The daily pedal spinner! #CyclingMotivation Part 2

in cycling •  6 years ago 

This is my attempt to regain cycling fitness with the help of fellow Steemians. By posting my regular ride statistics and workouts, I hope to motivate others and myself to get on the saddle more often and keep them pedals spinning!

This Saturday I did a medium duration ride, low intensity ride, since Sunday was working and wouldn't allow me to indulge myself in a long ride. The past few days I had been pushing my legs, so there was no question of going full gas on Saturday.

No matter how hard i tried, my heart rate wouldn't go past 170 bpm on most occasions, and couldn't bump it past 180. Normally, on a hard workout, the heart easily goes past 190. That is how exhausted my legs already were! The average ended up being 154 bpm, significantly lower than my regular 162 bpm. The only stop was for a quick photo at the Hanuman statue on the Gurgaon-Faridabad highway.

This week I managed to clock 165 km on my road bike, which makes me happy, since I crossed my weekly target of 150 km. What makes me sad is that my MTB is gathering dust as I type this out. Need to get out and eat some dirt! Hopefully will manage that next weekend.

The outward journey was into a strong headwind, which saw me just about averaging 22 km in the first hour. At the halfway mark, when I took a U-turn, things looked much better with the tailwind pushing me homewards. Even managed a couple of PBs on Strava! Yay, for that...

The early morning was glorious, with a dark overcast sky and a light drizzle and the temperature was perfect. But as the sun rose, the humidity and heat together took a huge toll.

Nonetheless, a good ride and a good way to finish off the week. Now, Monday beckons...

A caged God! I think the scaffolding is there for the statue to be painted. This is at the point where i took the u-turn. This statue has become quite iconic for the cyclists and motorcyclists of the city, since it is on the best motorcycling/ cycling road around here!

Ride Stats

You can check out my past cycling posts here:

My first daily pedal spinner post

A century in Delhi

Shooting at a Cycle MTB Race!

Road race in Delhi: The ATH KMP 100

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good rituals to follow. Thank you for posting your resolution


I love your intent to motivate yourself and others! Thanks for sharing! I don't do well riding when it's hot and humid: kudos to you! As for eating dirt, I'm not a mountain biker and it impresses me to see the trails ya'll tackle.

The scaffolding really changes how that statue can be interpreted artistically, makes is interesting. It reminds me of the art museum I biked to yesterday where there were a lot of statues. Keep pedaling and sharing :)

Ha! Actually motivated by you and your daily riding in the snow!

I don't think where you live it ever gets hot and humid. You'll get snow and slush instead!

Yes the scaffolding portrays the human relationship with God. We try to cage God into something we can comprehend. If we encounter facts outside the cage it makes us uncomfortable. Easier to deal with the structured concept we are fed since childhood.

Glad to be motivating and for you to be passing it on :)

It does get too hot and humid here for me during summer, usually only briefly. My tolerance for a comfortable temperature is admittedly narrow. I like it be just right.

I appreciate your interpretation. Going with the definition of faith as believing in something that can't be "proven," it is ironic that people try to box God into a cage of what is "known." I was raised to be Catholic so don't get me started on what I've been fed since childhood... ;)

Hahaha. But then the other side of the argument can be, that when we are children, we need that structure of religion, morals, values etc.

The important thing is to outgrow it and go search outside the box as an adult.

My belief that religion should go along the following steps in life:

  1. Imitation: Where you learn the prayers your parents recite, you sit, stand, kneel as they do.
  2. Questioning: Most teens start questioning everything and religious beliefs should be no exception.
  3. Rebellion: You NEED to rebel against whatever you have learnt until then.
  4. Reconciliation: You realise that everything you were taught as children wasn't rubbish. Yet, everything isn't 'gospel truth' either! You reconcile the differences and find your own way.
  5. Spirituality: Where you pick and choose the best from every religion, culture etc. Because there is no black and white, all different shades of grey!

Of course, I am still in the learning phase...

It's great to see the two of you motivating each other, and others to cycle, and to steem about it later on. I want to see more bike related posts!

Aye aye cap'n. I will try to post regularly on Steemit about my bicycle rides!

The cycling community here is small, but it is good to read the experiences of cyclists from around the world.

With cycling you can gain A LOT fitness :-) I am on the same way! Riding my bike since a few months again and I feel the results!! Ride on :-)

Thanks :)

And all the best with regular riding!