what is happening in the crypto world??

in cryptocurrency •  7 years ago 
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best time to buy i guess

i guess!!

اشكرك يا صديقي على هذه المشاركة
في الحقيقة اذا لم يتحسن وضع السوق خلال اليومين القادمين فهذا انهيار سوق العملات الإفتراضية وانتصار اصحاب رؤوس الأموال ولابنوك و الحكومات معلنا نهاية فكرة العملات وربما فقط سيتبقى تكنولوجيا البلوك شيس

Thank you my friend for this post
In fact, if the market does not improve during the next two days, this is the collapse of the cryptocurrency market and the victory of the owners of capital , banks and governments; announcing the end of the idea of cryptocurrency and perhaps only will remain block-chain technology

i do not hope for that to happen!!

getting ugly out there, its times like these that make me happy that i took profits and have some cash to buy these low dips!

great for you:-)