Last night I had some of my recurring sexy-type dreams, but this one had a bit of a twist: I somehow revived a site I'd had (but not in real life) where it was a dating site I'd bought second hand off someone then revamped it to tailor to consentual non-consent. I recreated the site, contacted the 1000s of users and let them know it was running again but then my hosting site was dwindling quickly so I needed some kind of financial reward to keep the site up...
.. even though 9/10 99/100 of the users were spam bots posting stuff that had to do with affiliate offers that I'd personally hyped in the past like Xapo Nexo etc (in real life), I began to think these users were an artificial intelligence I'd created off my own back to rewrite some of the stuff I'd written in the past for fun and profit.
Anyhow, I ended up opening a physical bar or like dancefloor for consentual nonconsent in Las Angeles and had a big party, but it attracted the authorities due to the nature of the premise.. and they shut it down.
That's the whole dream, haha.