in cryptocurrency •  5 years ago 

Screenshot_20190926-105011.pngHello everyone I hope you all are having an amazing day. As my usual I bring to you the best project out their to invest and use it features. Today I bring to you a stunning one as it is a world changing project, STACKSCITY.

The world today has been a place where the internet is required and everything are been done on the internet. The internet have aid to lots of things and also a world changing. Internet is packed with lot of amazing features and has helped every individual which has also become a daily usage for most as it have several diversity. To use the internet one must have data subscription on or connect to a WiFi which has it on. WiFi connection is the most popular today as it very easy to use and reduce the power consumption on phone. WiFi has also lead to the easy sending and receiving of data from one device to another.
On the other hand the blockchain as we all know is a very powerful technology solving humans problems daily and has lead to companies and organizations focusing on it has it is said to be the future. So everyone want to gain it early than the rest. The Blockchain have helped many sectors overcome their problems and creating lots of opportunities and development in the sector.

Now imagine the blockchain and WiFi working together, interesting right. It will be a world changing development. Which is what STACKSCITY is created for. STACKSCITY is building a smartcity which connects the world today with the aid of WiFi and blockchain to create a smarter transmission networks and platforms and accelerate the process of integrating IoT technologies in the production and management of enterprises, governments and other institutions. Stackscity uses it protocol which represents the WiFi connection that allows it users it connect to it Hotspot and use the internet. The Hotspot is been provided by it contributor. And the most important thing is that stackscity reward it supporter and everyone who uses it WiFi which mean that when user uses stackscity network they get rewarded.
Stackscity has developed it ecosystem in a decentralized form which operates and work for every of it users and every of it users have the same advantages. Stackscity will also provide an advertisement place for companies and industries which will promote their ads through stackscity network.

As we all know this days subscription fees keeps getting higher stackscity has made it WiFi available for every at every time. Stackscity has also developed this amazing feature which enables users to share their unused data with others and earn through it order than wasting as current network providers does. Lots of people this days who buys data from their service providers doesn't use them all and their by after the expiration date the data goes back to their service providers leaving them to spend more money. But stackscity has changed all of this as users the feels they can't use their data can share with other people and can include bandwidth which other people can use and at the same time earn from it.
To enjoy the features of stackscity users need to download it app as it contains every of the productivity stackscity is created for. The app is designed and built with friendly user interface and UX which enables users to understand and use the features easily. The app is where most things take place as supplier of data has to have the app. The users then needs to pay the network with smartcity token, this payment is then sent to the supplier and thereby earn from sharing their data with others. Like I've said before user who share data can set a bandwidth limit which makes it easier for users. Also users won't need to pay for data at first after registering so users can learn and play around on how it works and the speed it have. In order to be a host you must have a StacksRouter which will allow people to connect and start earning through that. Stackscity has already done several works in making this a success, with over 5000 deployed locations where stackscity are currently in now and 26+ province. Stackscity wifi currently has 2000G bandwidth and will keep increasing as time goes by.



For more information about stackscity, kindly visit the links below;






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