@aci7 | Always painting birds in watercolour is a great fun! :) | 150.065 SBD |
@rootingrobert | My first brewed Espresso with Laser-Soap Fun [Day 1 in Changde] | 159.765 SBD |
@gummybadger | Introducing My Mistress part 2 - Irresistible Miss | 204.711 SBD |
@adventurecole | Come Back - ORIGINAL SONG - Cole Magura | 160.830 SBD |
@saddington | 2 BROTHERS 2 BREWS 2 BITCOINS - Investing $5000 TODAY! [360 VR 4k] | 152.553 SBD |
@offbeatbroad | Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum! - my original PIRATE characters | 160.061 SBD |
@andrestales | The best MOBA game | 156.453 SBD |
@rin | 『 Weigh 2 Go: #02 』 - A slow & steady start | 156.353 SBD |
@johnbutler | Open mic week 42 - original song - Anything | 151.359 SBD |
@arrliinn | Set Me Free (Poetry) | 159.554 SBD |
@conexus | Horizon: Zero Dawn - A lush post-apocalyptic world [Game Review] | 269.266 SBD |
@dksart | Space Keeps Flowing - Animation of my painting | 240.921 SBD |
@hammockhouse | Ever wondered what happens after a foreclosure? | 218.912 SBD |
@audio-nrg | NEW BLOGISODES STARTS NOW ! VST Instruments and audio plug ins | 215.026 SBD |
@tegoshei | Kuroo Tetsurou (Haikyuu FanArt) | 122.789 SBD |
@flaminghedge | The Psychology of Memory - Your Brain as a Self-Justifying Historian | 169.928 SBD |
@omega-not | Drawing #4 - Scrapbook 1 - Front and Back covers for Scrapbook - Intro to the rest of my art projects | 167.384 SBD |
@farmstead | Quail Pen Complete! | 144.525 SBD |
@cosimo | Short Fiction: Bobbie Blade and the Mantis Shrimp | 138.050 SBD |
@jameslashomb | Classic Game Reviews, Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link | 136.422 SBD |
@globalfoodbook | SWEET CORN & BUTTERFRUIT RECIPE | 213.989 SBD |
@boston1994 | Studio Diaries Vol. 2 | 152.784 SBD |
@raikuhen | Best teacher I've met - the impact a great teacher can have on his students | 171.214 SBD |
@mikedynamo | Retro Revival Game Ideas: Games I'll Kickstart Myself Unless You Beat Me To It (And I Hope You Do) Part 2 - War Games | 224.747 SBD |
@lindahas | The wish to be a child again, the memories, the adventures | 145.420 SBD |
@woz.software | C# LINQ from beginner to expert - Part 2 | 131.858 SBD |
@pennsif | Pennsif's Progress - The Days are Numbered // Day 972 : Time flies with a polytunnel | 152.195 SBD |
@abbijulie | Painting with Abbi in the morning | 126.405 SBD |
@deanlogic | My first Tomato Harvest and where I started | 272.430 SBD |
@mattthought | Fables & Meaning Part 2: Hansel and Gretel | 158.060 SBD |
@siucatti | "The long road" Watercolor painting | 133.218 SBD |
@diggerdugg | Diggerduggs Drone Discoveries: Episode 3 - A tour of an old, abandoned Walking Dragline machine in Southern Saskatchewan, Canada | 166.974 SBD |
@jo3potato | Learn JavaScript Episode #23: Extending Classes | 143.517 SBD |
@ajdohmen | The Mandela Effect and How it Does Not Apply to Nazi Internment Camps | 140.894 SBD |
@hewetthomestead | SPONTANEOUS GARDENING! | 140.133 SBD |
@lyndrick | Chokehold: I was a 5th Grade Pro Wrestler - Chapter 2 - Ouch! Plant a tree not a seed. | 149.276 SBD |
@knowledge-trust | CRAPS DEALER CHRONICLES: Part 1. Anatomy Of A Las Vegas Dice Dealer | 155.158 SBD |
@iansart | Unfolding Beauty | 139.326 SBD |
@whatisnew | The Greenhouse And The Chicken Coop | 150.888 SBD |
@katrinart | Detailed portrait. It took about 40 hours to work. | 290.769 SBD |
@remistevens | Beginner Crypto Trading Strategy | 118.792 SBD |
@apprentice001 | Experimenting with Tiny Art - "Summer Sea" Art Challenge | 185.592 SBD |
@anastasiabusko | My dragon for #dragoncontest | 121.240 SBD |
@linebacker | Two-Point Stance #8 - I'm LATE! Sketches and Other Silly Stuff | 120.786 SBD |
@pinqo | Blast to the Past #1: My Art Journey from 2003 to 2017 | 234.026 SBD |
@greenacrehome | FlashBack: Suburban Homestead - Garden | 139.756 SBD |
@jonrhythmic | My first roguelike development blog - [game programming blog ~ part 3] | 145.553 SBD |
@greer184 | Can Machines Ever Have Beliefs? | 129.666 SBD |
@myhebrewroots | My Butterfly saved a Life | 125.766 SBD |
@abigail-dantes | A tale of a valley in the foothills of the Andes | 133.078 SBD |
@coldsteem | Dunkirk - Does The Movie Warrant The Hype? | 132.372 SBD |
@artian | Burn After Reading: Nothing and Everything | 166.992 SBD |
@crazybgadventure | Are you an 80's kid?? | 227.253 SBD |
@molometer | Male Pattern Baldness | 152.138 SBD |
@guided | A Nuclear War Survival Story - Chapter 10 - Annie Makes a Big Mistake and Ray Makes a Revelation. | 139.586 SBD |
@unprovoked | Mind Map: Chapter 5 (Sci-Fi) | 147.245 SBD |
@ateazi | Dunkirk - You Should Watch It: A Movie Review | 146.289 SBD |
@dannybarnes | Saving a slippery slope on the garden path... | 149.800 SBD |
@capetowngirl | Tips from Bill Gates-rules you will never learn in school | 153.834 SBD |
@onecliffd | Bali; Surfing, Yoga and Health? I've Found The Biggest Spiritual Community I've Ever Discovered Here in Ubud | 145.367 SBD |
@grocko | [SHORT STORY] Termination Initialized | 170.252 SBD |
@stillgideon | Building an Ecological Hybrid Archtop/Flat-top Acoustic/Electric Jazz Guitar - Introduction (Ecotrain) | 151.539 SBD |
@straydays | IM ALIVE & with some artsy ceramic stuff | 159.443 SBD |
@jnart | Show Your Passion Through Your Passion (Original art by jnart) | 114.598 SBD |
@redanime | [Review] Bakemono no ko of Mamoru Hosoda | 129.561 SBD |
@happyfree | Miniature Gardening | 187.769 SBD |
@hallow | Configuring kali linux to connect to tor trough whonix gateway -Vbox | 149.844 SBD |
@nitesh9 | Simple Question #2 - What is Life? Why does it exist at all? | 154.909 SBD |
@entity401 | The Secret of Life: Who You Are Doesn't End Where The Edge of Your Skin Ends | 121.691 SBD |
@vinyprop | The Day My City Stood-Still: Chapter 4 (Original) | 120.310 SBD |
@whiteliquor | Zhengzhou Sucks! ~ Jennifer Chong | 139.754 SBD |
@groundcontrol | Drawing Rembrandt - A study in 4 colour chalk - Original content for Steemit | 284.686 SBD |
@philip.willemse | Business Success is what you make of it... | 174.551 SBD |
@kelvanis | How Do We Perceive Colors?? | 122.479 SBD |
@pandapoef | How to Make Your Own DIY Mosquito Repellent Oil/Crème That Actually Works! | 126.792 SBD |
@jwmackay | Airbrushed Joker Time Lapse | 199.896 SBD |
@jhagi.bhai | The Last Days of Sunlight. | 198.641 SBD |
@soulsavers | ORGANIC GINGER ALE RECIPE you can FEEL GREAT about!! | 135.798 SBD |
@agmalirsadi | When creativity is created from the tip of the pencil. | 135.482 SBD |
@marty-arts | 🔹 MY ART - cat eye - digital drawing in photoshop with process | 188.325 SBD |
@theia7 | Painting of a green village | 126.778 SBD |
@ladymaharet | Random Fanart drawings plus the WIP of my first dreamscape oil painting! | 148.033 SBD |
@grinjawart | Would I Be Able to Do It? | 117.774 SBD |
@andybets | Steemit Open Mic Week 43 - City or Town (Original Song) | 162.713 SBD |
@zneeke | Bubbles - my dragon for Dragon Art Contest | 138.662 SBD |
@dafro | Lucid Dreaming, Conscious dreams! | 133.094 SBD |
@magiliw | [030] BLENDERVENTURES - KILLER WHALE (FINISHED) | 126.086 SBD |
@jorgevandeperre | Study drawing, a girl with a red blanket | 132.116 SBD |
@jeromeb | Story about a painter: Japanese style | 132.735 SBD |
@marty-art | Little Spook - artexplosion entry 2 | 154.051 SBD |
@maddieraeart | Revisiting Japan | 208.487 SBD |
@dewallenband | Arcus Sessions - Spanish Train | 170.791 SBD |
@atikur | How To Draw Mountain Cabin / Small Oil Painting #22 Tutorial | 149.879 SBD |
@thelordsfinest | Cryptocurrency Hustle: VLOG 32 - OH NO! Sad Day In Miner Land Antminer S5 Meltdown & Repair | 147.797 SBD |
@nicklovesdrums | STEEMIT Open Mic Week 43 - Original song "911". Emotional rollercoaster, composed on the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks | 152.580 SBD |
@joe.nobel | Dusk and Dawn on the Doorstep of the House of Pain, a future fantasy | 149.246 SBD |
@annaaa | A Perfect Catch!!! Steemit Novel | 149.665 SBD |
@shelbi | STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 43 @shelbi, Original Arrangement | 149.740 SBD |
@sarcasm | Leaf and grapes! Original colored pencils drawing | 14.207 SBD |
@dmalaver | The return of Crash Bandicoot | 147.143 SBD |
@littlenewthings | My Health Chronicles: Eating Healthy within Budget – Mini Overnight Oats #1 | 179.736 SBD |
@animejp | Drawing Art - Zabuza Momochi "Naruto series" | 169.581 SBD |
@icklepickles | Foolproof recipe: Let's make jam! Absolute beginners guide to blackberry-goodness. | 143.306 SBD |
@debouched | Thinking Through Homeschooling: Is it right for your family? | 152.531 SBD |
@sarcasm | Leaf and grapes! Original colored pencils drawing | 14.207 SBD |
@caveproject | Flash back PART 3 (LARGE and small) | 133.704 SBD |
@rawselectmusic | Raw Select Record Reviews: Strange Breaks & Mr. Thing II | 160.683 SBD |
@tabzjones | A Short Horror Story in Three Parts: Part Two | 162.593 SBD |
@josie2214 | Best of Whiteboard | 141.401 SBD |
@artbaseline | Demolished dreams: Painting inspired by living in the Post-Soviet country | 144.038 SBD |
@coldsteem | War for the Planet of the Apes - Movie Review | 156.200 SBD |
@motormouth | Shopping for a Luxury Car? Why You Should Invest in a Porsche | 139.914 SBD |
@alohahawaii | Home made delicious golden brown fluffy bread. フワフワおいしい自家製食パン。 | 140.027 SBD |
@kjablonski | Original Acoustic 🎶 | 153.729 SBD |
@george-topalov | I paint plastic toy soldiers! | 148.592 SBD |
@oliverwaterman | Steemit Open Mic Week 43: J. S. Bach Lute Suite 1 BWV 996 Allemande | 144.330 SBD |
@kristin.nova | Giving Hope | 142.948 SBD |
@andrestales | Dota 2 the best play MOBA - SVEN | 139.351 SBD |
@happyom | Quick History of the Beatles | 139.086 SBD |
@smuggly-sparrow | Yeah, I Told You So...A Short Story | 161.334 SBD |
@justaboutart | CORAZON DIGITAL FAN ART :ONE PIECE | 159.841 SBD |
@pullen | Butterflies are Beautiful: Accommodating Them may Have Some Unexpected Benefits | 139.210 SBD |
@moonalight | Crystal Cave - Painting by Moona Light | 138.571 SBD |
@serggioc | Fascinating objects in the cosmos: Comets | 138.866 SBD |
@evoman1 | STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 43 - Lucero Cover | 141.281 SBD |
@adriangee | Cool Party Trick! - Combinatorics Game | 147.270 SBD |
@onecliffd | My Obsession With Really Nice Houses/Architecture and the BEST Places I've lived in my Travels! | 201.663 SBD |
@knowledge-trust | CRAPS DEALER CHRONICLES: Part 3. How I got my job at The Fabulous Riviera Hotel & Casino | 167.679 SBD |
@penname | Atari Jaguar -- Showing off my video game collection | 135.779 SBD |
@speedracer | What we represent ; Our team ; Our Brotherhood, The RevLimiterZ | 188.277 SBD |
@jamesnater | Backwards ; FPV Freestyle (Really Cool Drone Videography) | 200.658 SBD |
@jschindler | Replacing Radiator Support, Fender and Bumper Cover on My 2003 Mach 1 | 144.853 SBD |
@dimplefvce | Life Of Shaaron EP 7 ; Ginger-plum Pork W. Endive salad ; Dimple Fvce 🥗 | 163.314 SBD |
@weeklystats | 🎬Watching novelties: "GYPSY" and "THE MIST" based on the novella by Stephen King | 131.894 SBD |
@juanpchica | How to install and configure Sublime Text 3 + Package control + Emmet | 131.418 SBD |
@mrslauren | Afternoon Daze - Poetry Dice Challenge Entry | 135.311 SBD |
@giuatt07 | Ryu- Street Fighter- Learn to Draw with Friends Tutorial | 129.171 SBD |
@tegoshei | Makishima Yusuke (Yowamushi Pedal FanArt) | 129.735 SBD |
@kingyus | Update: Phynar the Conqueror Dragon | 126.711 SBD |
@amberyooper | Building the back of the new greenhouse, part 2 | 167.294 SBD |
@monkeypattycake | Art through spirituality and consciousness | 129.010 SBD |
@bobbleheadstead | 10 Reasons Why I Want To Homestead | 175.352 SBD |
@infectedblood | The Green-Eyed Sniper - A Sho(r)t Story - Part 3 (Pages 6 - 10) | 151.006 SBD |
@aci7 | ''I WANT JUST BLEU'' _Abstract Watercolour | 142.487 SBD |
@spaingaroo | Finally, first working prototype done, lessons learnt | 130.607 SBD |
@midcentury.maven | When Art Meets Accessibility | 122.022 SBD |
@frugallady | How to Raise a Polite Child | 128.586 SBD |
@minighomestead | Accidental Homestead Skills | 127.579 SBD |
@forty-two | Hot Rod Nights - A Short Story (Part 1 of 9) | 138.004 SBD |
@spiner | Being an Artist in Israeli Army #10 | 127.282 SBD |
@thetruthbomb | Creative competition #2 organized by Sammosk. | 114.513 SBD |
@misu | dan larimer - charcoal | 118.164 SBD |
@versusvii | Holidayz - part 1 | 126.925 SBD |
@katedansyng | Strawberry Fields Forever | 122.248 SBD |
@svfarms | Gardening in Straw Bales - Mid Season Update.... | 135.931 SBD |
@outrayjust | The Sacred Nature of Indecision | 120.537 SBD |
@veganmommy | “STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE # 35: Cherry Charcoal Nice Cream | 156.744 SBD |
@sarahtops9000 | Freaks, Geeks, and Past-Life Nonsense | 116.546 SBD |
@fanstaf | Roadschooling: Science - Technology Centers | 128.895 SBD |
@timsanderson | Musth | 118.086 SBD |
@jungwatercolor | Elf - sometimes we have to escape from reality | 116.083 SBD |
@granblock | Escaping Werewolf - Part Two - Shading | 127.283 SBD |
@bthompson | DIY Bath Fizzies | 157.581 SBD |
@tioluis | STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE # 35: Raw Vegan Ice Cream Sandwich! Guiltless Dessert <3 | 138.625 SBD |
@ikaputri3 | STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE # 35 : Banana Matcha Ice Cream with Cacao Nibs | 125.918 SBD |
@darxide403 | More DIY Goodness - Make A Simple Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Prop! (9th/10th Doctor) | 149.050 SBD |
@dwightjaden | Paint? No... it's Art! | 148.815 SBD |
@lisamalletart | STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 43 ; 🔥 Fuego Sagrado - Lisa Mallet ; Original Song | 149.353 SBD |
@josephmcconnell | Determining One's Value in Life | 146.590 SBD |
@jacquelyne | How to hack the Law of Attraction | 145.318 SBD |
@colovhis | Grand Theft Auto V - Is back with new update (news) | 121.307 SBD |
@hisir | Unturned game review | 123.470 SBD |
@mr-easyfix | Lock Picking Series (Number 1) Why you want to learn about lock picking | 120.153 SBD |
@nickoskitchen | Victoria Sandwich Cake 🍰 Easy sponge cake recipe | 214.516 SBD |
@aace234 | Gundam feature NG Gundam Altron 1/144 | 183.895 SBD |
@zararina | Maw the Black Cat Suddenly Died Today | 159.150 SBD |
@rheteric | Introduction to Cardmagic | 227.894 SBD |
Thanks for sharing! The update and a link to your post were included in the Steem.center wiki article about Curie. Thanks and good luck again!
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Hi thanks @steemcenterwiki! There are a few updates as well that should've been reflected in this post. How do I add some changes in the wiki as well? There's some updates in the pinned messages in our channel as well at https://steemit.chat/channel/curie
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As adviced we updated the Curie wiki article and created a subpage Curie:Content Score (CS) with the info of pinned messages. Feel free to update, modify or create new subpages in Steem.center whenever you want, just click in the Edit link in each page top menu, change the text, answer the captcha and save. If you prefer, before the editions you can register as a Steem.center user to be enabled to receive a share of STEEM collected in @steemcenterwiki account (see our rules). Thank you very much and good luck again!
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I just wanted to say thank you so very much for the vote that you put on my post 27. 7. 2017
$180 pay out was just amazing :o)
I was starting to think I would never get anywhere on steemit and then you came along and made my day. I have been putting in a lot of work not only on my posts but also in starting the THL homesteading community, to help as many people as i can through a combined effort. We have the #THL page so we can all cluster our efforts together.
I also placed you a witness vote on you.
Thank you again.
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Thank you @curie, is the first time I find a post and it was selected, but not the second one, I will try better next time.
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I just wanted to say thank you so very much for the vote that you put on my post
Thank you for your immense work To help newcomers steemit
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@curie is like the Robin Hood of steemit. I hope someone suggests my post one day for a resteem. The community here is awesome and you guys are one of the best things around. Keep helping people. You're awesome!
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Thank you so much curie this really made my week and made me think of my curation too I really appreciate it.
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Well done, winners!
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Thanks a lot for the love @curie . I really appreciate the dedication of your awesome curator team. You're helping me out a lot. ❤
I always jump circles getting noticed by you together with my cabbage filled Baozi!
You're motivating me even more to keep producing quality content!
So many great Steemians to check out!!
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Hey! Thank you very much for adding me to this list. I litterally just saw this mention of me now orherwise I would have responded way earlier.
Thanks again!
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I think you should receive rewards for this post. I bet you have worked a lot to make it!
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Hello @curie - I'm busy researching and voting for Witnesses! I stumbled on this awesome submission, so you get my vote! I'm here to post original content, stories that are personal - I'd love any support I could get! Here's an example of my recent work: https://steemit.com/adoption/@sweetpea/telling-my-son-he-s-adopted
Please keep an eye out for me, much love @sweetpea
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project curie was an awesome support tool for minnows , now the public submissions are closed , looks like we have to fight for upvotes and peoples attention.
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If public submissions are closed, how do you curate? Only for existing curators?
Would love to submit this post for my follower: https://steemit.com/blog/@howtostartablog/how-to-monetize-your-blog-with-affiliate-marketing
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Nice update and thank you for sharing the list ! We will vote !
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STOP - you have promoted another impersonator!!
@katrinart is impersonating Ekaterina Putyatina
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Thanks for doing this. This is the first time I've ever been mentioned, on or off steemit.
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