RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/02/18> My thoughts and a quote from J. Edgar Hoover.

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Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/02/18> My thoughts and a quote from J. Edgar Hoover.

in dailydose •  6 years ago  (edited)

You seem to be very intelligent so this reply baffles me. Oaths are not just words, it is a solemn promise to do what is right.
In the case of the oath that none of them are taking it is an oath to support the constitution and is required by law.
So what we have currently is a bunch of people in government who are basically outlaws, operating outside the law. Not only that, they pass plenty of laws that go directly against the constitution, which is treason. The fact that they even hold themselves out as congressmen, senators and president without that oath is treason as well because it is an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America. Which has happened, we no longer have a government of the United States of America, you will always hear it referred to as the U.S. government. It sound very similar, but they are not the same thing, we are led to believe they are but they are not.
By never taking that oath, they could never be held accountable for things they do as holders of those offices, because technically they don't hold them. Most of them probably don't even know they outlaws but they are when you get right down to it.
As for the presidents and the Federal Reserve, only one president has been assassinated since the Federal Reserve has been in existence and that was JFK. Kennedy created United States notes to go against the Federal Reserve notes.
Before the Fed we had National Banks and Lincoln created a paper currency called greenbacks, $150 million worth of them, and used them in place of gold and silver. The banks at the time didn't like that and there is thought that the banks were behind his assassination. He created them in 1862 and was assassinated in 1865.
So you have two presidents who fooled around in the banks playground and ended up dead from lead poisoning, lead from bullets. I can't say with any certainty that the banks killed either of them, but it surely has to be a possibility.

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A solemn oath taken by a liar is still worthless. It's kind of like a marriage vow - that too is a solemn oath, but does not actually cause a person to behave in a way contradictory to his or her nature. A cheat will cheat regardless of the promises they made, the contracts they signed, or the oaths they uttered.

Do you think that Trump, or any other politician, would suddenly decide NOT to take the office they had been elected to if they realized they had to swear a real oath to uphold the Constitution? I doubt it - they would say the required words to secure their positions and continue behaving however they please.

I understand what you are saying about them operating outside of the law...but there is no one left to enforce it. It's a giant joke at this point, like the show Who's Line Is It Anyway... the rules are made up and the points don't matter.

I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas?

Were Garfield and McKinley involved in changing the way banks do business? I really don't know a great deal about it, but Matthew and I were discussing it the other day and he mentioned that each one had suggested or tried to change the banking system shortly before his death. You seem quite knowledgeable about these things.

Hey, sorry I didn't get back to you on this sooner. I have been swamped with design work in the evenings and haven't even had time to write the Daily Dose.
Back in the times of Garfield and McKinley there was a lot of mistrust of any politician and especially the presidents so they could very easily been targets for their policies and both had issues with banks.
Liars and cheats look to get into office since they know they have privileges , like being able to use information they learn in office to buy and sell stocks for example.
Having inside knowledge on certain businesses and industries would make it very easy to "invest" in a business if you know that a law will be passed or repealed that would benefit that business or industry.
For you or me it would be "insider trading" and punishable by a prison sentence but for congress and the senate it is just one of the perks of the job, nothing illegal about them using knowledge of such to make investments.
tRump and the others know they will never have to take that oath to support the constitution so it is a non-issue for them. How many of those same politicians would be willing to be die for the crime of treason though if they did take that oath? The answer is none, none of them would be willing to die so the best way out is to never take that oath and that is what has been done. That part has been going on for decades about not taking that oath, to the point that most politicians probably don't even know it is required by law.
So maybe we need to make them more aware and put them to the test? I will try and expand more on some of this in some future Daily Doses.
Thanks for the great comments and support.

Awareness is definitely a good place to begin. They say ignorance is no excuse...but we really can't do anything about things that we don't know about. We have so much access to information now, that raising awareness is easier than ever. I look forward to the Daily Dose!

Awareness is an excellent place to begin and you couldn't be more correct and wrong with your second sentence. The correct part is, "ignorance is no excuse" the wrong part is, "but we really can't do anything about the things we don't know about."
Ignorance is nothing more than not knowing about something. We can do something and that is to learn about what we don't know. That is why I chose to read the congressional archives and the laws that are on the books and see just exactly what they have written there. It may not be for everyone to do but I have been the curious & suspicious type person pretty much all my life and I like to know the truth.
The saying that we hear, "you can't handle the truth" is very true for some people. If they ever actually found out the truth it would shatter their perception of their country and life.
All I try to do is get people to think, use their minds and ask questions. I know it sounds like a cliche but seriously, just about everything we have been told about the history of our country is a lie or left out very important details.

If we don't know a thing exists, we can't seek knowledge about it. We must first have the idea, or the inkling of its existence in order to know what to even search for.

Seeking knowledge randomly is a thing that I do... but in order for that search to be directed I have to have a kernel from which to start.

So you are in a place where you know the system is flawed. Many people aren't there yet and still have blind faith in what they are told. Until that awareness is raised, either through them actively seeking to disprove what gunnery already believe, or through a third party introducing new information, they can't change their belief system. Constant questioning is helpful, but without awareness in some form we really cannot act.

Often, people will have a feeling that something is not right and that will lead them to seek other information, but it still becomes with raising awareness and leaving complete ignorance behind.

You are right, I didn't communicate my thoughts well enough on that last reply. The bottom line is that there is information available and hopefully when people see information that is counter to what they know or believe they know to be true that they will at least look into it and see if there is any merit to what they looked at.
Thanks for the great replies and interest in expanding your knowledge on the subject of government.

Yes! I'm kind of an information junkie myself. It's a good thing I don't have kids or other major responsibilities because I get lost in the internet rabbit hole much too quickly. The day you and I started this conversation I think I lost about 4 hours from my day searching for information on the Federal Reserve and assassinated presidents and connections between different people who worked for the assassinated presidents. Needless to say, I didn't get much work done. :-)

The thing is you learned about the Fed and how it works and that a case surely could be made that those dead presidents and their financial policies might very well be the cause of their deaths.
Working the rabbit holes can be fun and educational, plus rabbit stew really tastes good when you finally catch one.