Cryptos is the only way out......My Thoughts

in cryptocurrency •  3 years ago 

It's really been concerning how things are progressing in the world. Where are we all heading towards. The recent Canada protest has shaken up everyone by how their Government have reacted towards it and started taking actions. No one would have imagined that their own money could be freeze and they would not have access to their own bank accounts. Though the action has not yet been taken, but if the announcement has been made then the action can also be taken.
What is the lesson that we have to take out of this?

The one strong lesson that I get here is that it's time to have your money in your own control and not depend on the Banking institutions for saving your funds. They have all the capacity to freeze your funds or take away your funds at any point of time with no liability whatsoever. In India in the past there have been some instances of some Banks suddenly announcing bankruptcy and investors crying out for their money.

With all of this uncertainty, the best place to invest your money right now is in Cryptos. Yes the markets are volatile and there are major up and down swings, but if one acts patiently eventually it is going to be a profitable investment. BTC has come up from 1$ to 45K$ in 15 years, which investment would have ever given these type of returns. The Governments are scared of losing control over people's money with more and more adoption of Cryptos hence they are trying all ways and means to discourage people to not invest in Cryptos by spreading out false messages such as Cryptos are used for illegal activities and that it is the most unsafe investment, where as the reality is opposite.


It is true that Cryptos can be used for illegal activities, but now the exchanges have become very stringent with their KYC processes which safeguards the investors and the exchanges also. It is still a developing institution and has a long way to go, hence there will be errors and issues. One has to be careful with which exchange they are dealing with, and if one does not have good knowledge they should ensure to first gain some basic knowledge by themselves and then take expert advice.

There are many scams in the Crypto space which are happening due to ignorance and lack of knowledge in this subject. Nevertheless there are scams and major frauds happening in the Banking sector also even though this sector is fully developed. So there will be uncertainty and risk in any type of investments. But if one does some good research and invest, then they can be safe in the Crypto space and moreover they will be in charge of their own money.

Look at the "Go Fund" of truckers campaign, where the donations received in dollars were freeze but they could not freeze the Crypto donations, because the Government had no control over it.
Eventually it is going to happen that each country will come up with it's own digital currency and the Governments will want people to put their money in it. Will it give any appreciation? I do not think so, because it will be again one more controlled way of keeping people's money in their custody. I remember some years back when I would talk to my friends in India for investing in Cryptos, they would give responses like it's illegal. This is how the Governments spreads fear and discourages you.

Cryptos is the only way forward. For people who are still not acting on it, may soon feel sorry for not taking action at the right time. At the same time, carefulness is required specially when investing in Altcoins, because there are so many and you really do not have much knowledge on all of them.
What I believe is that the 2 most important things required in this investment is gaining self knowledge and patience. Relying on someone else will always come with a risk and not being patient will never give you good returns on your investments.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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Yeah, Crypto has massive potential and we are witnessing that the last few years were huge returns. There is no other substitute at this time for Crypto. Crypto has been in controversy for a long time. But it has a great future in the upcoming year...

I can't trust government now adays the devil working on... Politics..

There is no doubt that our money is not safe in the banks of today nor can we rely on today's rulers. The changing policies of the day teach us to protect and keep our money