in dailyguide •  7 years ago 

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Thursday, April 5, 2018.

Humiliation Of False Gods

Isaiah 46:1-13

Qs. 1. See Questions HERE.


Bel and Nebo were the two gods worshipped in Babylon. Bel was the chief god of the babylonians and Nebo was the god of science and learning. Names were formed after them just as it is popularly done in many African cultures today. For example, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzaar, Belteshazzar (Daniel's Babylonian name), were all after the gods. Can you identify the characteristics of these gods and others like them from vs. 1 and 2? Many uses his hands to fashion them and proudly carried them around while God Almighty uses his own hands to uphold carry, sustain and rescue His own beloved children (vs. 3-4). Clearly we can see that only God Almighty is worthy of worship. Read vs. 5-7 again and identify further what made the man-made gods to be so burdensome to their makers and worshippers. Can God then be justified in referring to His people as rebels (v. 8) and stubborn-hearted (v. 12)?

How has God proved Himself over and over to you since you started your journey of faith? Reading vs. 8-13 again may be helpful to identify how His grace has worked in and for you through these years.

And so:

Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness.


Oh God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, help me to trust in You alone.

©Scripture Union Nigeria


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All other gods,
they are the works of men
Jehovah is the only God
there is none like Him.

W serve a Mighty God
He's the Great - I AM

Ashdod couldn't stand the presence of our God in 1 Samuel 5; No idol can stand against the called of God.

Those are really beautiful lyrics. Remain blessed @uyobong.

Thank you @scripture-union for igniting the flame.

I really come alive when these songs go on air during worship sessions. Our God is indeed great!

Thank you @prosperous001 for commenting

As for me and my family, we shall serve the Lord. That should be the confession of every believer.

Sadly, idolatry with its multiple faces has been introduced not only in modern society, but also in the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. In my article entitled Parallelism:
I describe it more clearly.