RE: Chemtrails und Nanopartikel nun auch bei ZDF & NDR

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Chemtrails und Nanopartikel nun auch bei ZDF & NDR

in deutsch •  7 years ago  (edited)

When you google "dead NASA scientists" you see that most of them are killed but one prominent astronomer was clever and announced it within a live show by the passing of mercury:

You know the effects of the second sun as climate change or global warming ;)

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.... Haha - I think the guy in the video makes a joke.

Consider the gravity - 2 big objects like sun cannot "live" so close...

nope, no joke... it is true and the the nemesis solar system is already affecting all planets in our solar system...

... but you are right, you THINK... time to get knowledge which is right in your face. As I said, start your own research...

... in Asia the news even reporting about the second sun in the news.

And you can see it also in webcams:

see here :

We are the anointed Clergy of the returned Christ, Lord RayEl. His intention is to set things right and we are here to prepare the people for what is coming. Time has come

... the Senator says clearly that it cannot be confirmed.

so this is your proof ...

I am not going to ask you again how can 2 gravity object like sun stay so close... you have no answer.

it's obvious you didn't study physics and you are susceptible to manipulation of the fantasy theories around.

love yourself my friend.

First you dont know how close it is and it is incoming cause it is the the twin of our sun. Most solar systems are binary solar systems, ours too. Have a look here, its a bit longer but from an expert that explains it in detail, watch from min. 2 :

The Senator is another indicator, we can only report what they are saying

Planets cant crash into one another cause the magnetisim will push then away from each other... Samuel Hofman is explaining this too ;)

In 1980, Samuel Hofman wrote a scientific paper that showed how the sun in our solar system could not possibly support 9 planets, with gas giants. He showed through this paper that we had to have a binary twin solar system to balance the chemical electromagnetic equation.

Well, the Government promptly seized said paper and made Sam sign a 30 year non-disclosure agreement, which expired in 2010.

Sam then started Montana Sky Watchers, and started telling what he knew…and it cost him dearly. Just like all Nibiru researchers Sam has been targeted for constant harassment and false accusations.

I know very well binary solar systems - study physics and don't believe to these Nibiru theories. Think for yourself jeanviete - use you mind!!

In 1980, Samuel Hofman wrote a scientific paper that showed how the sun in our solar system could not possibly support 9 planets, with gas giants. He showed through this paper that we had to have a binary twin solar system to balance the chemical electromagnetic equation.

Well, the Government promptly seized said paper and made Sam sign a 30 year non-disclosure agreement, which expired in 2010.

Government is doing it by theories.... wake up, I just present you tons of evidences you could start with that explains all in its entirely ...

...start thinking on your own and be aware that modern physics teach only a half truth... most knowledge is only within the black projects available^^

Anyway its up to you to seek truth and knowledge or reject it... ur choice :)

“You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” ― Galileo Galilei

I think you are believing alternative theories as strong as other people believe mainstream TV. you look the same - since you avoided the question about gravity 2 times on this page!!

Why don't you buy a telescope yourself with solar filter - check and tell me where's the "second" Sun !!

Until then... stop posting your beliefs on Steemit please - because - you are creating only caos!!

“You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” ― Galileo Galilei


Doing research is not enough!! Study and experiment my friend and you will find the truth!!