Using Steem, Bitshares, Blocktrades, Bitcoin Cash and Bitpay to get Cash in just minutes from any ATM + evidence of instagram promotion of steem success + THC Bhang Wax cartridge

in cryptocurrency •  6 years ago 




Here an example of my Cashing out my crypto to us dollars cash. Gettin Cash at the regular degular ATM, and with either using Bitshares or Steem, i can convert either to Bitcoin Cash and Bitpay accepts that and regular Bitcoin ro top up their Visa Debit Cards Went from BTS to Cash in just minutes, faster than most exchanges like binance even! Imagine that hah the decentralized exchange is FASTER? Well it really is but only for small amounts, and for larger amounts it needs volume! Just needs More users etc and Steem will also have this with SMTs!

And my second image shows proof of the many likes and follows I get from reposting wallet and blog post screenshots from steem or steepshot onto instagram, it really works! Instagram can let us all earn MILLIONs of new users and recruit from a massive pool of people!

Also i have a Bhang cartridge I got to try for first time from my cannabis dispensary while Eternal full grams were out and seems like eternals are way better!

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It has literally become a daily part of your life :D

LOl well that was because they ran OUt of some cartridges i NORMALLy get so.. ugh i had to spend way more on something i didnt ever try before, it ended up not lasting me as much as the other cartridges i normally was getting which just last SOO long, and this morning they got some more and i got 4 of the last 8 and if i didnt, i wouldnt have been able to get this deal and i would have just been too tempted to go buy a bunch of individual more expensive cartridges and just waste money when i get SUCH a god deal for 4 of these for $25 each! :D Also ill go crazy if i dont at least spend a lil of my crypto even if were at a ow price IT COULD get lower then ill REALLy be mad for NOT just splurging more fuuuck hhahaha suck ls to realize ur IMPUSLE to just buy stuff and have fun was CORRECT and the FINANCIALLy responsible thing to do :D XD haha FUUUCk shoulda just SOld a BUNCh and bought fancier stuff when I kNEW i COULD! hahaha

OH WELl we WILl come back

at least I kNow eos is definitely coming back because the proof of how many freaking games and projects and apps for eos are coming out! we should at least have HALF of ethereums marketcap by end of the year , too many amazing projects with all the SMARTEST developers!

Keep the grind going buddy. Lets build #nojumper.

It must be great to earn your own money by managing your blog in Steem plus the cannabis plant business! It's a great way to start a business :)

In my opinion soon we can see ads at ATM like Get Steem Cash Here instead of Get Cash Here. Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

This is a awesome trading with bitpay ..Cannabis !!!!!!!
Have a great day!!!

guy you're downloading money

Yup I download money from the internet and that used to just be a joke

By the time this gets super popular, ill be one of the ones with so much people will be following me to try to just get my upvotes to pay their rent

You are so lucky

I am lucky because I stored away my SBD rewards as EOS and have been able to sell some open.EOS on Bitshares latley even tho i should have just sold a bigger chink at $20 or even $16 like i almost did lol but when fiat isnt scarce its hard to sell eos but once fiat cash flow is hard to get u realize that big chunk fo fiat you could have had sellin yeah a lot of ur eos would be much better thanhaving to sell it npw.... i wish i woudla sold all my binance and bitshares eos at $16 like i ALMOSt dide but i woudla dne one of the otehr, i now see how i gotta be mroe aggresive but fuuuck nah ill just HOLD and just BUYwhen its low, but never slel unless ihaveto and maybe tahts worng maybe i shoiudl alway be profit taking when we make huge gains from now on..... meh

i wanna dop long term hoarding tho.... bi see the long game as exciting like 2-5 years and so it doenst matter what teh rpice does in teh next year or so really when ur waitingf or 5 years down the line prices!

Smart sir

How many times do you go to the Bitcoin ATM ? lol

Never, its a regular ATM bro

I never get any crypto before but looking forward very soon. I hope it will fulfill my dream. Thanks for sharing.

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