I started scuba diving 1 year ago, as a gift for my girlfriend, because we didnt do mutch together, and so this was it.
We took PADI open water diver course together, and after that i got addicted to it, and took PADI AOWD course and went to Estonia to get it.
About future plans - Comercial diving
So after thinking for a while, I made a drastic descision. Quiting the army, and going to school of comercial diving.
The school costs a lot, though, I have a plan to go to Norway and work there till summer, to earn money for the school.
Already hooked up with agency for geting work there, sent CV etc. Everything looks promising for now.
Actualy I'm abit scared, this is a huge step for me to get out of my box. Quiting the life i have known for past 6 years and completly changing the lifestyle.
The life there till school will be like pain in the ass, I don't know what work I'm going to get there - Fish cleaning factory, janitor, security in the mall ? Still, the pay there is twice as high as it is here in Latvia, so what ever it is I will do my best, because I have a dream to forfill.
The good thing is that I will have to get rid of one of my habbits - smoking , it's small but quite nasty. Cigarets cost way too mutch there for me to afford them, besides its good for health.
As my army contract ends on 10th of January, I'm still going to work, the good par about it is - we have to go to swimingpool on monday and we are getting swiming lessons by coach. As I found out I'm not as good as i thought without fins an techiqe is hilariusly bad, in the end I end up waisting a lot more energy. So thats the thing I need to learn- swiming properly. It will be handy when joining the school, have to swim 400 meters.
So thats it for this post.