[dtube] What If Your Cryptocurrencies Get Stolen?

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago  (edited)

Fitnesspoint2006 says "If someone hacks your wallet and steals your coins, there's no central bank to call to help, they are gone. But if fraudulent purchases are made on your bank issued credit card, I have never had a problem with my money being returned. REPLY"

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

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You made your point dude! Exactly, crypto is highly risky investment and it can be stolen or hack anytime and we are responsible for our coins. There are so many exchanges that were hacked since the start of crypto. I think the most secure wallet that we can store our precious coins is the offline wallet wherein no hackers can reach your coins.

But I think the best to do is to not store coins for a long time. Sell the coins when its price goes high and spend it in tangible investment and make profit out of it.

I don't deserve this,and I don't pray for this, that is the reason we have to be very conscious and be careful in all what we do consigned cryptos, all the gadgets need to be secure end to end encryption, we should also avoid log on strange computer. That is the transparency cryptos is and decentralization we talking about because there is no regulatory body to deal with this security issue our private key should be well secured, the private key should be stored in safe place in such a way intruders would not have access, thanks for this interesting topic @louisthomas.

You can protect your cryptocoins by not keeping them on the exchange. There are now excellent hardware wallets available for bitcoins and many altcoins.

Trust in a third party is a security risk. If you leave the coins on an exchange you are trusting them. Just as you do if you leave your money in a bank. It can be even more risky because many exchanges do not have the same experience with security and the insurances against theft that banks may have.

Even if today the security and protection of the principal bitcoin exchanges is considerably better than MtGox.

When you take sovereignty of your money you need to accept responsibility for securing that money and take the requisite measures to ensure the security of your accounts and passwords. However it does amuse me that so many folk worry about their crypto being stolen by hackers when their fiat money is being debased and stolen by the banking system on a daily basis.

They always use that to defend the banks, but what if the bank bankrupts itself and you lose all your money anyways? It has happened already, what if the bank gets into shady dealings and the government has to intervene and you lose access to your money for months or possibly years? It has happened before too, so banks are not this impenetrable institutions they try to paint you when they throw around that statement against cryptos.

It depends on the point of view of the person, although with the money of the bank you have guaranteed return you will never have total control of your money, a bank is a centralized entity that can block your funds and limit your withdrawals or transfers.

Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages, the user must decide according to their priorities

Nice video. I never been in this situation with stolen coins. But everything may happend

This is a risk I am willing to take at this point. I do like the sign in protocols of Coinbase that I have recently set-up. Once my portfolio gets larger, I may eventually look to a hardware wallet. Store it in a vault or one of those coke can safes from the 80's. ;)

This is one of the problems with cyrpto, and I believe this will keep cyrpto from going mainstream until we can solve this problem

They will need to crack my password if stolen :D

finger cross mate, thanx formas the info luisthomas

I like your all post very nice

I am a hacker and I can say that safety is a illusion nothing is safe forever now hardware wallets are not that safe.
Even if you put a 30 character password and the hacker uses a keylogger on your PC then your strong password is useless.
2 factor authentication can help to till some extent but it's not fully safe.
Anything can be hacked.


i definitely advocate for hardware wallets. the only way youre gonna get mine is prying it from my cold lifeless hands lol

Man there is nothing to cry for. Don't you agree ?
If you don't look for your belongings, they can get stolen.
So I think we should always be on the watch of our possessions and every thing. We have to be extra cautious about these things in particular. That's the trick.

I've actually already been hacked. it was devastating as it happened during the boom in December. The hacked watched me mining using many CPU's and jumped my email address. I think KeepKey might be the most effective hardware security. Shoutout @louisthomas. I'm learning so much about freedom in the decentralized economy which is going to be valuable for future generations..

Hi @louisthomas. Isn’t that the same blog and dtube video you already posted earlier today?

what canhe steal from an already stolen account


Buen post @louisthomas

Hola @louisthomas. Tienes razón no hay regulaciones en cuanto a las billeteras de las criptomonedas, es un riesgo. Esas son las desventajas de la era tecnológica. Los mecanismos de seguridad pueden ser vulnerables. Debe ser terrible esa experiencia y más aún si tienes tus ahorros invertidos en criptomonedas. Muchas gracias por el recordatorio