Hi there. Just browsed your blog and noticed pretty much all your posts have comments and decent sized upvotes... not exactly sure what you're worried about haha. I'd say you're doing pretty well considering your post count.
If you're asking why you haven't got 1000+ followers yet, well, I don't know what to say. I'm still pretty new here so my advice can only go so far, but I think you have to connect with other posters more, and really take an active interest in what other people are saying and doing on the platform.
You say you encourage your readers to comment on and engage with your work, but are you extending everyone else the same courtesy? At only 156 posts, seems unlikely. I'm not trying to be harsh here, I understand how frustrating it feels when you post something thought out and are met by silence. That being said, Steemit is a social community, and sociability is what people are really being rewarded for, not just the content.
I hope you stick around and keep trying! You've gained a new follower in me at any rate :)