RE: Cryptocurrencies Are Now For Sale At All Post Offices In Austria! 🇦🇹

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Cryptocurrencies Are Now For Sale At All Post Offices In Austria! 🇦🇹

in cryptocurrency •  8 years ago 

I can't wait until banks also move in this direction. Currently bank business denys cryptocurrencies based on intransparency (especially for not knowing the real persons behind the accounts) and the fact that they see it as a competitor to their usual business model. Once this changes, the effect would be much more tremendous.

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There is a long way until this will happen because it will impact the banks profit!

I truly hope this never happens. Cryptocurrencies should avoid banking systems. I would love seeing some healthy competition in this area. I don´t want to sound like the fanatic but banks, bankers&co. have way too much power over the rest of the world, so.... Idle wishes, I know.