Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/02/18> My thoughts and a quote from J. Edgar Hoover.

in dailydose •  6 years ago  (edited)

Being a Texan...

Being a Texan makes it hard for me sometimes when I chose to discuss politics and political figures. The vast majority of my fellow Texans have a great deal of respect and admiration for George H W Bush, former president of the US, and at one point in my life I did as well.

It wasn’t just Texans that had this admiration for him as he was elected president for this country so there had to be several people in several states that admired him to get that done.

It wasn’t until late in his term in office that I came to realize he was just a real piece of shit in my opinion, that may anger some of you but at least before you run off how about at least letting me explain?

The first time...

The first time I heard the phrase “New World Order” was when he informed the world that there was a new world order coming in one of his speeches. I wasn’t smart enough at the time to do the research on the NWO phrase he used. For some reason I trusted him, he was the president of the country I live in and that was good enough for me. He surely wasn’t going to be behind something that wasn’t good for my well being and the well being of the rest of the people in this country is what I thought.

I couldn’t have been more wrong in my life with that line of reasoning and thinking.

This New World Order...

This New World Order he was pushing, and his family and others continue to push, is about having a small group of people running the entire world. There would be no freedom, no liberty, no right to bear arms, and without question no freedom of speech.

Some or most of these things mentioned have already been done away with in some countries but here in the US we supposedly still have these things. “Supposedly” is the operational word in that preceding sentence, as most everything I mentioned has been diluted down or now requires a permit or license to posses or do.

This crusty old...

This crusty old bastard man (GHWB not me) died Friday at the age of 94 and I am sure there will be all kinds of remembrances praising him and special coverage’s of his funeral on television until they finally throw some dirt over top of his sorry ass.

I made the mistake...

I made the mistake of voting for him on more than one occasion, and I hate to admit that, but facts are facts. If it hadn’t been for him being such a big liar he would have more than likely been a two term president but when you tell people, “Read my lips. No new taxes.” People expect you to live up to your word, he didn’t, and the democrats used his lie to propel another piece of shit into the White House named Bill Clinton.

(It seems like we have had a lot of piece of shit presidents or is it just me that see these folks this way?)

When you hear...

When you hear the phrase New World Order or NWO here is what should register in your mind as I see it, loss of everything that is important to you and your family.

If the cohorts of GHWB have their way we will be nothing but slaves to a one government controlling the whole world. That just isn’t very appealing to me, how about you?

It makes no...

It makes no difference which political party supplies the feces to occupy the White House and that is where we make the big mistake here in this country.

We get so wrapped up in “party politics” we totally overlook that it doesn’t matter which party is in prominence since they both subscribe to the aspirations of having the NWO running the whole world. For some reason these politicians think that they will be treated well by the NWO, Bill Clinton is also a NWO pusher as is Hillary.

Do any of you..

Do any of you remember J. Edgar Hoover? Yes that J. Edgar who ran the FBI here in the US. I would like to share a quote that is attributed to him. He was the director of the whole FBI organization and even he couldn’t do anything to stop the people who have been trying to take over the world and run it so he had this to say, “The individual is so handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists.

We live and exist as a part of the biggest conspiracy ever known to man and we don’t even recognize it since it is continuously covered up by those who are trying to control us.

Everything we have been...

Everything we have been told throughout our lives has been a lie and we really need to wake up and smell the coffee; not just here in the USA but around the world in every country that exists.

Here is a lie...

All a person needs to do is really look at the pyramids and forget what you have been told about them, look at them for what they really are. We don’t have the capabilities today to build those pyramids to the exact specifications that the pyramids were constructed too. Yet we are lead to believe that ancient Egyptians constructed the pyramids using hammers and chisels and rolled the stones on logs to the build site.

Antarctica is another...

Antarctica is another situation where we are being lied to about and that begs of the question; why? I think the number of countries that have signed that treaty with regard to there is close to fifty countries.

We fight wars against the same people we have treaties with over that frozen area of the world? Does that make any sense at all? What exactly is so special about that area that it has to be kept in secret from the masses of people like us?

The technology we...

The technology we are using today has been around for centuries if not longer and has been slowly pieced out to us a little bit at a time in order to keep us in the dark about our true history and civilization. We make it so easy for the people who want to control and enslave us because we listen and believe the lies they tell us.

The good news is...

The good news is that George H W Bush is dead, the bad news is that he was just one of the people trying to enslave us with the NWO; his partners in crime are still at it and will continue to be.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.

Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.

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This crusty old bastard man (GHWB not me) died Friday at the age of 94 and I am sure there will be all kinds of remembrances praising him and special coverage’s of his funeral on television until they finally throw some dirt over top of his sorry ass.

Ahahahaha Why don't you just go ahead and tell us how you REALLY feel?

In this particular case I agree with you 100%. Having not been a Texan but a big fan of Ronnies, I opposed his Vice Presidency. Vigorously.

I voted for Ronnie twice in spite of his VP. Why was I opposed to him so early? Simple. He had been DCIA (Director of the CIA) and that particular career path should be prohibited by law. It can't be good for any president to know where every body is buried and who can be leaned on for less than sterling decisions. Put DFBI and DNSA and any of the others in that bag.

Which means that when he uttered the famous phrase I went looking for it right away. I was shocked by what I found. That would have been in the day when Alex Jones was actually a fearless reporter instead of a fear inducing shit bag. He makes a lot of money from fear. A LOT.

Which just goes to show you that they are smarter than a crawfish, they have never used that phrase again.

You and I would disagree on the importance of the Pyramids but I do wonder about Antarctica. I knew a couple that put in three seasons at McMurdo together until she got pregnant with their first. Then he kept going back for 6 months at a time because he could make more money in 6 months than in two years as a journeyman welder.

Anyway I asked both of them about McMurdo and why it was so important. She basically farted me off and he simply said "I took an oath not to discuss those matters". So I don't know.

I hope you and Blondie enjoy church today. I'm going to worship in the great wide open...

Well Tom I would tell ya'll exactly how I feel but then I would run the risk of losing readers of the Daily Dose. Maybe in a future edition I'll come clean on how I feel about GHWB.

Last I heard Alex Jones was getting himself banned from just about every social media platform known to exist to most people like FB and Twitter. I wasn't aware of him back in the day when he actually wasn't promoting fear, that might have been some good reporting he was doing then. He has always been a little "over the top" for me, not on the topics or issues but on the delivery and fear mongering.

I wish I had investigated that NWO remark sooner than I did, just to damn trusting back then. I have come along way since then though on giving my trust away without close examination.

The thing I appreciate most about you is that we can disagree on things and not let it interfere with the friendship and support for each other.

I see the pyramids as a big importance simply because the magnitude of the deception. I wish that for once "historians" would just say "we don't have a guzbucking clue" about this or that instead of trying to make up a story that could seem to work. I guess at the time the hammer, chisel , ropes & logs seemed best since they were trying to tie the pyramids to some pharaoh that was from that time period.

The physical evidence of the pyramids just doesn't work with story so the bigger thing is; what else have they lied to us about? Since they teach us these things when we are young and dumb we just accept it and go on and never look back.

I've gotten to the point that I look back as much as I look forward, there is a whole bunch of things that just don't add up in my mind and the pyramids are one of the larger things in terms of size and complexity to point to when trying to expose the lies and deception. That is why I have mentioned them on more than one occasion in the Daily Dose.
I wouldn't doubt the pay to work down in that frozen land was big, if you could take the cold and be able to keep secrets it would probably be a great gig for racking up some dinero.
I have to confess, I skipped Joel O today. Shortie wasn't feeling up to making it to church today so she and Blondie watched church on TV and I went outside and washed and waxed the truck. It was just to nice of day to let that go by and the old truck needed a good bath and rubdown with some wax.
I am not going to rehash everything from my reply to @princessmewmew in this reply to you, I know you will read it there. Antarctica is a mystery that I would like to know about, it could be earth shattering information being kept secret from us. It would be great if you get your friend to write you a paper that could be read after he dies, if he dies before you, that he would share what he knows. Chances are though that government has that covered as well, I am pretty sure that after they take that oath they are escorted to a room where they are told there that their family will pay the price if anything ever gets from you as the source.

So here is what I know about McMurdo.

It's an American post, the NATO flag (nor any other) flies there.

It's famous for it's ice chambers, and the research done there. A lot of really good (and just damn expensive) research has been done there.

They are underground. Through the ice. Part of that is simple physics, there is 65 degree air not too far under the surface of the ground and it keeps the temps manageable in the whole station. I believe that the Americans have gone significantly past that need. Some of the ice palace is full of dirt. How much? I have no idea.

There is a British station fairly near McMurdo and a Russian station not too far away. The three stations are cooperating and HAVE ALWAYS COOPERATED. Even in the depths of the cold war when we were minutes away from a nuclear exchange. Why?

It's little enough, and nothing that can't be found by anyone.

Family pays the price? I know of one case of that. One of my very best friends was involved in one of America's most secret projects of the cold war. It is now declassified but not widely discussed. The US had a direct tap on the phone cable to the Russian base at Vladivostok. It had to be serviced every 6 months and he was part of the dive team that did that. We had every communication to and from Moscow to the Russian Pacific fleet and kept that going for over 10 years.

Anyway. There was one member of his team that told his wife and she told somebody. All of them ended up in Federal custody and stayed there for better than 15 years. It was a top secret tribunal that sentenced them and NOBODY has detail one.

Fifteen years is a long time but it just proves that some oaths the government takes seriously and then others they don't even bother giving a person even though required by law to hold office. The tRump hasn't taken a required oath to hold the office of president but I guess that doesn't matter, unless of course he would be required to uphold that oath like the guy on that dive team was.
Also amazing how bitter enemies can get along in some far off reaches of nowhere, just makes a person wonder what is there that can do that.

So is this one.

Good reading as well?

I have always found American politics fascinating. The more I read about NWO the more I think we (as a collective world) are FUCKED. Excuse me. (@bigtom13 did warn you - we are outspoken peoples 🤪)

It fascinates me that from George Snr, a republican, Merica went to Clinton, a Democrat, and this cycle keeps happening, like your country is being yo-yoed from left to right and back again. Can a balance not be found? OR do they want us to concentrate on this game of charades while they shuffle things behind our backs?

I find the effects of this yo-yo game very curious, for ex, if you look at how the Obama/Hillary Clinton period created the SJWs , The Can't Say That generation, and how a new conservative youth is forming to fight this, the Ben Shapiro's and Steven Crowders, it is indeed a very curious phenomenon to watch, especially as an outsider.

And, to touch on your other points... what exactly do you think they are hiding in Antarctica? Could it be the edge of something? Or are you hinting at something else?

Who/what do you think built the pyramids? Are you alluding to giant men, or aliens, or something else? I would be so interested to hear your thoughts.

It's good to know that some people are awake, we need to carry the torch of light and keep the conversation alive.

Damn, I'm glad I found you and your blog!


I totally agree with you about the character and quality of GHWB. He gives excrement a sweet smell. Kind of like candy apples by comparison. I literally cheered when I read the headlines last night. Good riddance at last. And for more reasons than you listed here -- including the fact his father was a traitor.

See ... this is why you amaze me -- and why I once said I figured you and I were poles apart politically. But we agree with each other chapter and verse. And yet -- you've been a life long Republican voter, and I wouldn't vote for one at gunpoint.

Nope. Not ever dear St. Ronnie the Befuddled. The Bushes suck the Big Red Juicy One. Especially that idiot son they shoved into the White House for another eight years of total misery -- during which he tried his damnedest to drive the world economy into the Sun.

A pox on all of them. No kidding.

Yes, I made some mistakes drinking the Republican Kool Aid, but at least I finally woke up and realized the error of my ways. I am not afraid to admit I have made mistakes and the truth is that if I actually had to declare a party that I align with it would have to be the Libertarian party right now and I voted for a few of them in the last election.
Prescott Bush was the biggest piece of shit of them all and he should have been tried for treason. His grandson GW may have outdone him though, only time will tell.

The problem now is there is nobody to vote for!!! They talk about "voter apathy" -- but they also characterize it as "the exhausted majority." Man, does that ever say it. I got sick of voting for "the lesser of two evils" after about two rounds. Now I refuse to vote for someone I don't want just because the other guy is a bigger turd.

One thing I would like to see happen is the doing away with straight party voting being allowed. Where all you do is check one box and every candidate with that party gets your vote in races you are eligible to vote on.
Most people couldn't tell you one thing about more than two candidates at the most that vote straight party.

I also think there should be a "none of the above" option on every single ballot, every single point. And if "none of the above" wins the majority they have to keep putting up different candidates or different propositions until somebody gets an affirmative majority.

None of the above. That could solve a shit-load of problems.

I agree with this thought for sure, I have written in "none of the above " in prior elections.
Back when we had paper ballots.

I'm running with this. None of the above will likely get my vote for a while.

Good to know Jenny. Start questioning your elected officials about their oaths of office and about our money system for starters. We don't get to vote but every couple of years, in the mean time we need to wear these bastards out with hard questions.

I'm not too concerned about the oaths myself. At the end of the day, they are just words and only as good as the person behind them. If we could get quality people in office, oaths would be a mere formality, or a reminder of why they are there.

I do like hard questions. I've heard that each president who discussed restructuring/removing the Federal Reserve was assassinated...any thoughts on that one?

You seem to be very intelligent so this reply baffles me. Oaths are not just words, it is a solemn promise to do what is right.
In the case of the oath that none of them are taking it is an oath to support the constitution and is required by law.
So what we have currently is a bunch of people in government who are basically outlaws, operating outside the law. Not only that, they pass plenty of laws that go directly against the constitution, which is treason. The fact that they even hold themselves out as congressmen, senators and president without that oath is treason as well because it is an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America. Which has happened, we no longer have a government of the United States of America, you will always hear it referred to as the U.S. government. It sound very similar, but they are not the same thing, we are led to believe they are but they are not.
By never taking that oath, they could never be held accountable for things they do as holders of those offices, because technically they don't hold them. Most of them probably don't even know they outlaws but they are when you get right down to it.
As for the presidents and the Federal Reserve, only one president has been assassinated since the Federal Reserve has been in existence and that was JFK. Kennedy created United States notes to go against the Federal Reserve notes.
Before the Fed we had National Banks and Lincoln created a paper currency called greenbacks, $150 million worth of them, and used them in place of gold and silver. The banks at the time didn't like that and there is thought that the banks were behind his assassination. He created them in 1862 and was assassinated in 1865.
So you have two presidents who fooled around in the banks playground and ended up dead from lead poisoning, lead from bullets. I can't say with any certainty that the banks killed either of them, but it surely has to be a possibility.

In my wildest dreams I envision an election where literally nobody shows up to vote. What do you suppose the guzbuckers will do then?

There will always be someone who votes, but that would be a neat thought.
It might boil down to who has the biggest family or most close friends.

I will now quit ranting on your blog. (Unless, of course, something else pisses me off.) I have a sweatshirt that says, "Don't start with me. You know how I get."

Witness a case in point.

There is plenty of room, rant all you want. I don't know that I'll get around to answering each one, but don't let that stop you.

I shed zero tears when I heard Bush died. Evil is the word that comes to mind when I think of him. But same as you I see most of our presidents as pieces of shit, regardless of party affiliation. Both parties suck. I've also been curious about the secrecy around the pyramids as well as Antarctica. I don't know all the answers, but I know I don't trust anything the government tells me.

Yes, my eyes were dry as well. The whole family of the Bush's is evil in my eyes at least Prescott, George HW and George W. I couldn't offer an opinion on Jeb or the grandson of GHWB who is the Texas Land Commissioner now. I can't think of his name at the moment but you can bet at some point he will be running for a seat in Washington of some sort. That last thing we need besides another war is another Bush in government on a national level.
I used to be trusting of the government but no longer, now I question everything and anything they have to say.

When I read this news on BBC Online my first thought was "About time!" This was followed by a slight feeling of guilt, because I thought "In America they'll be mourning..." Ahahahaha!! This comment:

He gives excrement a sweet smell. Kind of like candy apples by comparison. I literally cheered when I read the headlines last night.

...just shows me how wrong I was.
Whenever I think about "Daddy Bush" I remember the horrific photos from the first Gulf War of Iraqi soldiers who had been burned alive in their tanks while surrendering. Papa Bush gave the orders for that.
And yes, there are some big questions around Antarctica.

There may be some that will be mourning him but it won't be me or @enchantedspirit as you can gather from what you read.
Any guesses on your part about Antarctica and why it is off limits to the entire world, except a few scientists?

I really don't know. I don't want to make a wild speculative theory - it could just be about claiming potential mineral wealth. But there does seem to be some mystery about this region. There's a post on this that I've been meaning to write for ages. I'll try to write it this week. Not sure exactly when, as I'm just about to leave on one of my 2-day mountain jaunts. And I've got a really full-on week after that, but I'll put it on my to-do list!

I wish you well on the mountain, be safe and have fun. I'll keep an eye out for that post when you get to it.

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I had a Republican school board member in a small town once tell me that the American political system was designed as a two-party system and no other system would work. This is just the kind of brain feeding both of the major parties want. They want people fat, dumb, and happy. Disarm them, de-educate them, and reprogram them. Once they're zombified, they'll let you do anything you want to them. Well, here are, and they're doing whatever they want.

No other system will work for them, they have us exactly as you stated and they want to keep it that way.

Well, you have just summed up the question, "How do you know when a politician is lying?" The answer: "When his/her lips move!"

I think we all have our disappointments with our "favourite" politicians. Good to vent, though

Yes, but the real thing is that we need to hold them accountable and start asking the tough questions of them.

I am happy to report that although it's taken too long, it's beginning to happen here.

Thanks for that bit of information.

This is a heavy post! I was thinking some of the same things when hearing the news. Awareness is definitely key as we navigate through the current system while it still stands.

Well thanks for stopping by Zeke and weighing in with us here, very much appreciated.
It is important to be aware for sure, but just knowing these things means nothing if each of us don't start questioning our elected officials to start doing some explaining.

Yeah funny how quickly people forget. Was never a fan of the Bush dynasty, nor any other.

Good post. Nice you didn't mince your words "you shouldn't speak ill of the dead" is nonsense, we need to learn from our history and not cover it over



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I call 'em like I see 'em, doesn't matter what their body temperature is or how long it has been in that state.

Good policy! :)

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I don't think lying politicians is exclusive to the US seeing as the UK ones ain't much better! But it does seem to be more of a circus show in the USA with all the campaigns that take place and the "larger than life" nature of them. What happened to planning the future in constructive, collaborative debates? Seems it's just about who can put on the best "show" and take it from there - at least that's how it's portrayed on BBC and British Media.

As for the other theories - I agree that there is something far bigger going on than we will ever be told about. I read a great book called "Conspiracies", and although the prose was a little complex for this guy, it touched upon all the big events in history - NWO, Rosberg landings, JFK, Moon Landings etc.

Pretty eye opening stuff if you don't take everything you're told at face value :)

Thanks for sharing your view points.

Also, didn't realise you were from Texas also! Whereabouts? I've visited a couple times and been to Dallas. Got friends that live in Longview and Jefferson.

I live about 30 miles north of Houston in what used to be a small little farming community, now it is just a suburb of Houston and the farms have all but disappeared.
I am pretty sure that crooked politicians isn't something we have an exclusive on but seeing how we have so layers of government we probably have more of them than most countries.

Ah I popped to Houston to see the Nasa space centre, was quite impressive! Also Rice University was really grand as well. Sorry to hear about the farmland being taken away, sadly the case of "expansion"...

I don't fully know the facts about the hierarchy in politics of different countries. I try to stay away as I don't believe anything they say.

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Well Nick, if they are making decisions that can have an affect on you, it might be in your best interest to take notice and get involved and not stay away. Just a thought you might consider. Thanks for the support.

I take your point and I do get involved with voting in elections etc. The trouble is, we all have our own issues in life to get through that are more immediate and with there being so much information out there, how do you even know where to begin?

It's only when "an event" happens that you need to look more in to it and do something about it, human nature isn't it?

I don't really want to spend my time worrying about things that are out of my control with politics (they live in a different world to most anyway) so I choose to focus on my own development and skills to add value to the market place. Just my way of thinking of course and not gospel!

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In the USA the people are supposedly in control of the politics and law so we really need to be involved. There is no doubt we all have our own issues that press us daily and we need to get thru them but when we have time we need to be doing our part, at least here in the USA, to know what our part is and the history behind our part.
If not we end up with a bunch of people in government wanting to take away any rights and power the average person has and let government do what it wants.