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Tuesday, November 6, 2018.
Diplomatic Missionaries
Acts 21: 15-26
Qs. 2,5. See Questions HERE.
Finally, Paul arrives in Jerusalem. The close fellowship and care among believers continued. How did this show in vs. 15-17? Paul and his team must have felt greatly encouraged by the careful selection of his hosts, escort by some disciples, and the overall warm reception. We need to sensitively consider the needs and concerns of our ministers, especially those who constantly travel - their costs, fears, worries and frequent adjustments.
Paul's courtesy included visits and detailed reports to apostles and elders about God's exploits among Gentiles. What was their initial response (v. 18a)? No wonder, supporters insist on field reports from gospel workers. It encourages sustained giving, accountability, and shows that God answers prayer.
Vs. 18b-25: Jerusalem brethren gave Paul good counsel with genuine intentions, and he complied (v. 26). This should ordinarily have proved "there is no truth in these reports" by critics. He performed rituals in the temple with other Jews. Paul's own principle was to be "all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some" (1 Corinthians 9: 10-23). Unfortunately, not all good intentions have good outcomes. Nevertheless, we must never shift from righteousness just to save our skin, or do things because they work. Jesus commands us to seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, warning that risks will accompany the preaching of the gospel.
So what:
How do you encourage your fellow brethren? How often do you share testimony to show that God answers prayers despite all odds?
Use Romans 13: 1,7 as basis for your prayers today.
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