spoke of was with a multi-million dollar opal deposit exposed by road construction.

love your work and always watch your videos on youtube!

truthers are disuniting .... banksters are laughing .... this is disappointing ... upvoted

Sean, I don't know what Andy Hoffmans deal is in this interview and I will agree that he has made a complete 180 from how he use to be. I wanted to thank you for posting the video below about the CRYPTO Timeline. The video blew my mind and I can honestly see that scenario coming to fruition. The cycles about the sun were fascinating. I would bet one shiny litecoin that martin armstrong has cyclical data based on weather events. Also another thing I thought was crazy was how some of the information I have seen in the webbot over the years does match with this video.

The jury is out on this whole situation concerning ACChain, China business. If the United States was so far behind the curve on the crypto kingdom and these other countries implemented this under our noses, I would think that this would spark a major war.

Any updates on PEDOGATE? I haven't heard too much about it recently.

Do not underestimate the "club", they are very smart. When you think "out of the box", what if the club decided to troll us with bitcoin? What would it look like? Practice risk management and always have an open mind. You are on the right track Sean. upvoted.

Sean I support your stance to be civil and have a discussion.
Let's investigate more and judge less.

I say everyone piling on this woman need to look at history. They think everything is gonna be just fine. What happens when the internet is controlled like in China? I guarantee the powers that be are looking at every angle to control digital currency. And, these super smart guys, who say, "it will never happen" are seriously delusional. The internet can be controlled. Electronic correspondence can be traced. So, I say, you better invest in physical materials for the future.
Or, you better have some physical material.

Andy is so spot on with crytpo I couldn't do a better job myself. What a truth stud. I too am so sick an tired of the FUD and disinformation, all be it, under honest mistaken conception, is helping banks stir the FUD pot. Bitcoin is not hackable, people are extremely hackable.

SDR Report, it's very easy to get caught up with words in the crytpo space - but what needs to be done is math, not talk.

It's not ok to spread stupid - that why Andy is so pissed off! I am too!

nice interview sean. but i guess, gold and silver is still the safest of them all.

Great discussion with Andy. One thing that kept tingling my spidey sense were Andy's comments regarding the SDR not being a legitimate form of currency, and most would agree in its' current form it is no better then contents that make it up, however if the current fiat currencies that are included in the SDR basket were taken to the trash and the basket were refilled with say crypto dollars, crypto euro, etc., that were backed with digitized tangible assets, it seems to me it could be a viable form of payment, at least initially for international settlements

I was really surprised with Andy's vitrol in this interview. More investigation needs to be done on Lynnette Zang's findings but some of what she says makes sense and is plausible. I agree when someone says that we should have both precious metals and crypto.

I kinda do understand Andy on some of the total BS going around the internet from the flat earth society to the moon is just a projection ⁉️But Bitcoin and all other block chains will never mean shit if the average joe can pick it up as easy as a six pack of beer ❗️The way I see it if you can't buy into a blockchain with as little as twenty bucks then your already dead in the water ❗️Then your nothing more then a rich boy play thing and the average person will bypass you like going over a speed bump ❗️And the people will resort to printing their own money ❗️There are many plans along with trade and barter to supplement income and add liquidity to the system and not all of it in gold and silver ❗️For example if you needed work on your car how sure are you that mechanic would take Bitcoin❓I might not .😐 ...... what will you carry ⁉️The answer is you will either carry gold or silver coins or a piece of paper backed by it ❗️When Andy says we need to go back to basics of money he should also add the social structure , because this corporostracacy is just bullshit ❗️Good day , good show 👏👍🏼

Sean: Just finished listening to your interview with Andy. Your a first class guy whose Christianity shows in everything you do for those who have eves to see. I understand Andy getting excited because you just don't know who is legit and who is working trying to intentionally spread misinformation. I love the guy but he was a little over the top this time. I am not saying Lynette Zang is trying spread misinformation (she could be) or maybe she's right time will tell. That being said just from what I have personally learned about Crypto's leads me to believe she is wrong. Whatever the outcome truth eventually always out shines everything else so we need to remain civil as you said and watch things play out. You and I know how this ultimately ends. Just keep fighting in the interim.

Wow, Andy got real emotional on this topic. I know he has a pretty big stake in bitcoin, so I can see how he can be so defensive. Just hope all those crypto profits aren't clouding his judgement.

Further lucid and enlightening analysis on the FaceLikeTheSun channel:

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Sean, I know you look and things through a religious prism. I see crypto currencies as a way out of the destructive beast system that has all of us in debt to it. Crypto's offer freedom from this luciferian system, and I am more and more convinced this is manna from heaven.

Or into the Luciferian system as the One World currency. I would love to be wrong but my gut says that I am right.