Why Bitcoin is Different & Cartel Manipulation Discussion

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 

This is a new series which is super informal - don't have high expectations for this and simply skip over it if you prefer my more focused videos. In this episode, we briefly discuss the market and then go into a few articles.

Time-stamps for easier viewing:

0:00 - Introduction to Series
2:28 - Brief Market Update
3:32 - Why Bitcoin is Different by Jimmy Song Discussion
10:13 - 4th Dimension: Bitcoin Manipulation Cartel by Super Crypto Discussion
16:45 - Blockchain with Digital Collectibles for Gaming Discussion
20:23 - Conclusion

As always, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Yeah, video format is fine. As you say, is an easy way to give feedback on weekly events / stories and opinions being thrown around out there. As you say, there are a lot of people talking about BTC price suppression, but very few seeing that different people are always trying to manipulate BTC price / confidence in it in different directions (both UP and DOWN) and for different reasons.

Some quick detail on your investment / trading strategy would be nice (did you sell your $8k BTC at $12k or are you hodling - or are you a TRADER and not an INVESTOR as your YouTube name suggests?). Are you still bullish at all? If so, on what? ETH or any other Alt coin, or just BTC? Would be useful example for those of us with little investment / trading experience and those not doing well / making mistakes.

Also, would like to know if you are a BTC maximalist or not (I know that you kinda touched on this here). Personally I worry more and more that Alts really are pretty much an outright scam and that they are headed for next to zero :0/. Which means that a LOT of people in this space (like 95%) are either just wrong, deluded, or are actively scamming the public.
One reason that I worry about Alts as an investment is that they are not shares in a company (which return dividends etc.). A company like Ripple may do well or strike an important deal with a client, but that deal may not even involve the XRP token! Or BNB token from Binance - sure Binance is doing great - and so is their token - but will it have any value long term (again it is not a company share).

Finally, would be interesting to know are there any TA's etc. online that you follow? In my opinion Tone Vays seems pretty spot on with his BTC price analysis, any thoughts?

Markets are markets and although groups may try to manipulate prices but it gets harder to do as more participants enter and hold the asset. Agree that markets have been irrational starting with the increase to $20k. That being said, we may see it irrational to the downside as well.

Look forward to more from this series. Great content!

Another informative post. I love watching your videos (on youtube Ive been following you for quite a while).

Just checked your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

Please continue up with creating interesting content - it may be hard at the beginning to build reach and solid followers base.
Steemits needs solid content builders so just dont ever give up! :)

Cheers, Piotr

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin certainly is the radical innovator and Ethereum or other Altcoins are more or less incremental innovators. But if you look at Daimler Benz, who radical innovated carriages, others also pushed for innovations. Ford innovated by mass producing its product and lowering its costs (this could be smart contracts like Ethereum or Privacy like Dash, Zcash or Monero), Porsche found a niche for sport cars and so on.
And maybe we could see something similar in crypto as well. Bitcoin will probably stay, but there will be a crypto currency focused on privacy (as it might be outlawed in some or most countries), Ethereum might have found its niche for smart contracts and radically trying to push forward and maybe a more centralized smart contract currency like NEO or Cardano is more suitable for restrictive goverments to adopt like China.
So yes, Bitcoin probably will be king, but there might be space for a couple of other crypto currencies, doing things Bitcoin doesnt want to or cant do.

Regarding the last point, this is what the altcoin Game Credits is working on. Its a minable coin that likely is functionally very much like bitcoin, but is working on usecases with games. Making deals with game developers and coding platforms so that they can intigrate Game Credtis payment functions for both games and ingame items like collectables.

You can alreaddy buy games with it via theyre client. So this is being worked on.

Blaming a cartel is so attractive and easy. A lot of people want to believe it.

I did enjoy this type of series. Hope to see more of them. I like this vlog type of it and I think that these explanations of different articles are great. I don't mind the length of it because it is really informative and I enjoy this.


Yep, this is a good companion to your more focused content. Essentially (from my fiction writers perspective) this is a vlogger freewriting, exploring thoughts/ideas without the rigid quality requirements that can cage creative thought and suppress emerging concepts.

The theory of a manipulation cartel is a little overblown and I def. not the type to poo-poo alternative narratives to how the world is ACTUALLY working. Threads of truth in the overall theory for sure, but it's a little too clean and "pieced-together" for me to intuit (and of course intuition isn't the best mechanism for discerning truth, i get it) it as a plausible scenario. Admittedly, i didn't go through the entire article (stupid me) but I did follow your discussion of it. This is a huge, emerging marketplace that is revolutionizing the way people view value exchange. To boil macro price movements down to simplified cause and effect relationships doesn't sit well in my stomach.

Nice short form video so I hope you do more of these. While I agree with you that I do not think that there is some kind of mega conspiracy to suppress the price of BTC I am not sure that is the case for Gold and Silver. It seems to me that in these cases that the huge quantities of derivatives being traded are being used to control the price .

Crypto investor, no need to apologize for more informal content, lack of preparation. Your viewers value what you have to say regardless. Wing it!

Don't worry about going spontaneous. You're doing a good job at it. Great format and looking forward to more videos in this series!

Bitcoin mining is a pretty strong centralizing force as it is, but mostly if bitcoin is going to remain unable to handle a meaningful transaction capacity, like at least 10k+ tx/s, what's the point of it? "Store of value" status must be earned through widespread use in commerce and a long period of price stability; it can't just mimic the properties of gold and declare victory. The only crypto that could become a store of value will first be a significant player in global commerce as a medium of exchange. If bitcoin can't get its shit together, it will never be able to do that.

i like the new format. thanks

Absolutly yes... what audience loves is content on a more regular basis, and even tho, your previous videos were EXCELLENT, this type of formar will keep us update as your following, and will give you time, as the creator...

That being said, if you really will switch between "crypto lounge" and quality videos, that will be amazing... i think you are the best youtube channel from crypto currencies ive seen so far, and i know you only update when you have SOMETHING to say, and thats cool, and thats why i dont bother waiting for your videos, but, anyways... this format is good idea for you as a creator, and for us as the audience....


Nice video @cryptovestor. I like this informal roundup style. It obviously doesn't replace your more in depth analysis vids, but it is a change of pace to fill the gaps.

I am most interested in the gaming piece that you mentioned. I am not much of a gamer myself, but I think it sounds really interesting and is a potential use case where a crypto asset actually provides a benefit and not just a novelty. There are two projects that have caught my eye recently and I'm curious if you've seen/heard anything.

First is World of Ether (full disclosure, that is my affiliate link). At first, I thought it was just like cryptokitties because it shares some fundamental characteristics--you have these creatures and you breed them to create offspring. But I was excited to see that the developers are primarily setting out to create a game. It is still in development, so we'll see if it is any fun to actually play, but it will involve some kind of monster battling. This will level you up which will make your breeding more likely to produce rare and valuable offspring. So you have an incentive to play, not just hold. I am bummed at how expensive it is to get an egg though: .698 eth right now. I have not done a ton of research on the team, but they seem to have a gaming bend.

The other interesting project is PlayTable. Pretty lame name if you ask me, and may be a whole lot of nothing. Personally, playing a regular board game like Settlers of Catan on a tablet sounds like an unnecessary nightmare. But, this idea of having physical game pieces with unique stats that can be used on any board anywhere and securely traded, leveled up, and authenticated is interesting to me.

Not sure if either of these utilize off-chain processing or what is said about gas prices, but I'll leave that to the people much smarter than myself to figure out.


Gold and silver have no intrinsic value? I think you might want to walk that one back a bit.

Technically nothing has intrinsic value. The only reason it has value is because people decide that they are valuable. Those reasons could be that they help solve problems or they provide usable energy to us. Everything is just chemistry, the value of something is determined by the market, aka people. Crypto Kitties aren't very valuable on Mars. Oxygen is very valuable on Mars though. Get the picture?

Gold and Silver does have intrinsic value , while crypto currency and fiat does not. in what way? wel both gold and silver can be used to make stuff with. Both jewlery and electronics and in medical cases. In other words, it have a physical use even with no money involved. No belief in its value is needed for there to be a use case. Where as crypto currencys and fiat requiers a blief in it having a value as in itself if none used it, there is no value.
Thats the main diference.

But ofcourse you could argue that if you dont know what it can be used for, its useless and thus no value. But it still exist as a physical material that plays a part in nature. Get the picture?

Doesn't steem have intrinsic value? It provides more than a way to store and move currency. It provides a robust blogging space with voting and other functionality.

This is one of the reasons i like steem over other cryptos.

Really like your content, must be one of the best crypto analysts out there. You have a great measured approach to all your posts. Keep it up!

Beneficial content. Just learning about this crypto world and you are my good teacher.

I like the idea of a regular podcast style video. It can help if there is an occasional chart or visual that goes with what is being said. I also appreciate the time stamp information.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment