RE: Which crypto currency should a beginner buy right now?

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Which crypto currency should a beginner buy right now?

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

It's hard to recommend anything because so many people are maximalists on one coin. You have people who are all about Ripple $XRP, Litecoin $LTC, Ethereum $ETH, Ethereum Classic $ETC, Dash $Dash, NEM $XEM, Bitcoin $BTC, Monero $XMR - and more, but there are die hard communities for several of coins. Starting with Steem was a good idea, and Twitter is great for research - just enter in those ticker symbols I mentioned and others you find along the way and read what people have to say!

I also suggest starting with a smaller exchange, because people tend to sell less when Bitcoin's price climbs - from my experience!
Personally I like, but I'm from Seattle so I'm bias ;D
Other people like Poloniex, Tuxexchange, Bitfinex (lol), and crytopia.
POSWallet is also a great site once you learn about mining/staking coins!

Good luck! It's just begun! We'll have ups and downs along the way, but long - long term is in the clouds (others will say the Moon ;) !)

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Thank you for the info! I'll definitely need to do some reading. I guess I didn't realize that there were groups of hardcore supporters of each one, but I see see why. The speculation of some of them is insane. I'm way over my head here. haha! I lived in the Columbia Gorge, White Salmon for a couple of years. Absolutely fell in love with the PNW. I'll look into the Bittrex, I support WA. lol